academic life

academic life
A collection of previously unpublished texts by UG students of film and audiovisual arts was published as an e-book entitled Projekt Szuflada. Alternator, Academic Cultural Centre of the University of Gdańsk, has several publications to its credit: the academic periodical 'Panoptikum', the student yearbook 'Przezrocze', the anthology 'Proza życia' (created on the occasion of the Literary Competition), a Kashubian…
academic life
The winter collection for animals from Tri-City shelters is still on until the end of December 2021. If you have excess unnecessary towels, blankets or old bed covers at home, share them with the animals. Throughout the year the shelter uses a lot of towels (e.g. to dry dogs after bathing), and blankets and pillowcases are mainly used for kittens and puppies. The textile…
academic life
Too many resolutions are an easy way not to keep any of them. It is better to take small steps towards change. January is often a month of change, a surge of new energy and a desire to act. It is also the time of New Year's resolutions. We talk to a psychologist dr. Agata Rudnik from the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Gdańsk about whether…
academic life
- 'The Gospel accounts about the birth and the adventures of Jesus' childhood are not at all from the genre of idyll, to which we have become accustomed by the sentimental Christmas devotion. It is like a drama composed of several acts,' - said prof. Bogusław Górka, historian and religious expert from the Faculty of History of the University of Gdańsk, in a conversation with…
academic life
The Committee of the Ivan Vyhovsky Prize announces a call for applications for the Main Prize and Scientific Internships for the academic year 2022/23. Applications, including a description of the candidate's merits and achievements - from universities, institutes, organizations, institutions, associations etc. or individuals, as well as applications of the candidates…
academic life
A group of children from the University Kindergarten visited the authorities of the University of Gdańsk. They presented the rector with hand-made Christmas cards. It was certainly an unusual visit. The group of preschoolers pleasantly surprised the University of Gdańsk authorities. The kids handed their self-made cards with Christmas wishes to the Rector of UG, prof. Piotr…
academic life
Gdańsk scouts gave the lantern with the Light to the Rector of the University of Gdańsk, prof. Piotr Stepnowski. The Bethlehem Light of Peace has an almost 30-year tradition and is a symbol of reconciliation and peace. The motto of this year's edition is 'Light of Hope'. The Bethlehem Light of Peace was organised for the first time in 1986 in Austria, as a part of the…
academic life
Vocal Studio of the University of Gdańsk prepared a Christmas video of the song 'Tak jak śnieg'. The new musical arrangement of the song by Kuba Badach and Janusz Onufrowicz was prepared by Krzysztof Majda, a singer, producer and vocal coach. It is the first production of the Vocal Studio UG operating at the ACK Alternator.  
academic life
We invite you to read the latest December issue of the University Gazette. In the issue, among others: Christmas Gdańsk a hundred years ago, a Day with Norwid, anniversaries of the University Guard and the Choir of the Faculty of Management 'Non Serio', an article about Regional Sightseeing Tours, an account of the sixth edition of the Nordic Focus Festival, six interviews, an article about the success of our University…
academic life
In the photo, the winning team of the Pomeranian Virtual Entrepreneurship Championships. Photo: Aleksander Olszak. Students of the interdisciplinary courses Business and Ecological Technology and Chemical Business, conducted by the Faculty of Economics UG and the Faculty of Chemistry UG, have become winners of the Pomeranian Virtual Entrepreneurship…