Over 90 % of planned research completed, hundreds of nautical miles of scientific collaboration, and a new dimension of SEA-EU alliance collaboration - the r/v Oceanograf and r/v Oceania arrived in Bodø on June 19, completing the first part of the BaltArctic Research Cruise.   - R/v Oceanograf and r/v Oceania sailing into the Bodø Harbour - this moment…
What does oceanographic research look like from a writer's perspective? What do the professions of researcher and artist have in common? And how does the concept of the hero's journey relate to a scientific career? Follow Zygmunt Miłoszewski's logbook from the BaltArctic Research Cruise.    The vagabond gene The…
‘Nowadays, large-scale research is no longer possible within a single institution or discipline. We have more and more research tools that require interdisciplinary knowledge, and it is only through cooperation that we can conduct modern research and push the boundaries of the known,' says the research team leader of the BaltArctic Research Cruise, dr…
R/v Oceanograf has set off on a 33-day expedition beyond the Arctic Circle, to the Norwegian town of Bodø. Over the next few weeks, the UG ship will cross the Baltic Sea and the North Sea before finally entering the waters of the Norwegian Sea. Throughout this time, research on board will be carried out by an international research team from the SEA-EU…
'It was definitely a team effort. It would not have been possible without the contribution and commitment of many people,' says dr Aleksandra Brodecka-Goluch, scientific leader of the expedition, about the collaboration on the SEA-EU research cruise to Cádiz. We invite you to read a conversation with a scientist from the Department of Chemical Oceanography and Marine Geology about the longest voyage of the UG r/v…
The University of Gdańsk's ship r/v Oceanograf will once again sail beyond the Baltic Sea, this time on an expedition of more than a month to the Arctic Circle. Also involved in the BaltArctic Research Cruise is the Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and its ship r/v Oceania, the universities of the European SEA-EU alliance, and…
In order to photograph the second part of a research cruise as part of the SEA-EU consortium, I flew to Brest, a coastal town in France, on June 11. Our final destination was to be in Cádiz, Spain. Everything promised that it would not be easy for a 'freshman' like me to face a ten-day voyage photographing the struggles of those already…
The SEA-EU research cruise was a complete success! On the second of July at 11.30 am, the University of Gdańsk ship r/v Oceanograf arrived at the quay at the Fish Market in Gdańsk. It was welcomed on board by the university authorities, the academic community, Monika Chabior, Vice-President of Gdańsk, and a brass band. The ship and the ceremony also attracted the attention of numerous strollers. - 'The tasks were all…
After three years, the first stage of the SEA-EU European Coastal Universities Alliance came to an end. On the 22nd of June, representatives of all the member universities including - Rector of the University of Gdańsk prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski, project coordinator prof. Fidel Echieverra, Rector of the University of Split prof. Dragan…
The stage from Kiel to Brest was full of new experiences for the r/v Oceanograf. The UG ship entered the North Sea, the English Channel and, above all, the Atlantic Ocean for the first time. During this six-day transit, the team of scientists collected various types of samples from the estuaries of the largest rivers in western Europe - the Elbe, the Rhine and the Seine. On June 12, the ship departed for the final part…
The SEA-EU cruise has educational and scientific value, but its most important value is to strengthen the ties between Europe's coastal universities. During the second leg (from Kiel to Brest), scientists from four different research centres are on board the r/v Oceanograf. Kseniia Andrieieva, Jerome Goslin, Ruben Rios and Dr Adam Sokołowski, Prof. UG, tell us how they are working together…
The morning of the tenth of June saw the end of the second leg of the SEA-EU cruise. R/v Oceanograf arrived in the port of Brest, where it will stay until the twelfth of June. A press briefing was held on board the ship, attended by dr Aleksandra Brodecka Goluch, scientific director of the cruise, Matthieu Waeles from the University of Brest and Jerome Goslin, a member of the r/v Oceanograf research crew. After a…
The cruise from Gdynia to Cadiz on a vessel equipped with the latest measuring and research equipment opens up a multitude of possibilities for biologists, chemists and physicists interested in the sea and ocean. The coordinator of the expedition, dr hab. Adam Sokołowski, prof. UG, explains why the scientific committee of the expedition decided to focus on projects concerning aerosols, greenhouse gas emissions from the…
On the third of June, the r/v Oceanograf became a 'drifting university' where academic communities from the two SEA-EU universities could work together and exchange knowledge. Students and scientists from Christian Albrecht University Kiel (CAU) boarded the catamaran. The guests took part in research in Eckernförde Bay, where the cruise research team carried out hydroacoustic measurements and took samples of sediment…
In the evening, on June 4th scientific vessel Oceanograf left Kiel port. During the next part of the cruise the crew will mostly conduct research connected to work package three - comparative studies of microplastics in European coastal waters. In the next few days the ship will enter the North SEA and then the English Channel, but first it needs to pass Kiel Channel.    New chapter of the cruise also means a change of…
On the second of June, the Oceanograf received many distinguished guests. First, a press conference was held on board, where representatives of Kiel University and Professor Fidel Echevarria, the coordinator of the alliance, talked about the cruise and SEA-EU itself. The members of the SEA-EU Governing Board were then given a tour of the vessel by dr Aleksandra Brodecka-Goluch, the cruise's scientific director, and…
At 7.30 am on the first of June, the R/V Oceanograf entered the port of Kiel. This marks the end of the first leg of the SEA-EU research cruise. In the coming days, the scientists will attend a press conference for the German press and perform some of the last surveys in the Baltic Sea. Photo by Rubén Rios Quintero…
The English Channel, the Bay of Biscay and the Kaletan Strait are just some of the bodies of water that the UG ship R/V Oceanograf will visit in the upcoming days. The progress of our researchers can be followed on the expedition's website. This is a new feature that uses a widget created by, a portal that tracks the maritime activity of marine vehicles around the world. Thanks to the global AIS system…
On the route from Gdynia to Kiel, we hosted scientists from Spain and Germany on board. Despite difficult weather conditions, we managed to carry out hydroacoustic, chemical and biological research. The collected water samples will be used to estimate greenhouse gas emissions from the marine environment into the atmosphere. Using various types of nets, we obtained research material for assessing microplastic pollution…
Gdańsk - Kiel - Brest - Cadiz is the route of the research cruise organized by SEA-EU. University of Gdańsk ship -  R / V Oceanograf - left the port on May 26 at 1.00 p.m. The trip will last 23 days, during which around 100 scientists from SEA-EU, an alliance of six European coastal universities, will conduct five one-day research cruises and three complex projects. The ship…
Six research rooms, low manning requirements and advanced equipment – these are the aspects of the 'Oceanograf', a vessel of the University of Gdańsk that make it the most advanced vessel of its type on our continent. In late 2017, the R/V Oceanograf sailed on a research cruise for the first time and has been actively involved in Baltic Sea research ever since. Its services are used by both companies and universities…
The ‘European University of the Seas’ (SEA-EU) alliance was officially launched in October 2019, as part of the flagship ‘European University’ Initiative of the European Commission, to renew the vision of universities’ role as key leaders and shapers of Europe’s future. As the alliance of six European and coastal universities from Cadiz, Brest, Kiel, Gdańsk, Split and Malta, we share an integrated, long-term strategy…