The platform for learning German deutsch.info https://deutsch.info/pl co-created by the Institute of German Philology will be presented on June 16, at the University of Gdańsk.
The idea of the project and the platform will be presented, with the focus on specialist language courses (computer/IT, hotel and catering, care for the elderly and sick, technical and crafts professions), which are currently in the final stage of preparation. It is worth mentioning that the use of the courses and materials for teachers included in the platform is free of charge.
The offer is addressed mainly to teachers who teach German as a foreign language, but not only. Particular elements of the courses can also be used when teaching general language. Participants will receive certificates of participation in the meeting.
The meeting is live:
on the UG premises (neophilology building) - June 16, 2021 (Wednesday), 11.00 am.
Online meeting:
June 21, 2021 (Monday), 11.00 a.m.
Interested persons are invited to register their willingness to participate by June 7, 2021, at: monika.szafranska@ug.edu.pl, dariusz.pakalski@ug.edu.pl.