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academic life
The Scientific Club of Literature Theorists UG organised a meeting devoted to the monograph 'Texts of the Internet - Internet of texts'.   The Institute of Polish Philology UG hosted another meeting of the Academic Club of Literature Theorists UG, which has been active since 2008. The Club has many publications to its credit, has cooperated with periodicals and has co-organised several scientific conferences. Its…
Pictured from the left: dr Michał Szypniewski, dr Marek Benio and dr Monika Tomaszewska, prof. UG. Photo by Alan Stocki/UG. Bringing together the worlds of employers, academics, employees, and civil servants is the mission of the European Labour Mobility Institute (ELMI) association, which is starting to cooperate with…
If you want to develop under the guidance of a personal mentor in the TFL and broader supply chain industry or try your hand at solving business problems, take part in the recruitment for the Top Young 100 Programme, which supports and promotes young talent in the professional market. Recruitment for the sixth edition of Top Young 100, an initiative…
social responsibility of science
Prof. Grzegorz Węgrzyn, Chair of the Council for Scientific Excellence, talks about the latest changes in the habilitation process and the requirements for submitting a professorial application as part of the MINDtheGEPs project guides. The UG scientist explains, among other things, who has to write a habilitation exam, how the application review process has changed and when someone is ready to apply for a professorship…
Under the motto 'HOISTING HISTORY', the European Solidarity Centre and the University of Gdańsk invite you to monthly popular science lectures focusing on the Gdańsk Shipyard and its workers. The first lecture is already on January 26. Admission is free. In mid-July 2022, the Gdańsk ECS opened an exhibition entitled. 'STOCZNIA | Man. Industry. City.' …
Do people have free will? Is life suffering? Do you think you know the answers to these questions, or do you have other thoughts related to the work of one of Gdańsk's most famous citizens? The UG Academic Club of Philosophers invites you to speak at the Schopenhauerlia 2023 student conference, with a theme in the person of Arthur Schopenhauer. The…
The Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Gdańsk has launched the VIII edition of the Competition for the Young Scientist Award of the Branch of PAS in Gdańsk. This is a competition for the best scientific publication of 2022, the lead author of which is an employee or doctoral student of a scientific institution from the Pomeranian, Kuyavian-…
Mgr Wojciech Oleszkiewcz - an employee of the Centre for Physical Education and Sport at the University of Gdańsk and coach of the women's basketball and snowboard sections - received a medal for his contribution to sport from Aleksandra Dulkiewicz, Mayor of the City of Gdańsk. Coach Wojciech Oleszkiewcz has been involved in sports at the University of…
The first 'Friday at the History Faculty' in the new year 2023 - a meeting with the author of the book 'Everyday life of the Teutonic Order cities in Prussia' dr hab. Kazimierz Grążawski, prof. UWM in Olsztyn. On Friday 13.01.2023r. at 1 pm, another meeting in the series 'Friday at the History Faculty' took place. The initiative aims to integrate the academic community, get to know the work of eminent scientists and…
Friday the 13th did not deter biologists and biotechnologists! The mysteries of water, an exhibition related to the phenomenon of bioluminescence, numerous curiosities about plants that arrived on ships and a stand entitled ‘Tumours, Inc.', i.e. a few words about cancer. The 12th edition of the Biologists' Night provided not only excitement but also a…
As many as 8 A categories and 13 B+ categories - such was the excellent result of the evaluation appeal process for the University of Gdańsk. - It is with great satisfaction that I have to say that during the last evaluation period, the university's academic community has shown extraordinary commitment and tremendous diligence, as evidenced by the academic categories finally obtained," comments Rector prof. Piotr…
Coffee with a psychologist in the morning, lunch with the Rector of the University of Gdańsk in the afternoon and an Adele Songbook concert by the University of Gdańsk Vocal Studio in the evening. See what else the academic community of our university has put up for auction at the 31st finale of WOŚP…
academic life
The University of Gdańsk, as the first university in Poland, has established a unit specialising in and focusing on normative phenomena - the 'New Technologies Law Centre'. It will operate at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdansk and conduct, under the management of dr hab. Jakub Szlachetko, research, implementation,…
- 'There are people in the world who are searching for a common definition of Balticness and those who are building it with their daily activities. There are many of us, so different from each other, but united in the search for answers to the questions of how, when and why the Baltic Sea and its region became the starting point for building a narrative of Balticness,' - with these words begins a new film summarising…
The University Secondary School made its debut in this year's Perspektywy ranking, taking 19th place among all secondary schools in the Pomeranian Voivodeship. - 'This is a great success for students, teachers, parents and school management. It is also worth emphasising that this result is only a springboard to higher ranking positions in future years…
academic life
The use of games for educational and teaching purposes will be discussed by members of the new UG Digital and Analogue Games Research Club. The group's plans also include gamification activities. The organisational meeting of the club will take place on January 17 at 6 pm in the main hall of the UG History Faculty building. From the left:…
academic life
'Challenging', 'Inspiring', 'An experience not to be forgotten'. - this is how graduates of the Blue Book programme describe their time at the European Commission. See how the executive arm of the European Union works on a 5-month paid internship. The internship offer is aimed at students with the equivalent of a bachelor's degree or university…
Unconventional ways of learning Polish by Ukrainian refugees will be investigated by researchers from the University of Gdańsk and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Researchers from Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University and Italian psycholinguist Jacopo Saturno are also involved in the project. The initiative has received funding of PLN 222,800 from the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA).  Researchers…
science portal
dr Monika Lipińska, photo by Alan Stocki/UG The scientific interests of dr Monika Lipińska from the Laboratory of Plant Taxonomy at the Faculty of Biology, UG, revolve around the orchid family, and her research is aimed at learning and better understanding the taxonomy, biology and ecology of tropical orchids. Guatemala, Ecuador,…
Paintings depicting the Baltic Sea by night and by day were put up for a charity auction by the Lions Club Gdynia. On January 6, their author - UG Vice Chancellor for Information, Communication and Promotion dr hab. inż Aneta Oniszczuk-Jastrząbek, prof. UG - presented her works during the charity New Year's Eve Encore Concert at the Danuta Baduszkowa Music Theatre in Gdynia…
academic life
1033 - that's how much information about what's happening at the University of Gdańsk has been published by the Press Team on in 2022. We invite you on a journey to recall the events - from the massive mobilisation of the entire university in aid of Ukraine to a research cruise along the west coast of Europe, to all the changes that have taken place in this challenging year…
From left: Dean of the Faculty of Philology dr hab. Urszula Patocka-Sigłowy, prof. UG, Rector UG prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski and Mayor of Gdańsk Aleksandra Dulkiewicz. Joint conferences, support in teaching and the development of cooperation as part of the Gdańsk City of Literature programme - these were the provisions of a…
academic life
140 hours of lessons in one evening? During the Biologists' Night, anything is possible. On January 13, the Faculty of Biology and the Inter-University Faculty of Biotechnology UG and MUG will join in one of the largest popular science events in Poland. Almost 100 attractions are planned for this year's Biologists' Night.  - 'The response is very high…
The University of Gdańsk Library cordially invites you to an exhibition entitled 'Until the Day Comes... Traditions. Rituals. Holidays'. In addition to the usual tour - it is possible to take part in a curator's guided tour. The exhibition will take you through the Christmas period, New Year's Eve fortune-telling, carnival, and the drowning of Marzanna…
With the end of 2022, the series of ten interdisciplinary online Kashubian lectures at the Faculty of Philology entitled 'Understanding Kashuby. In the circle of basic scientific and social issues'. They introduced the audience to the history and culture of Kashuby that distinguish Kashubia and Kashubians. The series was conducted as part of an inter-university lecture offer - for students of the University of Gdańsk…
academic life
  Happy New Year!
academic life
Too many resolutions is an easy way to not keep any of them. Graphic by Alan Stocki/UG. January is often a month of change, a flurry of new energy and a desire for action. It is also the time for New Year's resolutions. We talk to psychologist dr Agata Rudnik from the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Gdańsk about…
In 2020, migrants accounted for as much as 3.6% of the world's population, in 48 years the vertebrate population has fallen by 69%. Where does this information come from? From the UG lessons, of course! We invite you to watch new popular science lectures prepared in cooperation with SAUR Neptun Gdańsk. The first one entitled 'Why do people migrate?' is conducted by dr Elżbieta Czapka from the Institute of Sociology at…
More than PLN 850 000 has been donated to the University of Gdańsk by the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) for cooperation activities with Odessa's Ilya Mynichkov National University (ONU). Student and staff mobility projects will be implemented throughout 2023 with the SEA-EU alliance.  - 'I believe that for the universities of our eastern neighbours, there is no better place today to implement modern forms…
people of UG
Two seasons, limited access to water and rising temperatures - this is the picture that climate forecasts for Poland draw over the next few decades. Dr Mirosława Malinowska, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs at the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography UG, talks about whether we can do anything to prevent this. A climatologist from UG, she has written many papers collecting data from meteorological stations all over…