The Forensic Science Museum of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk houses a wide collection of exhibits from all fields of forensic science: ballistics, dactyloscopy, trace evidence, photography and others, as well as forensic medicine and related fields. In this respect, it is the only facility of its kind in Poland. The Museum of the Faculty of Law and Administration has been featured in…
academic life
The Rector of UG, prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski awarded medals of the 50th anniversary of the University of Gdańsk to particularly meritorious employees of the Faculty of Law and Administration of UG, as well as to external stakeholders - proven friends of the Faculty. The ceremony of awarding the medals of the 50th anniversary of the University of Gdańsk took place on July 6, 2021, in the Hall of the Faculty of Law…
The University of Gdańsk shared with other universities in the region its experience from the implementation of European projects STARBIOS2, RESBIOS and MINDtheGEPs implemented under Horizon 2020. The webinar entitled Gender equality in research and innovation was organised in June 2021, by the Regional Office of the Pomorskie Voivodeship in Brussels. The topic of the meeting was activities conducted for gender equality…
For the past couple of years, Gdańsk scientists and the University Kindergarten have been cooperating with the Positive Initiatives Foundation, which works for the development of modern education and care and cooperates with local governments, universities and other public institutions. In 2016, the Foundation signed an agreement on cooperation with the Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdańsk as part of the…
Once again visitors, tourists and residents of Hel will be able to enjoy attractions prepared by ACK Alternator UG. Workshops, meetings, a field game and sightseeing - all under the sign of the SEAL. The ACK organisers emphasise that the event held a fortnight ago was a great success. Despite the weather on the beach, the field game, meetings and workshops, and a visit to the research vessel r/v Oceanograf met with…
Four students from the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography at the University of Gdańsk: Kaja Czajkowska, Małgorzata Jarzynowska, Małgorzata Szałęga and Emilia Zygarłowska will pursue a two-month internship at the University of Iceland at the Hύsavík Research Centre. This is possible thanks to the project entitled 'Mobility in Higher Education'. The project is supervised by prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Bielawski. As part of…
academic life
UG Law student: I lost my sight before my 17th birthday. Now I want to get it back Dariusz Gruchała studies law at the University of Gdańsk. He is blind. A moment before his 17th birthday he lost his sight. Suddenly. Diagnosis: congenital Leber blindness. He was the first in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe to undergo genetic therapy of the left eye, which partially restored his vision. Now he is collecting money…
academic life
Computer Science, Criminology, English Philology and Psychology are the most popular majors chosen by candidates for the University of Gdańsk. The University has planned to admit nearly 12 thousand people this year. This year's novelties include Interdisciplinary Individual Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences, and in English - Production of Audiovisual Forms and Quantum Information Technology and Cultural…
social responsibility of science
The University of Gdańsk as an environmentally friendly university, creating sustainable learning, working and leisure environment. Competition for scientific clubs at the University of Gdańsk. The competition announced on July 15 was organised by dr hab. Arnold Kłonczyński, prof. UG, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Quality of Education in cooperation with the Centre for Sustainable Development of UG (CZRUG), the…
science portal
Interview with dr. hab. prof. UG Waldemar Surosz, Head of the Department of Marine Biology and Ecology, Dean of the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography, University of Gdańsk Peter Thomson, the UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Oceans, alarmed in 2020 that this was a critical time in terms of protecting the seas and oceans. After it, scientists predicted a…
Each of us can become a discoverer of areas where plant species alien to our ecosystem appear and contribute to the creation of an interactive Pomeranian database of the distribution of such plants. The Biological Station of the University of Gdańsk invites you to joint actions for the protection of nature. We often hear about alien animal species threatening native ecosystems, while some species of flora are equally…
science portal
Dr Katarzyna Zolkoś, head of the prof. Fryderyk Pautsch Biological Station at the University of Gdańsk passed away unexpectedly. It is a great loss for the community of our university. She worked with great passion and was involved in educational activities for nature conservation. On June 15, 2021, I interviewed her about invasive plants and the summary of the project:…
The photo comes from the website of the Forensic Science Museum of the WPiA. The Forensic Science Museum of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk houses a wide collection of exhibits from all fields of forensic science: ballistics, dactyloscopy, trace evidence, photography and others, as well as forensic medicine and related…
Photo: AZS UG archives. It was created in response to the development of the AZS Polish Integration Championships, an initiative aimed at activating people with disabilities in the academic environment. - 'After all, AZS means Atmosphere, Fun and Sport. We want to show that disability does not exclude you from a great adventure during your studies,' says…
academic life
The Students' Parliament of the University of Gdańsk invites you to take part in a holiday photo competition. The authors of the most interesting photos will receive university gadgets. - 'After an atypical, difficult due to Covid-19 academic year, the time of longed-for holidays has come - trips, excursions, rest. Some of you will undoubtedly spend it in our beloved Tricity…
academic life
Today saw the first promotions to the rank of a contracted teacher at the Paweł Adamowicz University High School in Gdańsk. On behalf of prof. dr Piotr Stepnowski, Rector of the University of Gdańsk, the observer was Piotr Kowalczuk. Both ladies, mgr Paulina Miech-Warda and mgr Małgorzata Bogunia, passed with a high score. Congratulations.
academic life
The Rector of UG, prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski awarded medals of the 50th anniversary of the University of Gdańsk to particularly meritorious employees of the Faculty of Law and Administration of UG, as well as to external stakeholders - proven friends of the Faculty. The ceremony of awarding the medals of the 50th anniversary of the University of Gdańsk took place on July 6, 2021, in the Hall of the Faculty of Law…
UG alumni
We invite you to read a new series of graduate stories. It features those who chose their field of study by choice, passion or chance. We start with those who gave their heart and mind to German studies. Patrycja Zakrzewska (Giessen, Germany) Philology is a comprehensive study and learning about the culture, history, language and politics of a given language area. It is also getting to know oneself, one's identity, and…
The University of Gdańsk shared with other universities in the region its experience from the implementation of European projects STARBIOS2, RESBIOS and MINDtheGEPs implemented under Horizon 2020. The webinar entitled Gender equality in research and innovation was organised in June 2021, by the Regional Office of the Pomorskie Voivodeship in Brussels. The topic of the meeting…
- 'Meeting seals so closely is a true metaphysical experience,' says Bożena, a tourist from Gdańsk, who visited the seal sanctuary of the Marine Station in Hel UG. The Summer with the Seal event, organised by ACK Alternator UG, was attended by many tourists, but also Hel residents. The summer offer of ACK Alternator was well received. The events turned out to be a nice alternative to sunbathing. Many people took part…
academic life
Dariusz Gruchała studies law at the University of Gdańsk. He is blind. A moment before his 17th birthday he lost his sight. Suddenly. Diagnosis: congenital Leber blindness. He was the first in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe to undergo genetic therapy of the left eye, which partially restored his vision. Now he is collecting money for the treatment of the other eye. He needs PLN 1.5 million. - 'I lack words to…
academic life
Initially, they were active only on FB and Instagram, bringing together young people interested in fashion, music and culture in the broadest sense. - 'Over time, as the community grew closer, we decided to move from the Internet to the real world. Now, people come to our events from all over Poland,' say Kacper Mytkowski, a student at the University of Gdańsk, Tymoteusz…
The city beach in Gdynia hosts the finals of the Polish Academic Championships in Beach Volleyball for Women and Men. We will see who will stand on the podium this year on July 7th. Gdynia, like every year, has become the capital of academic beach volleyball. For the first time, the competition is held in July. The right to participate in the finals was granted to 32 pairs of men and women, i.e. 128 participants in…
On the initiative of the University of Cadiz, for the first time in history, a meeting was held of persons responsible for sports and broadly defined physical culture within the European Universities of the Sea - SEA-EU. The University of Gdańsk was represented by mgr Tomasz Aftański - Deputy Director for Sport of the Centre for Physical Education and Sport. The event took…
academic life
The title of Friend of the School was awarded to dr Marcin Szulc, prof. UG from the Institute of Psychology, University of Gdańsk. The distinction was awarded by the management of the General Secondary School Complex No. 2 in Gdańsk. - 'I have been cooperating with this school, which impressed me with its modern management style, for years. To paraphrase a train from the "…
academic life
Dr hab. Katarzyna Skrzypińska, prof. UG, was elected chair of the Polish Association for Psychology of Religion and Spirituality for the next term. - 'Our Society brings together people with different world views, we are interested in atheists and agnostics with often very rich views of the world and faith in science,' says dr hab. Katarzyna Skrzypińska, Prof. UG. During the…
Scientists from the University of Gdańsk, Jagiellonian University and a scientific-industrial consortium including Producent Stolarki PCV i AL 'BEWI' Bernard Wójcik (project leader) obtained funding for the implementation of a project entitled: 'Development of innovative technology for removing coronaviruses from the air, including SARS-CoV-2 with the use of photocatalytic layers implemented in an air purifier'. The…
A photographic exhibition entitled 'Pomiędzy swojskością a obcością'. Picturing the Mood of Kashubia will be on display at the T. and I. Gulgowski Museum of Kashubian Landscape Park in Wdzydze. After Mainz, Gdańsk and Wejherowo, the exhibition will open in the place where the students conducted their research and drew inspiration for their Kashubian peregrinations. The…
academic life
The Gdańsk Equality Award was inspired by the Gdańsk Equality Council, set up by Mayor Paweł Adamowicz. The originator of the Award is dr Tomasz Snarski from the Faculty of Law and Administration of UG, who was a member of the first composition of the Council. For the first time in history, the Gdańsk Equality Award was presented on December 10, 2017, International Human…
The Beton performance, directed by Michał Derlatka, had its premiere in June at the Miniatura Theatre in Gdańsk. It is another interpretation of the novel Concrete Kite by dr Monika Milewska from the University of Gdańsk. - 'I am very satisfied with it, because it is faithful to the text of the novel, and at the same time it is a fresh look at my story from the side of another artist, highly regarded by me,' convinces…