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130 participants from several Polish universities, 3 days of intensive workshops, meetings, discussions, touring the University of Gdańsk campus and “Promyki 2019” best promotion projects award ceremony – that is a brief summary of XXXIII PR Association and Promotion of Polish Universities “PRom” conference,  called “Universities during the change process. Communication and marketing challenges”. The conference took…
In line with the declaration on the establishment of The European University Of The Seas "SEA-EU", the University of Gdansk has commenced the implementation of the project’s activities. The kick-off meeting in Cadiz, Spain initiated the development of the project. The meeting was attended by The University of Gdańsk representatives, comprising Professor Aneta Oniszczuk-Jastrząbek, Vice-Rector for IT Development and…
social responsibility of science
National Center for Research and Development, as the intermediary institution for Axis III Higher Education for Economy and Development,  the European Social Fund – Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development 2014-2020 finalized the assessment of the submitted applications for the POWR.03.05.00-IP.08-00-DOS/19c „Uczelnia dostępna”(Accessible University) contest. The Project Assessment Committee examined and…
The declaration on the European University of the Seas - SEA EU creation was signed on 7 November in Brussels. On behalf of the University of Gdańsk the document was signed by dr hab. Aneta Oniszczuk-Jastrząbek and prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski. ‘European Universities’, the European Commission program, are cross-border alliances of higher education institutions from across the EU that share a long-term strategy and…
academic life
- It is a great honor for me to be here with you today at the University of Gdańsk. This is the greater privilege that I receive an honorary doctorate from a university with such a great reputation in Poland, Europe and the world. On behalf of the Olympic movement, I am very grateful and respectful of this distinction from your prestigious university, '' said Dr. Thomas Bach, president of the International Olympic…
25 October marked the 25th anniversary of the UG Film Discussion Club “Miłość Blondynki” inauguration. The club’s essential activities are education and promotion of film culture in a broad sense, by showing ambitious, interesting achievements of Polish and foreign cinematography. Taking the form of auteur projects, presenting original, distinctive movie series. The club organizes events and invites people of cinema as…
The Academic Sports Gala took place on 24 October 2019, in Nova Opera, Bydgoszcz. Individual and Team Prizes for the previous academic year were awarded at the gala. The medalists of The Academic European Championship, The Academic World Championship and The National Academic Championship all appeared on stage. Two years ago fifteen top universities of the general classification started receiving the awards. Overall…
The University of Gdańk Academic Choir and Jantar Song and Dance Ensemble concert took place on 15 October 2019, at the Danuta Badaszkowa Musical Theatre in Gdynia. The Tuesday show was called „W dobrą stronę”(In a good direction) and was organized to celebrate the University of Gdańsk 50 years anniversary.  The program comprised songs of the last 50 years that accompanied the students and professors since the…
The Faculty of Oceanography and Geography of the University of Gdańsk, together with Committee of Marine Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences organized the II Scientific Conference For Polish Marine Researchers on 24-25 September this year. The main objective of the conference was to integrate Polish marine researchers’ society,…
academic life
For the first time the Children University Foundation Friends Breakfast will be held in Gdańsk. On 24 October, universities’ authorities, business patrons and school representatives will meet in the University of Gdańsk Library to discuss the key competences necessary to improve the future of students and means to support schools in the process of teaching those competences. The Children University comes up with…
academic life
On Monday, 16 September the representatives of the authorities of the University of Gdańsk paid a visit to the newly established University Kindergarten located at the UG Oliwa Campus. The kindergarten is a private education institution dedicated mainly to the children of the University of Gdańsk employees, doctoral students and students, but also for children whose parents are not associated with the University. The…
On July 15 and 16, 2019 the University of Gdańsk Association of Physical Culture was founded at the University of Gdańsk. The objective of the association is to conduct classes and sport clubs, in order to cultivate physical culture among students, children and teenagers. The association will also provide support for people at risk of social exclusion, especially for the disabled and people from disadvantaged groups.…