
The University of Gdańsk has been honoured by the Association of Business Service Leaders (ABSL) in the 'Education Leaders' category. It is an award granted for significant contributions to the development of the modern business services sector. ABSL Gala is held once every two years. This year the Association of Business Service Leaders presented 49 awards in ten categories.  The Association of Business Service Leaders…
The festival audience also had the opportunity to experience the culture of Israel from a culinary perspective. During the first weekend in April, the 7th edition of the Gdańsk Jewish Culture Festival Shalom Polin took place at the University of Gdańsk. During the three days of the festival a series of events were organized - feature and documentary film…
Are you a fan of Chinese music and culture, do you like singing and would like to present your skills? Sign up for the Chinese music contest, which is organised by the UG Confucius Institute. The competition will be held on Friday, May 13, 2022, at 11:00 am at the Confucius Institute. - 'All those interested are welcome to participate, the competition can be performed…
The Academic Choir of the University of Gdańsk has won gold in the 'Academic choral singing' category at the International Online Choir Competition 'Accordo Festivo'.   Congratulations!
Photo: Milena Szabat, UG Publishing House Did Gdańsk inhabitants like to dress up? What were the characteristics of Spanish, Italian or English fashion in the old Gdańsk? What was the function of ruffs, aprons or pompoms? These and many other questions were answered by dr Aleksandra Kajdańska, author of the book entitled…
Scientific, Ecological or Cultural Storm? Decide which one will rumble at the University of Gdańsk. This year people connected with the University of Gdańsk were nominated in as many as six categories of the Pomorskie Sztormy contest. You can vote for the candidates at or by post until March 21st this year. It is time for the seventeenth edition of 'Pomorskie Sztormy'. In 2005, the contest of Gazeta…
A book by prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Opacki from the Historical Faculty of the University of Gdańsk, entitled The Faculty of Humanities of the Stefan Batory University in Vilnius 1919-1939, was awarded the Aleksander Gieysztor Eastern Review Prize in the National Prize category. This is the 29th edition of the prize awarded by the 'Przegląd Wschodni' quarterly to the best…
Art installation 'Light, colour and Space'. Vienna 2006, Karolina Paterek. Already on Saturday, you will be able to see a mobile art installation inspired by polarisation and quantum physics. The "art and science" project, which aims to popularise quantum ideas through art, was created by prof. Tomasz Paterek from the University of Gdańsk and dr Karolina…
The second round of registration for university-wide lectures will begin on February 9, 2022, at 8 p.m. and will end on February 14 at 2 p.m. Lectures will be held online. A university-wide lecture has a duration of 30 hours. It is awarded 2 ECTS credits and ends with a grade. University-wide lectures for stationary first-degree studies and stationary long-cycle master studies are conducted on Mondays (17.00 - 18.30)…
Fot. Tomasz Nowicki If you have not yet seen the Andrzej Wajda exhibition presented in the Main Library of the University of Gdańsk, the Christmas break is a perfect opportunity to do so. This is the first exhibition of the artist's works in northern Poland. The exhibition is available in the exhibition hall (drawings and watercolours) and the BUG open…