
Pioneering research on 'indestructible' tardigrades is being conducted by an inter-university team of scientists, including, among others, dr Monika Mioduchowska from the UG Faculty of Biology. The group is headed by dr hab. Łukasz Kaczmarek, prof. UAM. A publication prepared by the researchers on the cosmopolitanism of one of the most interesting extremophiles appeared in the journal 'Scientific Reports' from the…
The Baltic Chemistry Conference student-doctoral initiative has been awarded the ProJuvenes student community award in the 'University without Borders' category. The competition is organised annually by the Students' Parliament of the Republic of Poland. The award-winning conference took place on May 27-28, 2023, in an online format and brought…
  Correction of symptoms of Huntington's disease by genistein through FOXO3-mediated autophagy stimulation - this is the title of an article published in the journal Autophagy, whose authors are scientists from the Department of Molecular Biology, Faculty of Biology, UG: prof. Grzegorz Węgrzyn, dr Karolina Pierzynowska, dr Magdalena Podlacha, dr Lidia…
Over 100 million years, ants have hardly changed, and prehistoric wasps once fed mainly on plants. What else we can learn from inclusions in amber is told by prof. Vincent Perrichot from the University of Rennes (France). The biologist came to the Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Parasitology as part of the UG Visiting Professors programme…
Russia's invasion of Ukraine surprised not only ordinary citizens but also international relations experts. Prof. Torbjørn Knutsen from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology discusses why the economic approach to interstate relations has failed. The academic visited the UG Institute of Political Science as part of the…
Katarzyna Dziubek in the laboratory; photo: Alan Stocki/UG. Cancer is a complex and devious disease, constantly evolving and trying to trick our immune system. It comes in many varieties, characterised by numerous genetic mutations. A doctoral student at the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology UG and MUG and a…
‘Other universities have considered participating in the iGEM competition in recent years but deemed it impossible in Poland. And yet we succeeded!’ says the leader of the EDC Seas student team, Mateusz Rudnicki, a student of the second cycle studies in Biotechnology. ‘First gold medal in 7 years, fifth in 20 years of the competition for the Polish…
The science prize awarded at the nanomedicine conference ChinaNanomedicine 2023: Nanomedicine Discovery and Translation in Guangzhou, China, went this year to Dr Alicja Mikołajczyk from the Environmental Chemoinformatics Laboratory of the UG Department of Chemistry. Dr Alicja Mikołajczyk presented the results of her research conducted within the…
An invention that can be used, among other things, in producing probiotics has received a patent from the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland. A team of scientists led by dr hab. Robert Czajkowski, prof. UG from the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology UG and MUG and composed of dr Dorota Krzyżanowska, dr Tomasz Maciąg, dr Joanna Siwińska and…
Fot. Magdalena Wiśniewska-Krasińska, Archiwum FNP Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Liberek, from IFB UG and MUG, has been awarded the Foundation for Polish Science 2023 Prize in the area of Life and Earth Sciences for demonstrating the role of chaperone proteins in the recovery of proteins from aggregates and their folding into an active…