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The National Centre for Science has announced the results of the PRELUDIUM BIS 3 competition. Among the awarded research projects is the project of the Vice-Rector for Research, prof. dr hab. Wiesław Laskowski from the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science, University of Gdańsk, entitled: 'Physical constraints on the formation and observation of strictly…
Marcelina Palov and Dimitrij Janczylik from the University of Gdańsk won gold medals at the Polish Academic Judo Championships, held in Piła. Moreover, in the final classification of universities, the University of Gdańsk took 3rd place. Report by Kinga Trzebiatowska/AZS UG On the second and third of April, eight representatives of UG appeared in Piła. The line-up included: Felicja Gajdowska, Kacper Gros, Dmitrij…
We know the winners of the second edition of the Gdańsk Humanities Support Programme. Funding was granted to a total of seven scientific projects for a total amount of nearly PLN 980 000. The Gdańsk Humanities Support Programme implemented under the IDUB is addressed to academic teachers of the University of Gdańsk who conduct research in the humanities. Funding in the second…
Monika Lipińska and Fredy Archila. Biologists from the University of Gdańsk, after almost 50 years of speculation, have documented the pollination process of the orchid Ornithidium fulgens by the hummingbird Amazilia cyanocephala. - 'In contrast to van der Pijl and Dodson's observations, thanks to the photographic documentation, I was able to determine the…
Dr Olga Martyniuk from WZ UG. Publication entitled 'Entrepreneurship nests in a Polish edge city' co-authored by dr Olga Martyniuk from the Department of Corporate Finance, Faculty of Management, University of Gdańsk, was awarded the Prize of the Minister of Development and Technology in the category of national publications. The authors of the publication…
academic life
Every Thursday, young and experienced scientists will be able to take part in a discussion and talk about their projects. The initiator of the series of meetings is dr hab. Agnieszka Piotrowska, who stays at the UG as a research professor. The nearest one - is already on April 7, at 1 pm at MS Teams.  At the end of the 18th century, one of the most important cyclical events…
Exchange of observations and opinions on the organisation of lectures after the COVID-19 pandemic and a summary of the experience of remote working - were the main topics of the meeting of representatives of language teaching centres at universities in Poland. The discussion was held as part of the 4th Forum of University Foreign Language Teaching Centres. The meeting took place on March 25, 2022, on the MS Teams…
academic life
At the request of the UG Student Parliament, the Rector, prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski announces Thursday 14.04.2022 as Rector's Day, free from classes.  We would also like to remind you that from 15.04.2022 to 19.04.2022 students and lecturers have a spring holiday break.
The photo shows a phytotron - a room for growing plants in in vitro culture 'Development of ex situ conservation methods for protected species of the heather family (Ericaceae)' - is a project that has received funding from the programme 'Students' scientific clubs create innovations'. It will be carried out by the 'Explantatus' Student Research Group of…
academic life
Researchers, library information specialists and librarians interested in deepening their knowledge of databases can take part in a spring series of online training seminars. The seminars will take place on April 12 and 26 at 11:30 am and are organised by Elsevier. The first of the training series is entitled Data - the driving force behind analysis and strategy. During the meeting, participants will learn examples of…
We would like to invite anyone interested in going to China on a Confucius Scholarship to an information meeting. Those who wish to participate in this programme must pass the HSK language exam at the appropriate level. There is also an age limit of 16 to 35 in most cases. The meeting will take place on April 9, at 10:00 am in an online format. The efficient student exchange system between universities in China and UG…
academic life
Are you experimenting with the short film form, or maybe you have a head full of ideas and are not afraid of challenges? Share your thoughts with the world. Until April 15th, submit your "one-minute film" to the 6th edition of the Refleks;ja One-Minute Film Competition by April 15 and see it on the big screen on May 12. Refleks;ja is a…
academic life
You can register as a bone marrow and stem cell donor until April 9. Where? Every day at a different faculty of UG. Take part in the 'Helpers' Generation' campaign and join nearly two million potential donors. All healthy people between 18 and 55 can sign up. The DKMS Foundation has been searching for, registering and testing potential stem…
Science and student activities, sustainable development, cooperation with the environment, interdepartmental integration and interdisciplinary discussions - are just some of the objectives achieved during the Congress of Economic and Environmental Student Circles 'KEEKS 2022' held at the Faculty of Economics of UG. The event continued the tradition of integrating students and…
people of UG
Almost every day, at one of the faculties of the University of Gdańsk, initiatives are born to help Ukraine. This time we are looking at the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology. Every Wednesday, a fair is organised by mgr Weronika Babinska, and a collection of donations is also held. In turn, dr Michał Rychłowski has been transporting refugees from Lviv to the Polish-Ukrainian border for a week. We would like to…
academic life
The final competition of the sixth edition of the National Shipping and Logistics Competition, organised by the Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdańsk for secondary school students interested in issues related to transport, logistics and shipping, is approaching. The participants will compete for a transcript of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdańsk…
Almost 400 beds have been prepared for refugees from Ukraine in the Sopot student dormitories of the University of Gdańsk, which have been out of use for some time. An agreement on the transfer of DS. 8 and DS.9 to the city of Sopot was signed today at the City Hall by Jacek Karnowski, Mayor of Sopot, Marcin Skwierawski, Vice-President of Sopot, and - on behalf of the University - by Rector prof. Piotr Stepnowski and…
academic life
The Times Higher Education website published an article describing the assistance provided to Ukraine by the academic community of our University. The author is Dr Agnieszka Piotrowska, from the University of Gdańsk Film Centre. – 'Every refugee from Ukraine gets what they need. Not only clothes and food but also books and toys. People bring so many gifts that it's hard to manage them all. It takes a lot of time,' - We…
Preparing the industry in the field of standard and quantum cyber security is the main objective of the project presented last Saturday by the Quantum Cybersecurity Hub Europe Foundation, which cooperates with the Technology Transfer Centre. - Today we stand here and can all proudly present our idea that became reality. We are all looking forward to the next steps, the opportunities to work with great companies in…
Registration for the scientific and economic conference 'Risks and consequences of division and sale of the Lotos Group. Economic and social perspective' is open until April 7. During the event, we will hear perspectives of scientists from the Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Management, Faculty of Law and Administration and Gdańsk University of Technology. The conference will be opened by Paweł Olechnowicz, former…
Consul Fan Xiaodong and dr Magdalena Łągiewska with the winners of the Chinese Impressions competition photo by PRC Consulate in Gdańsk As many as ten works from the Confucius Institute of the University of Gdańsk were awarded in the national photo competition Chinese Impressions organised by the Embassy of the People's…
'How to conduct internationalisation under conditions of uncertainty' - was supposed to be the leading theme of the 15th-anniversary conference 'Foreign Students in Poland 2022'. However, due to Russia's aggression against Ukraine and the ongoing war, participants focused on discussing the Polish academic community's assistance to Ukrainians in supporting students, PhD students and academics in Poland and Ukraine. The…
academic life
Reducing the teaching workload in the new academic year 2022/2023 and naming the Theatre Hall in the building of Neophilology after Professor Jerzy Limon were some of the seventeen items discussed by the Senate of the University of Gdańsk today (31.03.2022). After adopting the agenda, they were presented with information on the reduction of the teaching load in the academic year 2022/2023, which is an initiative of the…
academic life
Graduating from school and choosing a university? Or maybe you want to change your major or are planning to study for a master's degree? On Thursday, April 7 at 18:00 we will meet on Radio Mors to talk about recruitment at the University of Gdańsk. Every year in spring the University of Gdańsk Recruitment Office receives a lot of questions from students interested in studying at our University. To make it easier for you…
academic life
- 'Lower teaching workload in the new academic year will enable academic staff at the University of Gdansk to intensify their activities related to, among others, scientific research. This is the next step in the implementation of our Human Resources Development Policy,' - emphasises the Rector prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski. Taking care of the academic staff development is the priority task of the University of Gdańsk…
academic life
Data, data, more and more data. A lake, a sea, an ocean of data. Where does it come from? Who collects it and for what purpose? What can be done with it? Are they a blessing or a threat to the society of the 21st century? These and other questions will be answered as part of a series of Science Cafés by dr hab. Krzysztof Najman, professor of the University of Gdańsk, from the…
academic life
We invite you to read the latest issue of the 'University Gazette'. In the issue, among others: University of Gdańsk's solidarity with Ukraine, a report on the UG celebration and the address of the Rector, prof. Piotr Stepnowski, an extensive presentation of the Faculty of Chemistry, interviews with dr Emilia Leszkowicz, dr Magdalena Izabella Sacha, prof. Mirosław Miętus and…
academic life
Silesaurus - a genus of archosaur living in the late Triassic in modern Europe. Photo by dr Elżbieta Sontag. Reconstructions of dinosauriform reptiles from 250 million years ago, fossils of ammonites or sea urchins, mussels and other animals of the seabed will be on display at the new exhibition of the Faculty of Biology, University of Gdańsk, entitled …
'Relativistic causality and information processing' - a project submitted to the NCN competition by the International Centre for the Theory of Quantum Technologies-has gained funding of over 3.4 million PLN. - 'We ask what are the absolutely fundamental limits on information processing in any reasonable physical theory. Also such, which ... do not exist yet,' - says prof. dr…
Photo by Alan Stocki/UG. Cooperation between the University of Gdańsk and Łaźnia Centre for Contemporary Art has been established to support the mutual popularisation of science, knowledge, art and culture. CCA ŁAŹNIA is one of the most important institutions in Poland in the field of contemporary art, which the main goal is to present and disseminate…