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social responsibility of science
Advancement by 200 places, highest position among Polish universities - this is how the University of Gdańsk consolidates its strong leadership position in Poland in the most prestigious, comprehensive and growing global Times Higher Education Impact Rankings. It assesses universities in terms of their commitment to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. The latest results were published on June 1, 2023. The Times…
The Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdańsk was visited by representatives of nine partner universities of the SEA-EU project, who came to Sopot for Staff Week - an event organised by the Centre for Foreign Languages of the University of Gdańsk. Topics of discussion included the promotion of multilingualism, the development of language competences and the need to establish a common SEA-EU language policy. The…
Poland My First Choice NAWA – the call for applications is now open! We are pleased to announce the call for applications for the Poland My First Choice NAWA programme, which enables young people from developed countries to study at Polish universities with a scholarship.   The programme offers the opportunity to undertake full-time, second-cycle studies with a monthly NAWA scholarship. In addition, the programme will…
Mgr Adriana Łada-Maśko from WNS received yesterday from the hands of Monika Chabior, Vice-President of Gdańsk, the prestigious Jan Uphagen Award for Young Scientists of the City of Gdańsk in the humanities and social sciences category for outstanding scientific research achievements in the field of clinical psychology of the child in the family system. In turn, dr Hanna Obracht-Prondzyńska (also from the WNS UG) was…
academic life
Fot. Pixabay The Tourism and Hospitality field of study was created in response to growing economic, social, and environmental challenges that nowadays tourism industry is facing locally and globally.  Tourism is one of the most important sectors of global economy (it is estimated that every 10th job is related to tourism)…
academic life
This May marks the 25th anniversary of establishing the Museum of Inclusion in Amber at the Faculty of Biology of the University of Gdańsk. To mark the occasion, the Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Parasitology of the Faculty of Biology at the University of Gdańsk organised an international conference, Fossil Record in Resins and Sediments, and on its first day, the museum's anniversary was celebrated with an…
A team of University of Gdańsk employees participated in the Polish Higher Education Employees Volleyball Championship for the first time. Our debutants finished in 7th place.   On May 19—21, the VIII. Polish Championships of University Employees in Volleyball. The University of Gdańsk team participated in the three-day competition for the first time, with Natalia Skrzypkowska (CWFiS), Adam Miotk (CWFiS), Maciej Siwy…
We invite children, adults and whole families to the Hevelianum for the Fahrenheit Science Fair, which will take place on May 28. The programme includes workshops, games, competitions, shows, a science show, a performance and a debate. Admission is free. The motto of this year's Fahrenheit Science Fair is Science with Climate. Many…
You are kindly invited to “edutainment” evening with international experts on uncertainty and social competences. You will take part in an Erasmus Plus learning lab with a famous Polish stand-up comedian Ewa Błachnio, exploring Midsummer Night’s Dream by Shakespeare. Join the fun on 𝗠𝗮𝘆 𝟮𝟯𝗿𝗱 𝗮𝘁 𝟱 𝗽𝗺 in University of Gdańsk theatre at the…
academic life
- 'In my opinion, most of the cases we have to deal with are the result of unresolved conflicts, lack of immediate reaction of superiors to undesirable behaviour, and finally, a cultural change related to the perception of the position of employees in a specific, previously (not only at UG) strongly hierarchical academic environment. Last, but not…
    SUMED - Sustainable multidimensional media education contents   Curriculum Design Workshop for educators: ‘How to embed green media content in curricula’ – Monday, June 5th 2023 online learning lab 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Zoom:   PROGRAMME   1:00 pm-1:50 pm: Workshop: ‘Sustainability, Creativity and Pedagogy in Teaching Eco- Screenwriting…
Christiane Hoffmann, author of the book Alles, was wir nicht erinnern, will talk about all that we do not remember, although it still impacts us, on May 19. The guest of the Herder Centre UG is a journalist and has been working as deputy spokesperson for the government of the Federal Republic of Germany since December 2021.  The meeting will focus on…
For the 31st time, the Foundation for Polish Science has awarded scholarships in the START programme to the most talented young scientists from all over Poland. They will be awarded to 100 outstanding young scientists, including four scientists from the University of Gdańsk. The START programme of the Foundation for Polish Science is the oldest…
library of UG
Ahead of us is another meeting in the BUG S.A. series of author meetings at the UG Main Library. This is an attempt to create a space for authors beginning their adventure with books, hiding their poems in a drawer and saying they should stay there. We say NO and invite you to the UG Main Library, where you can meet in an intimate group and try your hand at it. On May 23, at 4 pm, in room 1.22, there will be a meeting…
Is the conservation of monuments and antiques difficult? This is what the participants of an event organised by the University of Gdańsk Museum and the Polanki Foundation on the occasion of the completion of conservation work on the facade of the Pelplin Abbots' House found out on May 13. Those taking part in the Zabytek odNOWA meeting could try…
Prof. Beata Możejko opens the debate. Who was Paul Beneke, thanks to whom Hans Memling's painting The Last Judgement appeared in Gdańsk? Was he a privateer who acted legally or a pirate who, against the law, together with his fleet, raided and plundered sailing ships that were not under the Hanseatic flag? This is what students from…
The University of Gdańsk has won the European Universities - Alliances of the Future competition in the Support for Ukraine category. At the European Universities Conference in Warsaw, the award was received by the Rector, prof. Piotr Stepnowski.  Sharing experiences and taking joint initiatives leading to the development of long-term, structural,…
The annual 'Gdańsk in Vilnius' festival is organised as part of the partnership between Gdańsk and Vilnius. This year, incidentally, marks the 25th anniversary of signing a partnership agreement between the Lithuanian capital and the city by the Motława River. Representatives of the University of Gdańsk attend the event - dr Tomasz Snarski and the Zygmunt Kamiński University of Gdańsk Song and Dance Ensemble 'Jantar…
academic life
The UG Careers Library invites Students of all majors to participate in the Mini Job Fair My Career. Meetings with potential employers will be held on May 16 between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm at the Faculty of Economics in Sopot. The event is an ideal opportunity to meet directly with people representing companies, discuss exciting internship or job offers…
The 8th European Congress of Virology (ECV) is the largest virology congress in Europe, attended by European scientists working in various fields of virology. The congress is held every 3 years; the previous one in 2019 was held in Rotterdam and 2016 in Hamburg. This year, the congress was held in Poland for the first time. This is, of course, a great honour for Gdańsk.  The European Society of Virology had entrusted…
As part of the ReSEArch-EU project implemented by SEA-EU alliance partners, we cordially invite you to a series of webinars in the series "Community Driven Participatory Research and Education", which will present various tools for public engagement through the Science Shop model. Following the webinar on April 24th with special guest from Bonn Science Shop - NORBERT STEINHAUS, the following webinars will be performed…
Conservation work on the facade of the Pelplin Abbots' House - one of the few tenement houses in Gdańsk to have survived the wartime destruction of 1945 - has come to an end. This Saturday, May 13, 2023, we invite you to a meeting during which we will look at the unique tenement house in a completely new version. In addition, there will also be an…
Ambassador of Azerbaijan Nargiz Gurbanova Contacts between Poland and Azerbaijan, particularly in the context of both countries' development after the collapse of the Soviet Union, was one of the topics discussed during a visit by Ambassador Nargiz Gurbanova of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Faculty of Social Sciences on April 28…
How is social energy influenced by the contact between institutions of different spheres of social life: universities, businesses, local government, NGOs, and educational institutions? Does it dynamise the exchange of energy, or does it make the energy annihilate and drain away? What should be done so that the first type of process dominates? There is…
We are approaching a spring weekend rich in historical anniversaries. Because of the pandemic, it is devoid of joint patriotic demonstrations. It is more a time for reflection on history. The patriotic and festive weekend begins with International Workers' Solidarity Day, known as Labour Day, celebrated in Poland and around the world on May 1 for 130 years, as a symbolic commemoration of the workers' protests in Chicago…
What are the alternatives for 90-minute lectures? Does ChatGPT mean the end of essays written by students? We've sat down to talk about challenges of education with prof. Inna Romānova, Vice dean for Science at Faculty of Economics in University of Latvia. She arrived at our university thanks to “Visiting Professors” initiative…
What should a sustainable metropolis look like? This is what participants in the Blended Intensive Programme at the University of Gdańsk have been pondering for the past month. As part of a series of activities funded by Erasmus+, students from France, Croatia and Malta arrived in Gdańsk on April 17. They then attended lectures and toured the Pomeranian capital for five days to see how the city and businesses developed…
science portal
Dr Beata Czechowska-Derkacz talks about posthumanism, the role of women in culture, academic passion and the history of Gdańsk's Polish studies with Professor Małgorzata Książek-Czermińska from the Faculty of Philology at the UG. - The family home shapes our professional passions, approach to work, life and people. Was this also the case for you as a professor? - My childhood was quite characteristic of the just post…
Academics from Poland, Germany and the UK will discuss Shakespeare, not just according to the canon. On April 23, the conference Politically (in)correct Shakespeare will be organised by the Polish Shakespeare Society in cooperation with the Gdańsk Shakespeare Theatre. Two scholars from UG will participate in one of the two sessions.  Dr Barbara Świąder…
As part of the ReSEArch-EU project implemented by SEA-EU alliance partners, we cordially invite you to a series of webinars in the series "Community Driven Participatory Research and Education", which will present various tools for public engagement through the Science Shop model. The speaker for the first webinar will be NORBERT STEINHAUS - special…