The University of Gdańsk ship R / V Oceanograf has set off for Spain

Gdańsk - Kiel - Brest - Cadiz is the route of the research cruise organized by SEA-EU. University of Gdańsk ship -  R / V Oceanograf - left the port on May 26 at 1.00 p.m. The trip will last 23 days, during which around 100 scientists from SEA-EU, an alliance of six European coastal universities, will conduct five one-day research cruises and three complex projects. The ship was bid farewell by Rector of the University of Gdańsk, prof. Piotr Stepnowski.

The cruise aims to compare the characteristics of different areas along the west coast of Europe. Among the factors studied are air quality, gas accumulation and level of microplastics. - On such a scale, this type of research has not yet been carried out, so our results will be unique - said the coordinator of the scientific committee of the cruise, prof. Adam Sokołowski from University of Gdańsk.

The next stop is Kiel, where the research team from Christian Albrecht University will board the ship. R / V Oceanograf is the most advanced research unit of its type in Europe, so sharing its potential with other universities opens up a lot of opportunities. The catamaran has six rooms for researchers and equipment that allows for a thorough examination of the seabed.

"Oceanograf" will moor in Cadiz on June 17, and five days later it will begin its voyage home to Gdynia. The entire route is 4,000 nautical miles, and the ship will deployed for 39 days.

Marcel Jakubowski/ Zespół Prasowy UG