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history of UG
'I grew up within the walls of the University of Gdańsk and internally I feel that this is my little homeland...' - says mgr Dominik Bień, a guest at the meeting 'Let's talk about history.... of the University of Gdańsk's vocation', organised by the Students' Self-Government Council of the Faculty of History   On Monday 12.12.2022 at 3 pm, the second meeting in the series 'Let's talk about history...' took place, which…
Photo by Alan Stocki/UG. Experiencing severe and prolonged stress during the prenatal period can have a detrimental effect on both the development of the foetus and the woman's general obstetric situation. This, in turn, can result in premature birth, low birth weight of the baby and even, in the most severe cases, a threat to the…
Pictured from left: Harald Weinfurter, Claudia Keller, Anton Zeilinger and Marek Żukowski. Prof. dr hab. Marek Żukowski from the International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies (ICTQT) at the University of Gdańsk was officially invited to the Nobel Prize ceremony at the request of prof. Anton Zeilinger. The professor, who is…
The funds raised during the Students for Ukraine collection have been used to purchase additional high-performance generators - this time 5 pieces, 5 gas bottles, and 6 tourist stoves. The gifts were presented on December 14 at a press conference at UG WNS, attended by representatives of the Center for Student and Doctoral Activities at UG, the Regional Center for International Debate in Gdańsk, the Students for Ukraine…
Christmas is approaching and Christmas songs, decorations, and gingerbread have already found their way into many homes. An integral part of tradition are also gifts, which we find under the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. If you have forgotten about a present or have no idea what to give in the midst of pre-Christmas preparations, the University of Gdańsk Publishing House has prepared a special offer. On the shelves…
The University of Cadiz, within the European University of the Seas (SEA-EU) and in the framework of the reSEArch-EU project, is at the forefront of the SEA-EU Talent Initiative, with which we intend to promote the talent of junior researchers belonging to universities of the SEA-EU Alliance in different academic fields.   On December 14th at 11:00 am save the date for the second webinar of the SEA-EU Talent initiative…
academic life
The Centre for Student and Doctoral Activities at the University of Gdańsk invites you to a Christmas meeting of the academic community, which will take place on December 21, 2022, on level 100 of the Faculty of Social Sciences. The meeting will include: - a meeting with the authorities of the University of Gdańsk - a performance by the UG Vocal Studio…
academic life
Mgr Mateusz Adam Baluk, a third-year doctoral student in the School of Exact and Natural Sciences, received an award in the Product Innovation category at the Eco-Innovator 2022 competition for his academic achievements and popularization of science. The award was primarily given for scientific accomplishments: for his participation in co-creating a…
The Ambassador of the Republic of Rwanda, prof. Anastase Shyaka, met on December 12, 2022, with the Rector of the University of Gdańsk, prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski, and the Vice-Rector for student affairs and quality of education, dr hab. Arnold Kłonczyński, prof. UG. During the meeting, the possibilities for closer scientific cooperation between UG and Rwandan universities were discussed and an offer of education in…
Last year, the Promotion Team along with the Student and Doctoral Activity Center organized a collection for the beneficiaries of the animal shelter. Thanks to the involvement of our academic community, last year's collection was a great success. We hope that this year you will actively join us in the action. Donations can be brought to specially marked boxes in the Rectorate and on the Faculties of UG. The collection…
academic life
The 'Around Social Criticism' lecture series has begun. Dr Łukasz Moll, a sociologist and philosopher from the University of Wrocław, met with the academic community at the University of Gdańsk at the invitation of the Center for Student and Doctoral Activities of the UG. The event inaugurated the 'Around Social Criticism' series. Dr Moll's areas of research include the theory of the common good, the idea of Europe,…
academic life
During the meeting of the Doctoral Forum of Polish Universities, the board was elected for the 2023 term. The doctoral candidate Sebastian Barczak from the University of Gdańsk will lead the board.   The elections took place during the FUP meeting in Wrocław on December 2-4. The outgoing chairman, Dominik Delczyk, and his board received a unanimous vote of approval.   As a result of the vote, the board was elected for…
Without international cooperation, including academic and student exchange and joint research, it is impossible to talk about the development of any university today - emphasised the participants in the inaugural meeting of the University Commission for Internationalisation, which met on Friday at the University of Gdańsk. The University Internationalisation Commission was established by the Conference of Rectors of…
The University of Gdańsk invites you to two free data analysis courses for Ukrainian citizens currently residing in the Tri-City area. The courses will be held in English at the University of Gdańsk. Citizens of Ukraine who entered Poland after February 23, 2022, are eligible to participate in the courses. A Ukrainian passport with an entry stamp after…
science portal
On scientific paradoxes, milestones in quantum mechanics research, and quantum cryptography and teleportation with prof. Marek Żukowski, director of the International Center for Quantum Technology Theory at the University of Gdańsk, speaks dr Beata Czechowska-Derkacz. Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser and Anton Zeilinger, the leading experimenters, were…
academic life
Do you have books or things you don't need but would like to support those in need? Write to We will arrange for collection and the funds donated for the gifts at the upcoming Christmas Fair will support those affected by the war in Ukraine.
Meetings promoting innovation, knowledge transfer and the exchange of good practices in innovative technological solutions were just some of the highlights of the intensive InnovAzul conference organised by the University of Cadiz with the participation of the SEA-EU European University. The University authorities were represented by the Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Development, dr hab. Sylwia Mrozowska, prof. UG…
academic life
29 University of Gdańsk refugee students from Ukraine have received scholarships from the Foundation for the Development of the University of Gdańsk. The FRUG Scholarship Fund Council at its meeting on December 06, 2022, evaluated the submitted scholarship applications from the Scholarship Fund 'University of Gdańsk to help Ukraine!'.   As a result of the Council's recommendation, Marzena Chojnacka - President of the…
academic life
Christmas is not always an easy or pleasant time. It can also trigger a lot of difficult emotions in us, which is why we invite you to three events in the coming days and weeks to help you calm down and take care of yourself (with care for others). The first is an Open Meeting: 'YOU ARE IMPORTANTX'.  When? 8.12.2022 (Thursday) at 5 pm Where? Faculty…
academic life
The Students' Legal Clinic operating at the Faculty of Law and Administration, led by dr Tomasz Snarski, was awarded in the category 'Group / Club / Volunteer Family/ies', as part of the Gala of the 'Active in the European Capital of Volunteering' competition'. During the gala on December 3, the Counselling Centre was represented by Zuzanna Moczadło, Vice Chair of the Board of Coordinators of the SPP of the WPiA of the…
It will appear as early as January at the UG campus and next to the student dormitories. What is the innovative, energy-efficient Hibox and why will it appear at the UG Campus?  The Hibox is a solar-powered locker box. This innovative solution cannot be found on any other Polish or European campus. It can be used by anyone who wants to leave an item…
academic life
mgr Adriana Łada-Maśko, photo by Alan Stocki/UG December 3 is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. I talk about disability in terms of family psychology with mgr Ariadna Łada-Maśko from the Department of Developmental Psychology and Psychopathology, Faculty of Social Sciences, UG, who explores the topic of growing up…
people of UG
He founded and expanded the Marine Station of the University of Gdańsk in Hel and cared for endangered species of the Baltic Sea, including fish, seals and porpoises. Prof. Krzysztof Skóra passed away six years ago, but his achievements continue to change our environment for the better. This year, the Professor was awarded the 'Green Eagle' im memoriam for his commitment to environmental issues. The competition was…
Medical errors, the civil liability of doctors and medical confidentiality were among a dozen or so topics taken up during the Second National Scientific Conference on Medical, Pharmaceutical Law, Bioethics and Healthcare Management. The event was held on November 24-25, 2022, on the first day in the Great Veto Hall in the City Hall of Gdańsk, and the second day in the Professor Janusz Sokołowski Auditorium at the…
With more than one hundred participants, hundreds of hours of classes, four months of intensive work and almost PLN 1 million in funding - the intensive Polish language course for Ukrainian teachers run by the Faculty of Philology of the University of Gdansk has officially come to an end. On November 25, representatives of the University of Gdańsk, the Consulate General of Ukraine in Gdańsk, the Pomeranian Teacher…
The completion of the project's first phase and preparations for SEA-EU 2.0 are a period of intensive meetings of SEA-EU partner universities not only for administrative and scientific staff but also for rectors and deans. This time, as part of the SEA-EU job shadowing programme, a delegation consisting of the rectoral authorities of the University of Gdansk, the deans of the Faculty of History, the Faculty of Social…
The completion of the first phase of the project and preparations for SEA-EU 2.0 are a period of intensive meetings of SEA-EU partner universities not only for administrative and scientific staff but also for rectors and deans. This time, as part of the SEA-EU job shadowing programme, a delegation consisting of the rectorial authorities of the University of Gdańsk, the deans of the Faculties: History, Social Sciences…
Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Development dr hab. Sylwia Mrozowska, prof. UG received an award for the University of Gdańsk for its result in the most prestigious ranking of higher education institutions in the world - THE World University Rankings 2023. We would like to remind you that in the latest edition of the Times Higher Education World…
We would like to invite all fans to the matches of the league teams of AZS University of Gdańsk. This weekend you can see our teams in action in futsal, basketball and women's volleyball. Admission to all matches is free. Below are the exact dates and venues of the matches. II WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE AZS Akademia Siatkówki University of Gdańsk - KKS…
She played a millionaire in Juliusz Machulski's 'Vinci' and Michalina Wisłocka's mother in Maria Sadowska's 'Art of Loving', but residents of the Tricity still know her above all for her excellent roles at the Wybrzeże Theatre. On November 29, the UG Faculty of Philology will be visited by Dorota Kolak. A meeting with the actress, who will talk about what goes on 'Behind the Scenes', will begin at 5 p.m. in the 1.43…