The competition chapter of the Pomorskie Sztormy (Pomeranian Storms) plebiscite awarded the Fahrenheit Universities a special prize - the Tri-City Charter Medal - for cooperation and actions taken to make the best use of the potential of the three member universities. The Chairman of the Fahrenheit Universities Assembly, prof. Marcin Gruchała received the statuette, together with the Vice-Rector for Cooperation and…
We invite you to a lecture entitled 'Is Polish democracy dying? Reflections on the book by Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt', which will be hosted by former Ombudsman dr hab. Adam Bodnar, Professor at SWPS, currently Dean of the Faculty of Law at SWPS. The meeting will take place at 6 p.m. on April 3 in the s208 auditorium. The event is organised by the Centre for Student and Doctoral Activities, the Institute of…
social responsibility of science
How do you recognise that you are a victim of discrimination or unethical behaviour, who do you report to, and how will it be resolved? We discussed the new Policy Against Discrimination against Students and Doctoral Students, adopted at the end of 2021, in February 2022, with the Deputy Ombudsman for Equal Treatment and Anti-Bullying at UG, dr. hab. Maciej Nyka, prof. UG. We invite you to read the interview in which…
academic life
Join us this Saturday (March 25, 2023) for a free workshop on making trench candles, where we will learn how to make them in the spirit of zero waste. These will then go to soldiers fighting in Ukraine. We want to invite all those interested to the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Gdańsk (ul. Bażyńskiego 4, Gdańsk) on level 100. The workshop will be led by Marta Karcz - the Students for Ukraine collection…
The league teams of AZS University of Gdańsk will play their matches in Gdańsk this weekend. We want to invite fans to the stands - emotions and a sporting fight are guaranteed. Free entrance to all games!  On Saturday, at 4 p.m., the AZS UG volleyball team will play. This will be the last meeting of the basic phase of the II volleyball league PZS, which will decide about further play and promotion to the semi-final…
One time it's White Christmas, and the next, it's White Easter. Our climate changes yearly, and we wouldn't know what lies ahead if it weren't for them. Meteorologists track changes in weather behaviour over months, years and even decades or centuries. On March 23, World Meteorology Day, we celebrate a long tradition of meteorological research worldwide.  Today at the University of Gdańsk, it is certainly worth noting…
It's time for another batch of SEA-EU language courses! All UG students and staff wishing to start learning French are invited to attend classes taught by lecturers from the University of West Brittany in Brest. The courses involve two two-hour weekly meetings: Wednesday 6-8 p.m. and Friday 6-8 p.m. Classes run for five weeks, from May 3 to June 7 this year, which means 20 hours. The instructors have prepared a course…
We invite you to an open meeting with Piotr Biedron, an actor from the Wybrzeże Theatre, which will take place on March 27 (Monday) at 5 p.m. in the Theatre Hall named after prof. Jerzy Limon in the Neophilology building at the Faculty of Philology. The event has been organised by the UG Theatre Centre, named after prof. Jan Ciechowicz and the Brikolaż…
UG alumni
Marcin Horała - Secretary of State at the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy, Government Plenipotentiary for the Central Communication Port for Poland - was a guest at another meeting of the 'Our Graduates' series organised by the Political Science Institute of the WNS UG. Minister Marcin Horała graduated in law and political science from the…
Prof. Małgorzata Książek Czermińska na wystawie  „Pionierki, badaczki, liderki” koło Kościoła św. Katarzyny w Gdańsku.  Once again, as part of the 'Pioneers, Researchers, Leaders' exhibition, a talk on the role of women in science will be given by female scientists, this time from the University of Gdańsk. Please join us on March 27…
41 students from 15 schools in the Pomeranian Voivodeship participated in the final of the Biotechnology Knowledge Contest for secondary school students, organised at the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology UG and MUG. The final of another edition of the Biotechnology Knowledge Competition for secondary school students was held on 20.03.2023 at the UG and MUG Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology. This time…
From the very beginning of the war in Ukraine, the Polish academic and scientific community clearly defined its position and willingness to help and support the Ukrainian nation. Solidarity with Ukraine 2022, fot. Marcel Jakubowski The last year’s conference Solidarity with Ukraine. Students…
academic life
We invite you to read the latest March issue of the University Gazette. In it, you will find an account of the SEA-EU 2.0 summit in Cadiz, an article about the day-care centre for Ukrainian children at the Faculty of Chemistry and the 'Children of Heroes' Summer School, a text about the art of creative writing - a new field of study at UG, an article about the Technology Transfer Centre and the 'Universities open to…
academic life
Twenty new Kashubian language teachers have completed another educational cycle at the postgraduate course 'Teaching the Kashubian language'. They joined a group of 198 graduates who have been gaining their qualifications at the University of Gdańsk since 2012. First from left are the Kashubian language examiners: prof. Marek Cybulski and…
academic life
Today the University of Gdańsk's academic community celebrated the 53rd anniversary of the University's establishment. During the ceremony, among others, the titles of honorary professors were conferred on prof. Antoni Śliwiński and prof. Małgorzata Czermińska, the K. C. Mrongowiusz Prize, the prof. K. Taylor Prize for 2022 and prizes were awarded to…
Brain Days in the Tri-City is a popular science event aimed at younger and older people seeking knowledge about the brain and its workings. The event included 24 lectures, 51 laboratory and auditorium workshops, 31 booth workshops and games. Thousands of people passed through the Faculty of Biology at the University of Gdańsk today and can enjoy the…
academic life
Rector UG prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science for Internationalisation and Development dr hab. Aleksander Kubicki, prof. UG. They will be the representatives of the University of Gdańsk in SEA-EU 2.0! On March 13, this year, the Rector of the UG, prof. dr hab.…
academic life
Building the best quality science requires equal commitment from both sexes. Bridging the gap will enable women to realise their full potential and achieve scientific success alongside men. However, besides systemic changes, it is essential to provide financial support to help female scientists reconcile their family and professional roles…
academic life
The Faculty of Social Sciences - the heart of this year's University of Gdańsk Open Days - has been visited since early morning by many of this year's secondary school graduates who have come to learn about what the University of Gdańsk has to offer. The Open Days are also an opportunity to learn about the forthcoming recruitment process and get to…
The Ministry of Science and Higher Education has settled the first competition in the 'Pearls of Science' competition for student-led grant projects. Nearly 100 projects received funding as part of the program's first edition aimed at exceptionally talented graduates of first-cycle studies and students after completing their third or fourth year of…
A meeting to summarise the work of Task 1 of the SEA-EU DOC project: 'Beyond academia: broadening the career horizons of doctoral students in marine and maritime sciences in Europe,' was held in the hospitable surroundings of the Institute of Oceanography, Faculty of Oceanography and Geography, University of Gdańsk. The project is implemented within…
academic life
On March 8, the University Bookstore at WNS became a friendly space for conversation and integration for every female scientist, staff and student at the University of Gdańsk. In an exquisite atmosphere and with Wisława Szymborska's poem 'Portrait of a Woman' in the background, women from the UG academic community celebrated their holiday.  They were…
academic life
March 9 is World Kidney Day. This year, for the first time, the University of Gdańsk joined the international effort to spread knowledge about the kidneys, their essential functions, diseases of this organ and, in particular, the importance of preventive examinations.   Kidney diseases are cunning. We must remember that kidneys do not hurt. Without…
Destroying bacteria using plasma and thus protecting cultivated and ornamental plants from disease is the main task of the invention entitled 'Method of deactivating antibiotics in aqueous solutions', developed by scientists from the University of Gdańsk and the Wrocław University of Technology. The Polish Patent Office has just issued a decision to…
people of UG
From left: dr hab. Aleksander Kubicki, prof. UG and prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski. As of March 6 this year, the Vice-Dean for Internationalisation and Development of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science, dr hab. Aleksander Kubicki, prof. UG is acting as the Rector's Plenipotentiary for the Digital Transformation…
Can Russia circumvent European, American, and Japanese embargoes? How does Poland's economy stack up against other post-soviet countries? We discuss those topics with prof. Yoshii Masahiko from Kobe University in Japan, who came to our university thanks to “Visiting Professors” programme. Prof. Yoshii Masahiko…
From the beginning of January 2023, the Medical University of Gdańsk, in cooperation with the Marshal's Office of the Pomorskie Voivodeship, the City of Gdańsk, the University of Gdańsk and the Daniel Fahrenheit Association of Universities in Gdańsk, is implementing the second stage of the 'Culture of Respect' campaign dedicated to equality and equal…
academic life
On the first anniversary of the outbreak of war in Ukraine, dr hab. Aleksander Kuczabski, prof. UG, is interviewed by Marcel Jakubowski. - You became the Rector's Plenipotentiary for Aid to Ukraine a few days after the outbreak of war in Ukraine. What were your first weeks in this position like? - I was somewhat surprised when I was…
academic life
Next Friday, February 24, this year, at 13.00, we invite you to a unique event in the series 'Friday at the History Faculty' - UkraineReal. War without filter, without editing.  The meeting, hosted by prof. dr hab. Igor Halagida will take place in the J. Sokołowski Auditorium of the UG Main Library. Come and find out what the war in Ukraine looks like, as reported by its inhabitants…
academic life
The Herder Centre of the UG invites you in summer 2023 to textbook courses on levels A1-C1 and exam courses preparing you to pass exams on B1 and B2 levels. Classes start on 18.02.2023. Classes are conducted online (5-10 people) or stationary (6-12 people) at the Herder Centre—ul. Ogarna 26 and at the Faculty of History on the UG campus in Oliwa.…