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academic life
What does the European Solidarity Corps offer? What does it take to obtain the ESC Quality Label? These and other questions will be answered by the Erasmus+ Innovation Centre InnHUB, the Erasmus+ National Agency, and the European Solidarity Corps representatives on August 31. The information meeting is dedicated to representatives and…
Involving foreign visiting professors in the teaching process at the University of Gdańsk is a permanent element of building the university’s international character. At the Faculty of Economics alone, as many as 12 international cooperation agreements on including visiting professors in the educational process have been implemented within the ProUG project. Between 2018 and 2023, the Faculty of Economics participated…
academic life
The last decade of the Doctoral Forum of Polish Universities (DFUP) was summed up by the organisation's members during a three-day meeting at the University of Gdańsk. At the opening of the jubilee meeting, the Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, dr hab. Anna Jurkowska-Zeidler, prof. UG emphasised the importance of student and doctoral voices for the university’s development and congratulated the Forum on ten…
Workshops and lectures on the mysteries of marine micro-organisms will start on August 22 at the Faculty of Biology UG and the UG Library. During the four-day summer school, scientists from all over Europe will talk, among other things, about the functioning of extremophiles - organisms adapted to live in extreme ranges of variability in environmental…
science portal
Anna Młynkowiak-Stawarz  Dr Beata Czechowska-Derkacz talks to mgr Anna Młynkowiak-Stawarz from the Faculty of Management UG about new travel models, environmental protection and wellbeing tourism. – On one of the blogs on sustainable tourism, I found a definition defining this mode of travel as a ‘form of tourism and recreation that…
Students from the Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University visited the University of Gdańsk as part of a summer school. During their two-week stay, the guests from the Ukrainian university, among other things, took part in various workshops, learned about the qualities of a good leader and visited the Emigration Museum in Gdynia. The European Science…
The University of Gdańsk continues its commitment to promoting a sustainable marine economy through the 'BlueBioTechpreneurs (BBT)' project. The initiative has received prestigious funding from the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EFMRA) programme 2021–2027. This is an important step towards achieving the objectives of the European…
Photo Dominik Paszliński / Dr Tomasz Snarski from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk, artistic director of the 'Vilnius in Gdańsk' festival, received the City of Gdańsk Mayor's Medal during the gala celebrating 25 years of cooperation between Gdańsk and Vilnius. The award is an expression…
Scientists from SEA-EU University will give lectures and workshops on acquiring, analysing and using marine data. Enrolment is underway for the third edition of Marine Data Literacy, a BIP course that will occur partly online and partly at the University of Split. The course consists of two parts: remote and…
‘1989’ is a production directed by Katarzyna Szyngiera, formally referring to the American ‘Hamilton’. Lin-Manuel Miranda’s revolutionary musical introduced rap to Broadway, offering a fresh storytelling language, attractive to both young and older audiences. Credit for the sound of our musical belongs to one of Poland’s best rap producers, Andrzej…
social responsibility of science
From the left: Szymon Gajda i prof. Sylwia Mrozowska Workshops, lectures and educational events for, among others, pupils and teachers of primary and secondary schools - these are elements of a new project entitled ‘Zero Emissions - knowledge transfer (from) the University of Gdańsk’. The initiative was supported by the Voivodship…
Holidays are, on the one hand, a time for relaxation, but on the other hand, quite a logistical challenge to provide attractions and care for children. The initiative to solve this problem was once again taken by the UG Centre for Physical Education and Sport staff: Małgorzata Aftańska, Agnieszka Heimrath and Wojciech Pawicki. 'Active Uni' is an already traditional initiative of CWFiS and KU AZS UG to run a holiday…
The academic year 2022/2023 marks the end of the first complete cycle of doctoral programmes at the University of Gdańsk's doctoral schools, established over four years ago. Ricard Ravell Rodríguez was the first doctoral student at UG to receive a doctoral degree through the doctoral school mode. The UG offers training in four doctoral schools: the…
This has never happened before! AZS UG (the Academic Sports Association of the University of Gdańsk) is expanding its offer for young activists taking their first steps in academic sport. At the beginning of September, the first edition of the AZS Lider Camp will take place at the association's centre in Wilkasy. The camp is aimed at under-25 AZS…
Nine hills, nine Apollonian muses and nine plays. Co-organisers dr Hanna Obracht-Prondzyńska from WNS and UG alumnus Piotr Murawski invite you to Chełmno for the PERSPECTIVES - 9 HILLS FESTIVAL - a celebration of theatre, film, music, photography, history, street art, fantasy and dance. The festival, which will take place on the weekend of August 11-13, is an interdisciplinary celebration of art and animation activities…
BEAUCOUP is another project to receive funding under the Erasmus+ programme. The project aims to stimulate the digital transformation of universities, improve e-governance, and develop technology and its use in the academic reality in the Eastern Partnership countries. 'Boosting Digital Excellence and Governance Autonomy of Universities in the Countries of East Partnership – BEAUCOUP' aims to support education in the…
Dr Elżbieta Czapka from the Centre for Sustainability UG, together with a team of researchers from the Pandemic Centre based in the Alrek Health Cluster, Bergen: Professor Esperanza Diaz - Director of the Centre, Marta-Johanna Svendsen and Andrea Magugliani received funding of £195,400.00 for a project entitled 'Increasing migrants' access to vaccine information in the Tri-City'. The winning project includes research…
academic life
The University of Gdańsk's futsal team finished eleventh at the European Academic Championships in Split. The coveted top eight of the tournament was within reach - only in the group stage's final minutes did the Gdańsk team lose hope of reaching the quarter-finals. Before starting the championships in Croatia, the team from Tri-City had set themselves the goal of finishing in the top eight of the pack, and they almost…
Erasmus+ is an initiative of the European Union supporting educational exchange. It offers the opportunity not only to study abroad or take part in professional mobility in different countries but also to carry out international educational projects. The University of Gdańsk is running a project that has been funded under Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships in the Higher Education Sector. The project ‘FLEvolution -  XXI…
Another four scientists from UG were awarded in the National Science Centre's MINIATURA 7 competition for single scientific activities. The competition offered grants for preliminary studies, pilot studies, queries, scientific internships, and research and consultancy trips. Only scientists who had not previously managed NCN grants were eligible to participate. Funding for activities in July was awarded to four people…
For the 12th time, scholars from the University of Gdańsk participated in the International Medieval Congress organised by the University of Leeds. The event, initiated in 1994, is Europe's largest and most prestigious forum for the discussion of the Middle Ages. For more than a dozen years, it has been attended by over 2,000 people, not only from Europe but also from the USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, or Japan…
academic life
For the first time, alums of the International Business undergraduate programme at the Faculty of Economics celebrated their graduation from the course at a gala. The graduation ceremony took place on July 28 this year. 'The awarding of diplomas crowns a certain stage in your life. A stage that is important because you have devoted three years not only to your studies, which are the basis for your further career path…
How to develop the maritime sectors in a sustainable way? On Friday, July 28, at 2 p.m., dr hab. Wojciech Pokora, prof. UG and dr Trinetra Mukherjee from the University of West Brittany will talk about Blue Growth. The speakers will present their ongoing projects as part of the SEA-EU Talent webinar series. The meeting is a great opportunity to share…
From the left: prof. Richard J. Whitt & dr Karolina Rudnicka (visit coordinator) 'What's interesting to me is exactly which parts of language change, and which don’t change. I’m especially fascinated with how the way people talk about things influences the way they perceive those things' said prof. Richard J. Whitt, a linguist…
academic life
The Marine Station of the Institute of Oceanography UG in Hel named after Prof. Krzysztof Skóra and the Foundation for the Development of the University of Gdańsk would like to invite you this Saturday, 29.07.2023, to celebrate Hel Fish Day - an event that popularises knowledge of Baltic fauna. Fish Day is being organised this year for the nineteenth time. Held annually on the last Saturday of July, the event aims to…
academic life
Studying is not only a time for acquiring knowledge under the guidance of experienced academic and teaching staff but also for taking the first steps into the labour market, building professional networks and gaining practical skills. These objectives are served by student internships, a large proportion of which take place during the summer inter-semester break. More and more people are recognising the enormous…
people of UG
The Marian Smoluchowski Medal was awarded to prof. dr hab. Ryszard Horodecki from the International Centre for Quantum Theory Technologies at the University of Gdańsk. This is the highest honour awarded by the Polish Physical Society. The UG scientist was recognised for his contribution to the foundations of quantum computing theory and the development…
The Faculty of Management at the University of Gdańsk can be proud of new interesting publications that have managed to obtain high scores according to the MEiN list. Their authors are mgr Anna Młynkowiak-Stawarz from the Department of Marketing (140 pts.), dr Patryk Kaczmarek and dr Nina Stepanok from the Department of Banking and Finance (joint publication with dr Anatoliy M. Kholodenko from Odessa University, 70 pts…
Eurasian treecreeper An injured treecreeper, a small bird of the passerine order, was spotted near the University of Gdańsk's Rectorate. The University Guard handed the animal over to the Laboratory of Avian Ecophysiology UG, whose scientists helped it to recover. Helping injured birds is just one of the many activities of this unit…
academic life
Eighteen people graduated from the first edition of the postgraduate course Education for Sustainable Development: offshore wind energy. On July 20 this year, the graduates met with the study leaders to summarise two semesters of knowledge acquisition. 'We are very happy to celebrate the completion of the I edition together. I hope these…