Weekend reading: prof. Grzegorz Węgrzyn in Prestiż Trójmiasto on research and treatment of Alzheimer's disease A wallet in the fridge, an empty pot left on the gas, and eventually problems recognising the faces of loved ones. Alzheimer's disease is an insidious thief of the human personality. The statistics are inexorable. It is predicted that in 2050 already more than a million Poles will suffer from the disease…
science portal
Dr. Alicja Chmielewska. Photo by Arek Smykowski / UG Interview with dr Alicja Chmielewska from the Department of Molecular Biology of the Interuniversity Faculty of Biotechnology UG and GUMed   Research on COVID-19 has pushed all else into the background. Is this an unprecedented situation or have we already encountered research conducted on such an…
UG employees and students covered the distance from Gdansk to Porto to support a charity event organised by students from the University of Brest. With a total distance of 3082 km, the UG community took first place on the podium and showed the greatest commitment among all partners of the event. The University of Gdansk joined in the promotion of the sport and charity event…
academic life
A successful promotional campaign Girls go Science! It was held online for the second time. UG, and especially the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science participated in the action together with twenty leading universities from Poland. The Girls go Science! and Girls as Engineers! are nationwide events organized by the Perspektywy Educational Foundation. They aim to convince female secondary school and…
academic life
University of Gdansk Academic Cultural Centre 'Alternator' invites you to the second edition of UG Talks. Science Slam! The event is aimed at students and PhD students of the University of Gdansk and allows them to present their research to a wider audience. During the broadcast, you will be able to watch the speeches of our speakers and vote for the best ones. On the 11th of…
The Between. Pomiędzy Festival of Literature and Theatre will take place in virtual space for the second time. The 12th edition of the event from May 10 to 16, 2021 will feature meetings with poets, writers and translators, presentations of theatre recordings, the premiere of a radio play, discussions, as well as student projects, conferences and seminars. The festival promotes humanistic research and cooperation…
Kolorem niebieskim  zaznaczono kraje pochodzenia pracowników i studentów ICTQT, a czerwonym grupy badawcze, współpracujące z ICTQT. - 'Quantum physics and quantum technologies are among today's greatest scientific challenges. This is a very good time for such ambitious research initiatives because currently, quantum technologies are of interest not only to…
A film by Pawel Podolski, a student of the Philology Department, awarded at the international Austin Comedy Film Festival Paweł Podolski, a first-year student of Film and Audiovisual Culture at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Gdańsk, and director of the short film Czy potwory jedzą kiwi [Do Monsters Eat Kiwi], received the award for best international director at the Austin Comedy Film Festival. The film…
academic life
Nepenthes hamata (Gunung Lumut, Sulawesi, Indonesia). Photo: dr hab. Krzysztof Banaś Dr hab. Krzysztof Banaś, Professor UG from the Department of Plant Ecology of the Faculty of Biology, University of Gdańsk, the originator of the International Carnivorous Plants Day, is also the creator of the paludarium, which is located on the first floor of the Faculty…
academic life
On May 4th secondary school graduates take their final exams. We keep our fingers crossed for you! Listen to the wishes addressed to you by the Rector of the University of Gdańsk, prof. Piotr Stepnowski.
We would like to invite you to another open meeting within the framework of the project 'Scientific Cafés at the University of Gdańsk' which will bring closer the scientific activities of the University employees. The lecture entitled 'Minima Iuridica - reflections on some (un)obvious legal issues' will be presented by prof. dr hab. Jerzy Zajadło from the Faculty of Law and…
academic life
In over 50 years of the University of Gdańsk's history, many outstanding graduates have left its walls. Some of them we know from the pages of textbooks, others from the media. They are all connected not only by the walls of the university but most of all by their memories - of classes, lecturers, political events that were intertwined with the history of our Alma Mater, of friends they met during their studies, family…
The Flag Day of the Republic of Poland is a holiday established in 2004. Ewa Karolina Cichocka talks to prof. dr hab. Beata Możejko from the Faculty of History of the University of Gdańsk about the heraldic meaning of the Polish flag's colours. - We think that we know what the colours of our flag mean, but according to heraldry the answer is probably not that simple. What do the red and white colours mean? - Heraldry,…
academic life
The National Agency for Academic Exchange invites applications for joint research projects between Poland and France PHC Polonium. Grants support the mobility of scientists carrying out research projects in Polish-French teams. Funding is intended to cover the costs of travel and stays of Polish scientists in the partner's country. Applications for a joint project must be…
academic life
Students from the Faculty of Management took second place in the international Showcase Competition, organised as part of the AIS 2021 Student Chapter Leadership Conference by one of the world's largest organisations of AIS information systems communities. They created an app aimed at people with networking problems, extreme shyness and social phobia. AIS Student Chapter…
The University of Gdańsk has been placed second among the laureates of NAWA SPINAKER - Intensive International Education Programmes. The University will receive PLN 799,911.80 for the project entitled 'International Summer School - Pollution in Coastal Areas' (POLCA). The project leader is dr Ilona Kamińska from the Department of Oceanography and Geography. The project '…
academic life
Although the statistics provided in the Children's Rights Ombudsman's report show that social consent for corporal punishment in Poland is decreasing year by year, the approval for hitting children is still disturbingly high in our country. The research shows that 58% of respondents agree that there are situations when a child should be spanked, and 32% believe that 'the so-…
history of UG
The insignia of the University of Gdańsk - a chain, ring and sceptre - were given to the first rector, prof. Janusz Sokołowski, as a gift by Gdańsk craftsmen. And they have remained unchanged ever since. Particularly impressive are the large blocks of amber decorating the chain and crowning the sceptre. This is a natural reference to the maritime character of our university. Insignia - from Latin " insignium" is a sign…
April 29, 2021, is the International Dance Day. On this occasion, we asked Barbara Madany, the organisational manager of the University of Gdańsk Song and Dance Ensemble 'Jantar', about the group and its plans for the future. - You have been active since the beginning of the University of Gdańsk - since 1970. How is it that despite the changes of the times, political system and generations, your group, in which you…
The distinction awarded by Microsoft to the University of Gdańsk was received today (28.04.2021) by Rector prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski. University in the cloud is a new program implemented by Microsoft which distinguishes and associates universities that in a model way use Microsoft tools and technologies in their scientific, administrative and research activities. - 'Technology at the University of Gdańsk plays a…
academic life
Albert, who became an inspiration for the Gdańsk scientists' research, is a dog of prof. Jacek Ryla from the Faculty of Technical Physics and Applied Mathematics, PG. 'Albert is a dog, but he doesn't realise it. Albert loves human food (and beer), watching videos on the internet, sleeping in bed and more, but he's not supposed to do all those things. To…
academic life
The competition for the post of Chairman of the Institute of National Remembrance was won yesterday by dr Karol Nawrocki, a graduate of the Institute of History of the Faculty of History of the University of Gdańsk, the former Director of the World War II Museum in Gdańsk. There were 5 candidates for the post of the President of the Institute of National Remembrance: dr Adam Buława, dr Marek Chrzanowski, dr Karol…
academic life
Once again the Academic Club of Logistics invites all students to participate in a meeting under the motto "Fridays with logistics". This time Grzegorz Dziekanowski, Purchasing Manager NPR Supply Chain Grupa Żywiec S.A. will be the speaker and the topic of the meeting will be effective management of relations with transport service providers 'LSPM'. The meeting will take…
Ewa Karolina Cichocka discusses with prof. dr hab. Stefan Chwin from the Faculty of Philology, University of Gdańsk, the book entitled 'Oddać życie za Polskę. Samobójstwo altruistyczne w literaturze polskiej XIX wieku', published as the third in the series on suicide in culture. - Your book entitled Oddać życie za Polskę is the third book concerning the issue of suicide that you have published. What area of culture does…
academic life
Tomorrow, Wednesday, we would like to invite employees of the University of Gdańsk to the 1st Occupational Safety and Health Day at the UG. April 28 is the World Day for Safety and Health at Work. Its theme is: Anticipate, Prepare and Respond to Crises. On this occasion, for the first time at UG, lectures will be held on the broad topic of health and safety of our university's employees. - 'Due to the pandemic, we have…
academic life
Photo: Cezary Bogus The Virtual Pomeranian Herbarium, created within the framework of the UG project entitled 'Herbarium Pomeranicum - digitalization and accessibility of herbarium collections of academic institutions of Pomerania through their connection and digital accessibility.', will combine resources gathered by four Pomeranian herbaria. In this way…
history of UG
Interview with prof. Janusz Sokołowski published in Dziennik Bałtycki in 1969. The creation of the University of Gdańsk has already been officially announced. Many years of plans and discussions are starting to take shape. We asked the plenipotentiary for the preparation of the university, Rector of the WSP in Gdańsk, prof. dr inż. Janusz Sokołowski. - When will the university be established? - Next March, on the 25th…
Five years of partnership cooperation in the fields of research, science and education between the University of Gdansk and Azerbaijan State University of Petroleum and Industry provides an agreement concluded between the authorities of the universities. The agreement on partnership cooperation was signed by the authorities of UG with Azerbaijan State University of Petroleum…
academic life
A new, English-language radio programme has been launched on Radio Mors. In Erasmus Encounters we will hear mainly about international issues, around which the discussion will take place. In the newest programme of Radio Mors, we will hear all about the Erasmus + programme, associations cooperating with it and students participating in the programme. The first guest will be…
For the third time, Times Higher Education has published a compilation of universities implementing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set out in Agenda 2030. The University of Gdańsk scored highly in terms of implementing Goal 14, 'Living underwater', being ranked between 101 and 200 out of 379 participants from around the world. It is ranked in the same range in terms of…