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The Polish-American Fulbright Commission has published a list of the winners of the BioLAB 2021-2022 Programme. Among the 42 winners who will receive a one-year internship in one of the four renowned research centres in the U.S., there are students from the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology UG and GUMed and the Faculty of Chemistry UG. The BioLAB programme is intended…
We invite you to another meeting within the project 'Scientific Cafés at the University of Gdańsk'. This time the lecture 'Genetically enhanced plants - a chance to feed humanity and not an unnecessary interference in food production' will be presented by prof. dr hab. Ewa Łojkowska from the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology UG and GUMed. The meeting will take place on…
academic life
Being human in different epochs and cultures is the title of a series of seven online lectures organised by the Pomeranian Philosophical and Theological Society. The speakers will be mainly scholars from the Faculty of History and Philology of the University of Gdańsk. It will begin on April 15 at 7 p.m. The first lecture of the series entitled The Gdansk real and imaginary world in the 17th century will be given by…
The Foreign Languages Centre of the University of Gdańsk would like to invite you to another meeting within the Sunday Sessions - Swedish Edition series. It is a new project aimed at students and enthusiasts of Scandinavia. The series of online meetings are open to students and enthusiasts of Scandinavia, mainly popularising Scandinavian culture. - 'The topics discussed will…
A scholarship funded by the Bavarian State Chancellery for a research stay in Würzburg was awarded to dr Karol Kłodziński from the Faculty of History UG. Dr Karol Kłodziński took part in the competition for the Polish Historical Mission scholarship funded by the Bavarian State Chancellery. The scholarship will be used for a research stay in 2021 in a project entitled Otto Hirschfeld (1843-1922) as a researcher of Roman…
academic life
To Whom It May Concern, Due to a great interest in the issue of vaccination of the UG administration employees, we would like to inform you that the University of Gdańsk is logistically and infrastructurally prepared to realise the vaccination programme for the administration employees. We are waiting for the possibility to start the vaccination programme and if the governmental side allows us to do so, we will…
history of UG
A temporary exhibition entitled 'The Road to the University. UG and its predecessors 1945-1970' presents selected fragments of the history of the Higher School of Pedagogy in Gdańsk, the Higher School of Maritime Commerce, the Higher School of Economics in Sopot and the first year of activity of the University of Gdańsk. It is a synthetic description of the history of the…
academic life
Almost two hours of presentations of the University of Gdańsk, faculties, scientific clubs, student life, educational offer, etc. Almost 1,000 people watched the live broadcast on Facebook and YouTube, several hundred questions - mainly about recruitment. And several dozen people involved in the event - that is the shortest summary of yesterday's Open Day at the University of Gdańsk. The online broadcast started…
Fot. Archiwum AZS UG On April 9-11, 2021 in Chełmno a Semi-final Tournament for promotion to the Second League took place. The organiser was the UKS Culmen Chełmno club. Our team - AZS Akademia Siatkówki University of Gdańsk - placed second, scoring 5 points (two wins, 1 loss). Report by: Piotr Walczak The charges of Coaches Adam Miotk and Edward Pawlun…
people of UG
- 'The rates of burnout in sport were already alarming before the lockdown and could affect up to 15 per cent of athletes,' says dr Anna Ussorowska. Photo: Arek Smykowski/UG. She recently defended her doctoral thesis on burnout in competitive sport in young basketball players. For years she trained basketball…
academic life
Photo: Pixabay University committees of OZZ Inicjatywa Pracownicza addressed the Minister of Education and Science with a request to "take into account the difficult situation of female academics taking care of children during the pandemic". The situation in which they have found themselves has affected their productivity, while the way in which they are…
- 'Container shipping on the Vistula, like on the Oder, has great potential, but not in all cases. This applies mainly to cargo that is not time-sensitive, but lower costs are more important for them,' - says dr hab. Ernest Czermański prof. UG from the Faculty of Economics UG. The cruise of a barge with containers on the Vistula River has finished. It aimed to establish whether at the present level of navigability of…
The Brikolaż Theatrology Research Club would like to invite you on 12.04.2021 at 18.30 for the next part of the series BACKSTAGE. This time we will meet Mirosław Niebodajew and Monika Bieszke from the Technical Department of Musical Theatre in Gdynia. The organizers invite the guests to talk about the process of working on a musical from the perspective of the technical team and about the production of the show. They…
The University of Gdańsk publishes a monograph by prof. Janina Ciechanowicz-McLean from the Faculty of Law and Administration, entitled 'Global Environmental Law. Basic issues'. The author attempts to provide answers to several important questions: whether ecological security for present and future generations is ensured, whether the human right to live in an ecologically…
A new book by prof. Bogdan Skwarc entitled 'Radiochemistry of the Environment' has been published by the University of Gdańsk Publishing House. The book gives the reader not only the basics of knowledge about ionizing radiation, radioactive isotopes in the environment and their importance to man but also explains several doubts, shows the benefits and losses arising from the…
academic life
- 'It was fantastic. The seals took herrings from our hands, fetched them and gave us kisses. We were all very happy,' says Michał Krawczyk, a programmer from Łódź, who visited the prof Krzysztof Skóra Marine Station of the University of Gdańsk with his wife Ismena. He auctioned off his visit to Hel in support of this year's WOŚP final. The auction of the 29th Great Finale of…
UG alumni
Reneta Frydrych receives an award from Maja Komorowska in Gdynia. Renata Frydrych A graduate of Polish Philology at the University of Gdańsk and of the Screenwriting Studium at the National Film, Television and Theatre School in Łódź. Writer, screenwriter (award in Gdynia for the best screenplay 'Odwiedź mnie we śnie'). She writes scripts and hosts series…
UG alumni
Renata Frydrych A graduate of Polish Philology at the University of Gdańsk and of the Screenwriting Studium at the National Film, Television and Theatre School in Łódź. Writer, screenwriter (award in Gdynia for the best screenplay 'Odwiedź mnie we śnie'). She writes scripts and hosts series such as: 'Na dobre i na złe', 'Siostry', 'Tancerze', 'Galeria', 'Druga szans'). She has published two novels: 'Załatw pogodę ja…
The cruise aims to test the possibilities of transport by water on the Vistula River and the transhipment of goods, as an alternative to road or rail transport. The cruise takes place within the framework of the EMMA Extension project (INTERREG Baltic Sea Region Programme). On April 6, 2021, the first-ever commercial container voyage on the Vistula from Gdańsk to Chełmno will…
Dr hab. Tarzycjusz Buliński prof. UG from the Faculty of History of UG became a member of the Jury of the B. Malinowski Prize for the best book in the field of ethnology and anthropology published in the years 2019-2020 - 'I perceive the choice made by the members of the Committee of Ethnological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences as a kind of trust on their part,' - he said. Dr hab. Tarzycjusz Buliński prof. UG…
The project aims to direct the most talented female volleyball players to different faculties at the University of Gdańsk so that they can combine sport with science at the highest level and create prospects for development in sport and science at UG. AZS AS Uniwersytet Gdański is not only the name of the senior volleyball team in which the most talented young people play but…
academic life
The University of Gdańsk Publishing House has published a book entitled "Uniwersytet Gdański wobec wyzwań polityki rozwoju regionu pomorskiego. Sposoby prezentacji w mediach". The publication, marking the 50th anniversary of the University, shows the University's contribution to the transformation of the Pomeranian region in the last two decades. The book has an interdisciplinary character. The authors - prof.…
people of UG
The prestigious Kosciuszko Foundation Fellowship was awarded to mgr Iwona Flis from the PhD School in the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Gdańsk, preparing, under the supervision of dr hab. Anna Mazurkiewicz, prof. UG from the Faculty of History at the University of Gdańsk, a dissertation on the Polish Scientific Institute in America. The Kosciuszko Foundation Poland has been operating since 2010. It…
people of UG
Interview with dr Aleksandra Wierucka - the winner of the K.C. Mrongowiusz Teacher of the Year Award. - 'I try to be closer to students, don't put up barriers, communicate openly and avoid poses. I do not have a monopoly on knowledge, so I am always willing to listen to students' opinions. I also make mistakes, but I admit to them. If I don't know the answer, I say I don't know, but I'll find out. Nowadays, nobody knows…
We are creating a generation of specialists who will not necessarily be cosmonauts but will know perfectly well how the use of space technologies can bring maximum benefits on Earth, in our cities, autonomous vehicles, navigation and hundreds of thousands of other applications - says dr hab. Maciej Nyka, prof. UG, from the Department of Public Economic Law and Environmental…
140 researchers from Poland and abroad will discuss medieval Europe during the online conference IV MECERN (Medieval Central Europe Research Network) on April 7-9 at the University of Gdańsk. The cooperation project of people scientifically engaged in medieval studies, especially of the Central European area, was established in Budapest at the Central European University in 2014. - 'Its idea is to build scientific…
Light pollution is excessive or intrusive, poorly directed artificial light. The source of the problem lies primarily in improperly designed outdoor lighting, which instead of illuminating the target location causes the 'escape of light' towards the sky, contributing to LP emissions and energy wastage at the same time. Research on legal and administrative aspects of…
An online conference entitled Use of Satellite and Copernicus Data in the Government and Private Sector is organised by the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography in cooperation with the University of Gdańsk and is scheduled for March 31 and April 1, 2021. The primary objective of the Copernicus Earth Observation Programme of the European Commission is to collect, process and share environmental data from multiple…
The Faculty of History of the University of Gdańsk hosted prof. dr hab. Wiktor Horobec from the Institute of History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Kyiv and the laureate of the 2020 Ivan Vyhovsky Prize. Prof. dr. hab. Viktor Horobec is an internationally renowned and experienced researcher-historian and educator. He is a laureate of the Ivan Vyhovsky Prize, awarded since 2014, which honours…
academic life
Bekker NAWA (Mieczysław Bekker Programme) and Ulam NAWA (Stanisław Ulam Programme) are programmes under which NAWA awards scholarships to individual scientists to support their international scientific projects. The call for applications is already open. Bekker NAWA is addressed to doctoral students and researchers employed at Polish universities and Polish scientific and…