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On June 5-7, the University of Gdańsk hosted the workshop ‘Developing digital, green, interdisciplinary, and innovative training pathways for SEA-EU 2.0.’ implemented in the framework of the SEA-EU European Coastal University. The meeting at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics was attended by 15 representatives of partner universities…
photo by Łukasz Bień Close to 80 guests (including more than 50 international guests), 9 universities, 20 scientific posters, 2 days of exchange of good practices and experiences. This is how the meeting ‘We strengthen the network of cooperation’, held on June 6-7, 2024, can be described in a nutshell. The University of Gdańsk…
Photo by  Øyfrid Knudsen Bodø University hosted another series of meetings of rectors and those directly involved in the implementation of the SEA-EU European University of the Seas Programme. The meeting on May 28-29 summarised the partnership's activities to date and discussed the formal requirements of the European Commission…
Loïc Madec During a two-month internship at the University of Gdańsk, Loïc Madec from the University of Western Brittany boarded the UG ship r/v Oceanograf, took part in aerosol research and learned how to make pierogies. The French student is one of the first participants of the SEA-EU Master Research Internship program at the…
Rising Stars in Materials Science is an award given to 17 early career scientists who represent the breadth, diversity and interconnectedness of materials science conducted around the world. Dr Alicja Mikołajczyk from the Department of Didactics and Popularisation of Science in the Faculty of Chemistry was among the scientists recognised. The editors…
The fourth day of the Intellectual Property & Innovation Week conference was dedicated to entrepreneurship. Among other things, the students attending the event learned how to build a thriving business from an idea and what are the ups and downs of working in corporations and start-ups. The Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Development, dr hab.…
prof. Piotr Stepnowski What is an invention? How to best commercialise the results of your research? Which ideas can and cannot be patented? - answers to these key questions were given during Intellectual Property & Innovation Week at the University of Gdańsk. The five-day event was organised by the Technology Transfer Office UG…
dr Andrzej Poszewiecki, Vice-President of the Board of Univentum Labs Whether university spin-offs can earn millions, how to prepare a project for an investor and what are the benefits of registering a designation as a trademark - these are just some of the topics discussed during Intellectual Property & Innovation Week, an…
The University of Gdansk community once again has the opportunity to participate in the 'La Solidaire de Brest' charity run (here you will find the QR code for the application). Our SEA-EU alliance partner Universitè de Bretagne Occidentale in Brest, France, is organising a fundraiser between April 1-7, 2024, which will benefit charities. To be a…
A group of University of Gdańsk staff participated in the Staff Week - Sustainable Finance organised by Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope. During these few inspiring days, the research and teaching staff and administrative staff of the partner universities of the SEA-EU project had a unique opportunity to learn, integrate, inspire and exchange experiences. The University of Gdańsk was represented in the…
Are you a Bachelor, Master, or Doctoral student with an innovative idea for strengthening student collaboration across Europe? Are you keen to help shape the future of European education from a student point of view? The SEA-EU Alliance has now opened a call for proposals for student-led projects that aim to improve education and strengthen student…
prof. Paulo Águas Results of scientific research conducted during the first SEA-EU cruise, international fields of study, and an exhibition of paintings 'SEA EU by the Sea' - the SEA-EU Congress is behind us. The international conference in Algarve - co-organised by the University of Gdańsk - brought together representatives of…
Dr John Selby What actually makes quantum computers faster than classical computers? Dr John Selby from the International Centre For Theory Of Quantum Technologies UG and an international team are looking for a complete answer to this question. The British scientist will coordinate the project, which is funded at €809,996 from…
social responsibility of science
The second edition of the 'Including gender in research' competition for the best-scoring masters and doctoral theses incorporating a gender perspective in research has been concluded. The competition is organised as part of the MINDtheGEPs project under the EU-funded Horizon 2020 programme. As part of the EU Horizon 2020 Modifying Institutions by Developing Gender Equality Plans (MINDtheGEPs) project at the University…
academic life
The Rector, prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski, began the meeting of the Senate of the University of Gdańsk by congratulating prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Liberk, who had recently received the so-called Polish Nobel Prize at a gala ceremony of the Foundation for Polish Science. The Senate then adopted the agenda.  The next point on the agenda was chaired by Vice-Rector dr hab. Arnold Kłonczyński, prof. UG: the Senators gave…
A joint course of six universities from all over Europe - the TURQUOOISE Master's degree programme is underway! Between December 4 and 7 this year, representatives from SEA-EU universities met in Gdańsk at the Faculty of Management's Staff Week to discuss the programme and organisation of the innovative project.  The European Universities Programme…
The SEA-EU alliance's key bodies met in Split to discuss the consortium's activities to date. At the end of November, the Croatian university hosted Governing Week, a cyclical meeting where crucial decisions of the nine partner universities are taken. The 4-day event brought together Student Council, Technical Working Group, Quality and Ethics…
academic life
President of PRG Experior Aleksandra Wybrańska and Group member Piotr Luszuk with the award for the Best Supervisor of the Year 2023 in the StRuNa competition Dr Paweł Atroszko from the Institute of Psychology was awarded first prize in the category of Academic Supervisor of the Year 2023 for supporting the Psychological Research…
Want to see how research is carried out at foreign universities? Are you planning to improve your language skills? Or maybe you need to invest in your professional and academic development? SEA-EU MASTER INTERNSHIPS is the opportunity for you! This initiative of 9 SEA-EU partner universities is dedicated to Master's students. It is a unique…
academic life
Who is favoured by luck in business? How do you manage your personal finances? How to create a good advertising campaign? These and many other questions will be answered during open lectures organised by the Faculty of Management at the University of Gdańsk. The event is being held as part of Global Entrepreneurship Week. On November 13-19, 2023, The…
Od lewej: Magdalena Dziki, Joanna Zakrzewska, Natalia Lubińska, Marcel Jakubowski Internationalisation, mobility and effective communication were the themes of the last days of October at NORD University in Norway. Two events took place at the SEA-EU alliance partner university: International Week and a meeting…
This year's International Conference MEDIA-BIZNES-CULTURE. Pomerania 2023 brought together more than 100 guests from scientific centres in Poland and abroad and featured many unique events. Vasilisa Stepanenko, the winner of this year's Pulitzer Prize, acted as a keynote speaker and met with students of the University of Gdańsk. The conference included the awarding of University of Gdańsk medals to the staff of the…
The educational, training, and business potential of the University of Gdańsk aimed at cooperation with entrepreneurs in the maritime sector was presented by representatives of the UG at BALTEXPO 2023. Prospective students and business partners could get acquainted with the UG's current offer at our stand in the Offshore hall and during a speech by the…
A delegation from the University of Gdańsk participated in workshops and project meetings within the SEA-EU Alliance in Kiel. Researchers and staff from the university participated in two SEA-EU events: the workshop ‘Migration Narratives’ and ‘Teaching Staff Week: Micro-credentials: implementation and teaching’. The delegation consisted of dr Grzegorz Welizarowicz and dr hab. Arkadiusz Misztal, prof. UG from the…
academic life
Regarding the organisation of classes in the academic year of 2023/2024 at the University of Gdańsk, we would like to inform you that, at the request of the UG Students' Parliament, the Rector, prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski has decided to announce Rector's Days, free from classes:   November 2 and 3, 2023 April 29 and 30, 2024 May 2, 2024.   The above dates allow for all hours resulting from the study plans at our…
academic life
The Individual Interdisciplinary Studies (ISM) academic year was officially inaugurated on Monday, October 2, 2023, at the Faculty of Neophilology. ISM Director prof. dr hab. Slawomir Leśniak welcomed the new ISM students to the University of Gdańsk community. Among the guests were senior students who shared their experience of studying within the framework of Individual Interdisciplinary Studies. During the…
Are you interested in photography? Do you like challenges? Do you appreciate the importance of diversity in both environmental and social contexts? If you answered 'YES!' at least once, we have something that will undoubtedly interest you. The SEA-EU Photo Contest is a two-stage competition aimed at students and staff of the partner universities of the European University of the Seas (SEA-EU). The winning photos will be…
academic life
Fot. Alan Stocki/UG Omówienie przez przedstawicielki władz dziekańskich i rektorskich sukcesów WE w poprzednim roku akademickim i ambitnych planów na przyszłość, wykład inauguracyjny dr. hab. Giuseppe T. Cirelli, prof. UG, przemówienie gościa specjalnego Thomasa Frossela z London Stock Exchange Group, uroczyste promocje doktorskie,…
academic life
Fot. Alan Stocki/UG Emotional, joyful and uplifting. These epithets accurately reflect the atmosphere accompanying this year’s ceremonial inauguration of the academic year at the University of Gdańsk. The main attraction of the event was the inauguration lecture by dr hab. Michał Rusinek, prof. UJ, Wisława Szymborska’s long-time…
Port and logistics management will be the subject of the MIPMAL master's degree course prepared by the partner universities of the SEA-EU alliance. On September 22, the course organisers met with the Port of Gdańsk Authority SA to discuss potential cooperation. The Pomeranian company expressed its willingness to get involved in the initiative, which is…