  Every day about 15 people commit suicide in Poland. Data from the Police Headquarters show that in the first five months of this year there were almost 5.7 thousand suicide attempts (women - almost 1.7 thousand, men - almost 4 thousand). This is more than in the corresponding period last year. - 4.8 thousand (women - 1.3 thousand, men - 3.5 thousand). This year's result is also higher than the one observed two…
  The meeting of the Committee on Emigration Affairs and Liaison with Poles Abroad of the Senate of the Republic of Poland, which was devoted to the presentation of scientific achievements in the field of Polish issues and cooperation with the Polish community abroad, was attended by dr hab. Anna Mazurkiewicz, prof. UG, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of History for Scientific Research and International Cooperation UG. …
academic life
In accordance with the provisions of the Regulation of the Minister of Health of August 27, 2021, on the prevention of seasonal flu in the season 2021/2022, free vaccinations will cover, among others, academic teachers and other persons conducting classes with students or doctoral students at the University, following the curriculum of studies or education, respectively, and other persons employed at the University.…
  Economists and representatives of financial institutions from Poland and Europe met in Sopot on September 13-15. The European Financial Congress was attended among others by presidents and board members of the 50 largest institutions from the financial sector, over 150 panellists from Poland and abroad, 150 media representatives and 60 students and doctoral students from Polish and foreign universities…
academic life
Where does the truth about the regularities of economic life come from? How has the methodology of economic research evolved? How to properly decipher economic and social phenomena? The answers to these questions, among others, can be found in the new monograph entitled 'Philosophy and Methodology of Economic Sciences' written by prof. dr hab. Jan Burnewicz from the Faculty of Economics UG. At the end of September 2021…
academic life
In the WUR by subject rankings for Life Science, Physical Science, and Psychology published on 16 September 2021, the University of Gdańsk is classified among the best ranked Polish universities.   This year’s table in life sciences includes 972 universities, up from 895 last year. It highlights the universities that are leading across the following disciplines: agriculture and forestry, biological sciences, veterinary…
academic life
In the Life Science, Physical Science and Psychology field rankings published on September 16, 2021, the University of Gdańsk was among the best ranked Polish universities. In the field of Life Science, our university is listed among 12 Polish universities and ranks just behind the strict podium occupied by the best national academies: the University of Warsaw (ranked 401-500 in the world in the Life Science field in…
Six Polish authors, aged 25 to 41, will participate in a workshop in the winter of 2021/2022 at a base five hundred kilometres beyond the Arctic Circle. The Uløya Island base will provide unparalleled conditions for reflection and creative work. The competition and workshops entitled Without a Mask. Workshops in the Arctic for Polish humanists, writers, philosophers and historians are announced by the Identitas…
academic life
As every year in September, the Students' Parliament of the University of Gdańsk organised an adaptation camp for first-year students who will start their studies at our University from the 1st of October. Interest in participation was very high, however, the need to observe sanitary rigours meant that 80 students could take part. They represent all faculties. Over the next few days, they will participate in training on…
academic life
Do you want to take on the challenge of learning a new foreign language? Or maybe you need to repeat basic vocabulary and grammar? SEA-EU meets the needs of students and employees of the University of Gdańsk who want to improve their foreign language skills! In our offer, you will find periodic, free online courses in English, Spanish, French, German, Polish, Croatian and Maltese. All classes are taught by certified…
academic life
The Department of Logistics at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdańsk is recruiting for the next edition of postgraduate studies Logistical support for business. They are aimed at people interested in the subject of logistics, who have completed higher education studies of the first, second degree or unified master's degree in any field of study. Postgraduate studies in logistics support for business…
Dr hab. Robert Czajkowski, prof. UG from the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology UG and GUMed has been awarded in the competition of the National Centre of Science SONATA BIS 10. He received more than PLN 3 million for the implementation of his five-year research project entitled 'Friends or foes? The role of prophages in environmental adaptation and virulence of pectinolytic bacteria: Dickeya spp. and…
The 14th ACADEMIA Academic and Scientific Book Fair was held in Warsaw from September 10–13, during which prizes in the ACADEMIA 2021 Competition for the best academic and scientific publication were awarded. Professor Kamil Zeidler's book entitled The Wisdom of Chinese Aphorisms. On State, Law, Politics and Power, published by the University of Gdańsk Publishing House in…
academic life
World Health Organisation figures show that one in three people have had, are having or will have a mental health problem. This is a challenge that each of us can face in our lives. - 'We invite you to contact the UG Academic Psychological Support Centre, which from March 2021, operates for all female and male students, PhD students and employees of our University,' - says dr…
Over 11 million new cases of cardiovascular disease are recorded every year in Europe. Also in Poland, these diseases constitute a major social problem and the greatest threat to the health of our country's inhabitants. One of the basic diagnostic tools in cardiology remains the ECG recording - a non-invasive test that shows the bioelectrical activity of the heart. It is ECG recordings that provide valuable data for…
academic life
The space at the Oliwa university campus is changing. We want the University of Gdańsk to gradually become a space that is more and more friendly to the social and natural environment. Wooden benches have recently appeared on the lawns of the Campus. The University is also changing the inscription at the Faculty of Social Sciences on Al. Grunwaldzka by introducing a refreshed logo, but also by adapting to the landscape…
The 100th birthday of Stanisław Lem. Film premiere and discussion at NCK - 'Stanisław Lem, whose birth centenary we are celebrating this weekend, is one of the most appreciated and most... underestimated Polish writers of the 20th century,' says dr Maciej Dajnowski from the Faculty of Philology at the University of Gdańsk. On the 100th birthday of the author of Solaris, people of culture and science will discuss his…
The University of Gdansk has been selected to participate in LOTUS Leadership Development Programme under the EU-funded LOTUS (Leadership and Organisation for Teaching and Learning at European Universities) project. The Leadership Development Programme offers an opportunity for European higher education institutions to address the key challenges in learning and teaching that they are currently facing, by fostering…
academic life
Announcement of the Rector of the University of Gdańsk on the organisation of classes in the winter semester 2021/2022 To Whom It May Concern, The academic community of the University of Gdańsk consists of 21,000 students and doctoral students as well as over three thousand scientific-educational and administrative staff. Given the still existing epidemic threat, it is important for everyone to feel safe at our…
academic life
A one-year intensive postgraduate programme in taxation and tax law will enable people whose work or interests are related to taxation and tax law to improve their professional qualifications. - 'Postgraduate studies in tax law are an offer for those who would like to broaden and organize their knowledge of current tax law. A wide range of issues, qualified staff, modern methods, and openness to the needs of…
academic life
The Department of Investment and Real Estate of the Faculty of Management at the University of Gdańsk is currently recruiting for postgraduate studies in Real Estate and Development Project Management. - 'The study programme familiarises students with the latest trends in the real estate market. Lectures and exercises are conducted by recognised academic lecturers and experts with many years of practice,' - says dr…
- 'At Westerplatte we should talk about the unique, symbolic dimension of this place because it was there that the first battle of World War II began, and Polish soldiers demonstrated the highest virtues in service to the civic community,' says dr hab. Grzegorz Berendt prof. UG from the Faculty of History UG and acting director of the World War II Museum in Gdańsk. Ewa Karolina Cichocka asks about his reflections on the…
Dr Anna Iglikowska from the Faculty of Biology, UG. Dr Anna Iglikowska from the Faculty of Biology, University of Gdańsk, was awarded the prize in the Miniatura 5 competition of the National Science Centre. Her project, entitled: 'Testing bioaccumulation of heavy metals in aquatic crustaceans from the group of Ostracoda,' will observe the impact of water…
This is the third edition of the students' scientific conference, which aims to increase the scientific potential of young people in science. The 3rd PSSCh is aimed at students, PhD students and young scientists who have already started their scientific research or who want to give presentations of their review research in chemistry, environmental protection and ecology. On…
Supporting scientific activities leading to the preparation of a future research project planned for submission to NCN or other national or international competitions - this is the goal of the MINIATURA competition. Among the winners, there are employees of the University of Gdańsk. Coordinators of Disciplines of the National Science Centre presented ranking lists of activities qualified for funding within the MINIATURA…
academic life
Art installation 'Colour and light', Singapore 2019, Karolina Wojnowska-Paterek. Prof. Tomasz Paterek from the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science at the University of Gdansk has received an American FQXi grant. The awarded funds will enable collaboration between theoretical physicists and artists, which will result in the creation of a…
academic life
19 extremely interesting articles written by students of the University of Gdansk can be read in the new, 11th issue of Scientific Notebooks 'Our Studies' of the Faculty of Economics UG. Among the thematic blocks are directions of socio-economic development, economic aspects of sustainable development or the current labour market and the functioning of small and medium…
HERstories of Lawyers. Freedom and Solidarity is a conference that will aim to introduce the history of women in the Bar and their profiles and attitudes, thus highlighting the influence of women on the shape of the Bar today. The conference 'HERstories of Lawyers. Freedom and Solidarity' will be held on August 28 at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of…
The role of the WZ UG researcher in the GUMed study was to select statistical methods appropriate to the stated aim, perform statistical analyses and statistical inference. Dr hab. Ewa Wycinka, prof. UG from the Department of Statistics, Faculty of Management, University of Gdańsk, participated in medical research of the Medical University of Gdańsk…
The traditional Vilnius fair, accompanied by a rich artistic programme, will take place in Gdańsk for the 18th time. It will be accompanied by a rich artistic programme including literary meetings, concerts, exhibitions, discussions, film screenings and handicraft workshops. Vilnius in Gdańsk / Vilnius Gdanske is an interdisciplinary cultural festival that has been organised…