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The Ministry of Science and Higher Education awarded scholarships for outstanding young scientists for the 19th time. The results were announced on Friday, June 21. Eight scientists from the University of Gdańsk were among those awarded. Applications for granting scholarships for outstanding young scientists demonstrating significant achievements in scientific activity may be submitted by rectors of universities,…
Over 90 % of planned research completed, hundreds of nautical miles of scientific collaboration, and a new dimension of SEA-EU alliance collaboration - the r/v Oceanograf and r/v Oceania arrived in Bodø on June 19, completing the first part of the BaltArctic Research Cruise.   - R/v Oceanograf and r/v Oceania sailing into the Bodø Harbour - this moment…
academic life
Prof. Ole Boe, fot. Alan Stocki He is a retired captain in the Norwegian Armed Forces and Norway's first professor in military command. He served for many years as an operations officer in a Norwegian military special unit; he has participated in several international operations around the world and has also been an instructor in…
University of Gdańsk players won gold medals in the university classification and bronze medals in the overall classification at the Polish Academic Tennis Championships held in Krakow last weekend. Students of the University of Gdańsk defeated the University of Warsaw (2:0), the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice (2:0), and the…
On June 5-7, the University of Gdańsk hosted the workshop ‘Developing digital, green, interdisciplinary, and innovative training pathways for SEA-EU 2.0.’ implemented in the framework of the SEA-EU European Coastal University. The meeting at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics was attended by 15 representatives of partner universities…
academic life
Już drugi dzień jesteśmy na największej w Europie i Azji konferencji dla kobiet w dziedzinach STEM. Inspirujące wystąpienia, dyskusje i wykłady przyciągają regularnie blisko 10 000 studentek, specjalistek i liderek.  Film: Mateusz Byczkowski/Zespół Promocji UG We are on our second day at the…
photo by Łukasz Bień Close to 80 guests (including more than 50 international guests), 9 universities, 20 scientific posters, 2 days of exchange of good practices and experiences. This is how the meeting ‘We strengthen the network of cooperation’, held on June 6-7, 2024, can be described in a nutshell. The University of Gdańsk…
The University of Gdańsk has once again been ranked among the world's best and is the leader among Polish universities in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings, a ranking that assesses universities from around the world in terms of their commitment to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.   On June 12, 2024, the results of the sixth edition of…
Two projects by scientists from the Department of General and Medical Biochemistry of the Faculty of Biology of the UG have been awarded more than 3 million in funding under the SONATA 19 competition of the National Science Centre. photo by R. Mielczarek The project by dr Urszula Zarzecka, '…
people of UG
photo by Michał Święcicki Prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Węgrzyn has been awarded an honoris causa doctorate for the second time. This highest academic distinction was awarded to the professor by the Senate of the University of Rzeszów in recognition of his outstanding scientific achievements and his contribution to the development of…
academic life
The first stage of the UG Sports Centre project is to be completed within 28 months. On Monday, June 10 this year, an agreement concerning the realisation of this undertaking was signed by the Rector UG, prof. Piotr Stepnowski, and the Director of Budimex S.A. Branch, Mariusz Hurylski, representing the contractor.   ‘This is an extremely…
What does oceanographic research look like from a writer's perspective? What do the professions of researcher and artist have in common? And how does the concept of the hero's journey relate to a scientific career? Follow Zygmunt Miłoszewski's logbook from the BaltArctic Research Cruise.    The vagabond gene The…
people of UG
Distinguished scientist, molecular biologist prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Węgrzyn was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Szczecin.  Conferring the title to prof. Grzegorz Węgrzyn took place during a ceremonial meeting of the Senate of the University of Szczecin on 7 June 2024. ‘I am honoured to have been awarded an honorary doctorate by the…
Photo by Janusz Kreczmański from Pixabay It is the ninth time that prizes and distinctions have been awarded in the PAS Branch Science Prize competition for young scientists in Gdańsk. Among those recognised in the competition were six employees and doctoral students from the University of Gdańsk. The PAS Gdańsk Branch Prize for…
The ‘Primum Cooperatio’, or ‘Cooperation First’ award, presented by Employers of Pomerania (Pracodawcy Pomorza), was received by the Head of the Laboratory of Environmental Chemoinformatics at the Faculty of Chemistry of UG, prof. dr. hab. Tomasz Puzyn. The gala ceremony took place on Friday, June 7, at AmberExpo. Employers of Pomerania is…
The Institute of Psychology has been accredited by the Centre for Medical Postgraduate Education to run a specialisation in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy. In northern Poland, it is the only institution with such authorisation, with only nine of them in the country. The accreditation is linked to the newly created postgraduate course Psychotherapy…
The (C)ombinatorial (O)ptimisation for (V)ersatile Applications to (E)merging u(R)ban problems (COVER) project received funding under HORIZON-MSCA-2023-SE-01-01 - MSCA Staff Exchanges 2023, which will enable work on, among other things, an urban strategy for the ‘15-minute city’. We discuss the assumptions of the project with its manager on the UG side…
‘Nowadays, large-scale research is no longer possible within a single institution or discipline. We have more and more research tools that require interdisciplinary knowledge, and it is only through cooperation that we can conduct modern research and push the boundaries of the known,' says the research team leader of the BaltArctic Research Cruise, dr…
The r/v Oceanograf, owned by the University of Gdańsk, has set sail for over a month's expedition beyond the Arctic Circle. You can follow its route live: Live feed - BaltArctic Research Cruise ( Also involved in the BaltArctic Research Cruise are the Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the r/v Oceania belonging to it, the universities of the SEA-EU alliance and the well-known…
academic life
The University of Gdańsk has moved up 100 places in the latest edition of the prestigious QS World University Rankings 2025. This is the biggest promotion among Polish universities from the first thousand on the list. ‘The promotion confirmed our University's chosen and consistently pursued development policy,' says Rector prof. Piotr Stepnowski. As…
The next edition of TEDxUniversityofGdansk, organised by Fahrenheit Universities, will be held under the slogan ‘Sustainable Tomorrow’ - the event aims to initiate discussions on topics related to the future, energy, and sustainability in a broad sense. Participation in TEDxUniversityofGdansk2024 is free, all you need to do is register. The number of places is limited.   The event will take place on June 8 (Saturday)…
The Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics UG and its partners cordially invite you to the first meeting of the series devoted to Digital Twin & Smart City.  The meeting is open to the entire UG academic community - students, PhD students, and staff interested in innovative topics and joining in building a peer learning network for…
Elections to the European Parliament will be held on Sunday, June 9. Today, until 1:00 p.m. in the courtyard in front of the Faculty of Social Sciences, you can change your voting location and collect your voting certificate. This is important information for, among others, students who study in Gdańsk and would like to exercise their right to vote here.   For three days, the Gdańsk City Hall mobile point will appear at…
R/v Oceanograf has set off on a 33-day expedition beyond the Arctic Circle, to the Norwegian town of Bodø. Over the next few weeks, the UG ship will cross the Baltic Sea and the North Sea before finally entering the waters of the Norwegian Sea. Throughout this time, research on board will be carried out by an international research team from the SEA-EU…
Photo by  Øyfrid Knudsen Bodø University hosted another series of meetings of rectors and those directly involved in the implementation of the SEA-EU European University of the Seas Programme. The meeting on May 28-29 summarised the partnership's activities to date and discussed the formal requirements of the European Commission…
During a visit to Gdańsk, Minister of Sport and Tourism Sławomir Nitras, together with MEP Agnieszka Pomaska and the Chair of the Sports and Tourism Committee of the City of Gdańsk Łukasz Bejm, inspected the modest sports facilities of the university and familiarised themselves with the plans for phase 1 of the construction of the Sports…
'It was definitely a team effort. It would not have been possible without the contribution and commitment of many people,' says dr Aleksandra Brodecka-Goluch, scientific leader of the expedition, about the collaboration on the SEA-EU research cruise to Cádiz. We invite you to read a conversation with a scientist from the Department of Chemical Oceanography and Marine Geology about the longest voyage of the UG r/v…
The University of Gdańsk achieved a historic victory at the Polish Academic Sailing Championships, taking first place in both the general classification and the university classification! The competition was held from May 20 to 23 in Wilkasy near Giżycko. The podium in the general classification belonged to three universities from Gdańsk: the…
academic life
The Rectors of Pomeranian universities were encouraged to cooperate and consolidate by the Minister of Science and Higher Education, Dariusz Wieczorek, who met with them at the University of Gdańsk. The Minister also answered questions from journalists and students.   ‘This is a new opening. I would like to meet you in your universities,…
The University of Gdańsk's ship r/v Oceanograf will once again sail beyond the Baltic Sea, this time on an expedition of more than a month to the Arctic Circle. Also involved in the BaltArctic Research Cruise is the Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and its ship r/v Oceania, the universities of the European SEA-EU alliance, and…