
Dr Elżbieta Czapka from the Centre for Sustainability UG, together with a team of researchers from the Pandemic Centre based in the Alrek Health Cluster, Bergen: Professor Esperanza Diaz - Director of the Centre, Marta-Johanna Svendsen and Andrea Magugliani received funding of £195,400.00 for a project entitled 'Increasing migrants' access to vaccine information in the Tri-City'. The winning project includes research…
Erasmus+ is an initiative of the European Union supporting educational exchange. It offers the opportunity not only to study abroad or take part in professional mobility in different countries but also to carry out international educational projects. The University of Gdańsk is running a project that has been funded under Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships in the Higher Education Sector. The project ‘FLEvolution -  XXI…
Another four scientists from UG were awarded in the National Science Centre's MINIATURA 7 competition for single scientific activities. The competition offered grants for preliminary studies, pilot studies, queries, scientific internships, and research and consultancy trips. Only scientists who had not previously managed NCN grants were eligible to participate. Funding for activities in July was awarded to four people…
The Faculty of Management at the University of Gdańsk can be proud of new interesting publications that have managed to obtain high scores according to the MEiN list. Their authors are mgr Anna Młynkowiak-Stawarz from the Department of Marketing (140 pts.), dr Patryk Kaczmarek and dr Nina Stepanok from the Department of Banking and Finance (joint publication with dr Anatoliy M. Kholodenko from Odessa University, 70 pts…
Eurasian treecreeper An injured treecreeper, a small bird of the passerine order, was spotted near the University of Gdańsk's Rectorate. The University Guard handed the animal over to the Laboratory of Avian Ecophysiology UG, whose scientists helped it to recover. Helping injured birds is just one of the many activities of this unit…
A total of 780 points were added to the point value of periodicals run by researchers at the University of Gdansk. This year on July 17, the Ministry of Education and Science published a new list of scientific journals and peer-reviewed materials from international conferences. The highest score from MEiN, i.e. 200 points, was awarded to Current Issues…
A remarkable research project carried out in cooperation with the Bird Migration Research Station of the Faculty of Biology UG has been collecting data on bird migrations continuously for over 60 years! The Baltic Action (Akcja Bałtycka) is a research programme currently under the scientific supervision of dr inż. Jarosław Nowakowski from the Bird Migration Research Station of the Faculty of Biology, UG, headed by dr…
The scientific article, whose authors include dr inż. Karolina Jagiełło, dr Alicja Mikołajczyk, and prof. dr hab. Tomasz Puzyn from the Laboratory of Environmental Chemoinformatics at the Faculty of Chemistry, UG, was published in the journal 'Materials Today'. The publication entitled 'A computational view on nanomaterial intrinsic and extrinsic…
Ricard Ravell Rodríguez Ricard Ravell Rodríguez is the first person at UG to be awarded a doctorate in doctoral school mode. For his dissertation 'Different levels of approximation in quantum open systems and their applications', on July 6, the Physical Sciences Discipline Council UG awarded the young researcher the degree of Doctor…
The Minister of Education and Science has awarded scholarships to eminent young scientists. Six people from the University of Gdańsk were among this year's 230 laureates. The researchers will receive the Minister's scholarships of PLN 5,390 per month for up to three years. The Minister's scholarships were granted to young scientists conducting…