academic life
The academic face of Gdansk and strong ties with the sea, respect for tradition, but also modernity - this is how the new logo of the University of Gdansk can be summed up in a nutshell. From June 1, 2021, it will replace the existing emblem of the university. Work on the new logo lasted several months and was preceded by a closed competition with the participation of recognised design studios, consultations at Senate…
The call for applications for the 'Baltic Sea Science Award 2021' for outstanding contributions to cross-border research cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) area in the field of sustainable development is open. Recruitment criteria for the award: Candidates: doctoral, masters or undergraduate students from universities or research institutions based in any country in…
UG scientists about COVID
Gender & career development versus COVID-19 - is the second webinar in the ResBios Open Dialogue series dedicated to the issues of responsible research and innovation with a particular focus on equal opportunities. The webinar Gender & career development versus COVID-19 will take place on May 28, 2021, from 15.00 to 16.30. The meeting will be hosted by dr hab. Natasza…
academic life
Eleven outstanding scientists from UG will compete for the title Personality of the Year 2020 in the category of Science. The annual nationwide poll in Pomerania is conducted by Dziennik Bałtycki, and Readers can cast their votes for the candidates until June 8. - 'The past year 2020 was exceptionally difficult. A coronavirus…
academic life
The President of Poland has awarded dr. hab. Lech Czerniak, prof. of UG the title of professor of humanities. Prof. dr hab. Lech Czerniak from the Faculty of History of UG specialises in research on Neolithisation and Neolithic of Central Europe and Neolithic of Anatolia as well as protection of archaeological heritage. He is a specialist in excavation research methodology.…
Cambridge University Press published an English monograph entitled 'Day Fines in Europe: Assessing Income-Based Sanctions in Criminal Justice Systems' edited by Prof. Elena Kantorowicz-Reznichenko (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam) and Prof. Michael Faure (Universiteit Maastricht), which is the culmination of research conducted under an international project. The authors of the…
The Between.Pomiędzy Literature and Theatre Festival is taking place in virtual space for the second time. The subsequent events will last three more days ( May 14-16 2021). These include a presentation of a performance by Teatr Powszechny. Here is a reminder of the programme of festival events for the coming weekend May 14, 2021 (Friday) Poetry and Drama for Today: an academic conference (R, ENG) 18.00 How Artificial…
academic life
Dr Leszek Reszka from the Faculty of Economics UG, academic supervisor and programme coordinator for cooperation with universities. A year-long development programme under the guidance of a mentor, training in hard and soft skills, study visits, participation in conferences and webinars - these are the benefits offered to those qualified for the fourth…
The Women in Tech Days 2021 festival organised by the Perspektywy Educational Foundation on May 26th and 27th means training, workshops, enrolment for internships, apprenticeships, mentoring programmes and scholarships. - 'The event is not only to inspire young women and strengthen their motivation when taking their first steps in the tech world but also to provide them with…
academic life
Photo by Martyna Niećko, nominated for the Grand Press Photo 2021 competition. A 23-year-old sociology student at the University of Gdansk has been nominated for the prestigious Grand Press Photo competition in the portrait category. Her photo depicting Ms Agnieszka, who was doused with sulphuric acid by an unknown…
On Friday, 7.05., the Polish Academic Rowing Championships were held in indoor rowing. As every year, the University of Gdansk team was fully mobilised, which resulted in outstanding individual results and, above all, in a great team success for men and women - reports Head Coach Jarosław Skibicki. Report: Piotr Walczak Two individual medals among the ladies and life records…
Two gold medals - this is how the UG Academic Choir ended up participating in the 3rd World Virtual Choir Festival 2021 in Indonesia, organised by the Bandung Choral Society. Between April 30th and May 5th, 2021 the UG Academic Choir took part in the 3rd World Virtual Choir Festival 2021 in Indonesia, organised by the Bandung Choral Society. The event was extremely popular -…
Gdansk citizens and their passions - St Mary's Church in Gdansk - is a lecture series organised by the Gdansk University Institute of Art History in cooperation with the Institute for Urban Culture. The next online meeting, devoted to conservation works and research on the most valuable works of art of the Gdansk church, is scheduled for May 11, 2021. dr hab. Andrzej Wozinski prof. UG from the Faculty of History UG will…
For the third time, the Institute of Russian and Eastern Studies of the Faculty of Philology of the University of Gdansk organizes an interdisciplinary international conference in the series Speech - Man - World: Linguistic Persuasion in various discourses. Scheduled to take place last May in Gdańsk, it will be held remotely on May 13 and 14. - 'We regret that we cannot meet…
academic life
The decision to create named departments at the University of Gdansk was approved by the UG Senate and the Convention of Honorary Dignitaries. Patrons will be prominent honorary doctors of the University of Gdansk, personalities of science, culture and social life who have left a permanent mark on the history of the University. Patrons of three departments have also been approved. They are outstanding personalities of…
The Foreign Languages Centre of the University of Gdansk invites you to another meeting within the Sunday Sessions series - Swedish Edition. This project is addressed to students and enthusiasts of Scandinavia. If you wonder how studies in Sweden look like and what is worth knowing about them, we invite you to the third meeting of the Sunday Sessions - Swedish Edition. It…
The programme of the 12th Between Literature and Theatre Festival. Pomiędzy will feature a Beckett Seminar and the Youth Island Student-Doctoral Conference. These are scheduled online on May 11, 12 and 13, 2021. - 'This is the 12th Festival of Literature and Theatre Between. Pomiędzy. It is an excellent opportunity to promote humanistic research conducted at the University of…
Prof. Małgorzata Łosiewicz and prof. Wiktor Pepliński from the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Gdańsk have become members of the established in January 2021 Committee of Social Communication and Media Sciences of PAN. The Committee of Social Communication and Media Sciences of PAN was established in January this year by the Praesidium of PAN. The members of…
academic life
The DAINA 2 competition, organised by NCN in cooperation with the Lithuanian Scientific Council, was addressed to Polish research teams, which jointly with the Lithuanian team applied for the financing of a research project. The project entitled 'Regulation of the p53 pathway by the AAA+ family protein (Reptin)' under the leadership of prof. Theodore Robert Hupp from the…
The UG Students' Parliament with the support of the academic community is organising a fundraising event for the Pomeranian Hospice for Children Foundation, which aims to provide essential medical, psychological and mental support to its patients. - 'The organisation assists children with genetic, metabolic and cancerous disorders. We realise how important it is to support similar initiatives, which is why we are…
academic life
The call for entries for the seventh edition of the prof. Tadeusz Kotarbiński First Rector of the University of Łódź Competition for an outstanding academic paper in the humanities is now open. Works may be submitted until the end of May 2021, and the winners will be announced in autumn during a gala ceremony. The winner of the previous edition was prof. dr hab. Jerzy Zajadło from the Faculty of Law and Administration…
Weekend reading: prof. Grzegorz Węgrzyn in Prestiż Trójmiasto on research and treatment of Alzheimer's disease A wallet in the fridge, an empty pot left on the gas, and eventually problems recognising the faces of loved ones. Alzheimer's disease is an insidious thief of the human personality. The statistics are inexorable. It is predicted that in 2050 already more than a million Poles will suffer from the disease…
science portal
Dr. Alicja Chmielewska. Photo by Arek Smykowski / UG Interview with dr Alicja Chmielewska from the Department of Molecular Biology of the Interuniversity Faculty of Biotechnology UG and GUMed   Research on COVID-19 has pushed all else into the background. Is this an unprecedented situation or have we already encountered research conducted on such an…
UG employees and students covered the distance from Gdansk to Porto to support a charity event organised by students from the University of Brest. With a total distance of 3082 km, the UG community took first place on the podium and showed the greatest commitment among all partners of the event. The University of Gdansk joined in the promotion of the sport and charity event…
academic life
A successful promotional campaign Girls go Science! It was held online for the second time. UG, and especially the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science participated in the action together with twenty leading universities from Poland. The Girls go Science! and Girls as Engineers! are nationwide events organized by the Perspektywy Educational Foundation. They aim to convince female secondary school and…
academic life
University of Gdansk Academic Cultural Centre 'Alternator' invites you to the second edition of UG Talks. Science Slam! The event is aimed at students and PhD students of the University of Gdansk and allows them to present their research to a wider audience. During the broadcast, you will be able to watch the speeches of our speakers and vote for the best ones. On the 11th of…
The Between. Pomiędzy Festival of Literature and Theatre will take place in virtual space for the second time. The 12th edition of the event from May 10 to 16, 2021 will feature meetings with poets, writers and translators, presentations of theatre recordings, the premiere of a radio play, discussions, as well as student projects, conferences and seminars. The festival promotes humanistic research and cooperation…
Kolorem niebieskim  zaznaczono kraje pochodzenia pracowników i studentów ICTQT, a czerwonym grupy badawcze, współpracujące z ICTQT. - 'Quantum physics and quantum technologies are among today's greatest scientific challenges. This is a very good time for such ambitious research initiatives because currently, quantum technologies are of interest not only to…
A film by Pawel Podolski, a student of the Philology Department, awarded at the international Austin Comedy Film Festival Paweł Podolski, a first-year student of Film and Audiovisual Culture at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Gdańsk, and director of the short film Czy potwory jedzą kiwi [Do Monsters Eat Kiwi], received the award for best international director at the Austin Comedy Film Festival. The film…
academic life
Nepenthes hamata (Gunung Lumut, Sulawesi, Indonesia). Photo: dr hab. Krzysztof Banaś Dr hab. Krzysztof Banaś, Professor UG from the Department of Plant Ecology of the Faculty of Biology, University of Gdańsk, the originator of the International Carnivorous Plants Day, is also the creator of the paludarium, which is located on the first floor of the Faculty…