An article entitled: "Extraordinary Multi-Organismal Interactions Involving Bacteriophages, Bacteria, Fungi, and Rotifers: Quadruple Microbial Trophic Network in Water Droplets" (published in the International Journal of Molecular), presenting the results of research that a team of scientists from the Faculty of Biology of the University of Gdańsk led by prof. Grzegorz…
A high level of depressive symptoms among Mums seeking help after giving birth and an increase in anxiety symptoms - these are the conclusions of research conducted by the Institute of Psychology at the University of Gdańsk as part of the 'Przystanek Mama' postnatal depression prevention programme. The main objective of the programme is to raise awareness of postnatal…
Every year, the last day of February marks Rare Disease Day - #RareDiseaseDay. It is the official international campaign to bring awareness to the issues and struggles of patients and their families. The day was initiated by the European Federation of Parents of Patients and Patients with Rare Diseases EURORDIS - Rare Diseases Europe in 2008. The date is the last day of…
'Write and send in your fairy tale, and perhaps it will be used to create a radio play for children,' - encourages the Student Event Organisation Team operating at ACK Alternator. The Baltic Tales competition is addressed to students, PhD students and University of the Third Age students from the University of Gdańsk. SZOE and ACK Alternator announce a fairy tale competition…
academic life
Sexual education for young people is carried out on the internet by the Ars Amandi Students' Circle of Sexology at the University of Gdańsk.- 'Our social media are not only about education but also sometimes about counselling and support,' - says Barbara Grabowska, a member of the Ars Amandi Circle. The members of the Ars Amandi Society are mainly psychology students from the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of…
The Senior Rectors were guests of the Rector prof. Piotr Stepnowski. The gentlemen met in the Portrait Hall of the UG Main Library to talk about changes in the university and its development plans. Prof. Zbigniew Grzonka, prof. Marcin Pliński, prof. UG Andrzej Ceynowa and prof. Bernard Lammek were invited. - 'I would like to build on the experience of my predecessors, who not only created the history of the University…
academic life
The University of Gdańsk is preparing for its 50th-Jubilee termination celebrations. In connection with the pandemic and the restrictions in force, as well as with regard to employee safety, the Rector, prof. Piotr Stepnowski has decided that the 50th-anniversary medals for persons of particular merit to the university will be presented at various faculties on different days…
What is spirituality through the eyes of a young researcher? What does it give us? Why do we engage in spiritual activities? We invite you to read the book 'Okiem młodych badaczy. O duchowości i religijności inaczej' (TN: 'Through the Eyes of Young Researchers. On spirituality and religiousness in a different way'), which qualified for the top of the STRUNA 2020 competition.…
Futures Bootcamp Looking towards 2030, can we identify innovative solutions and collaborations for the sustainable growth of the blue economy? What type of science and innovation activity can support sustainable blue growth? University of Malta, our partner in European University of the Seas - SEA-EU project, is organising the Futures Bootcamp - Towards a sustainable blue…
academic life
'We express our deep concern about the changes introduced on February 9 and 18, 2021, by the Ministry of Education and Science, without consultation with the Commission for the Evaluation of Science, to the list of scientific journals and peer-reviewed materials from international conferences. The announced update of the list of journals raises justified doubts in the…
Students of the University of Gdańsk were among those awarded the scholarship of the Minister of Education and Science for significant scientific, artistic or sporting achievements for the academic year 2020/2021. By October 25, 2020, rectors of universities presented the Minister with 890 applications for scholarships for significant scientific, artistic or sporting…
Creating a platform for the exchange of experiences and good practices, as well as making an attempt to examine current trends and directions of development of open science in Poland - this is the main objective of the 4th Pomeranian Conference Open Science - sharing research data, which will be held on April 14-16, 2021. The subject of Open Science is becoming more and more…
The award Scientist of the Future 2021 in the category Science and Technology for an Innovative Future for dr Illia Serdiuk from the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science of UG was granted by the Centre for Intelligent Development. Thus, the research of the scientist in the project 'Two current problems, one solution: improved organic materials for OLED and…
Prof. dr hab. Józef Adam Liwo. Photo: Piotr Pędziszewski Prof. dr hab. Józef Adam Liwo from the Faculty of Chemistry and dr hab. Artur Szutta, prof. UG from the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Gdańsk received the Award of the Minister of Education for many years of scientific activity and significant achievements in this field. The awards…
We invite you to take part in the Pomeranian Academic Skiing and Snowboarding Championships. The competition will be held on 24.02.2021 on the 'Koszałkowo' slope in Wieżyca. Representatives of universities from our region (students, employees, PhD students) and graduates with a valid AZS identity card can take part in the competition. If you do not have an identity card, you…
people of UG
Dr Karolina Pierzynowska. Photo: Arek Smykowski/UG She is less than 30 years old, a scientist and academic teacher at the Department of Molecular Biology, Faculty of Biology, University of Gdańsk, with great passion and ambitions. In her private life, she is a mother and a wife who, apart from her scientific and family life, can find time to pursue her…
The Support Programme for the Gdańsk Humanities aimed at academic teachers at the University of Gdańsk has been launched. The activities of the Excellence Initiative - Research University programme and the Programme for Support of Gdańsk Humanities were announced in his election programme by prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski, Rector of UG. The programme is addressed to academic…
academic life
I would like to inform you that the registration of UG employees for vaccination has been completed. I would like to thank the academic community of our University for the high number of participants in the registration process. Those who, for various reasons, were not able to register will be able to do so in the next round, according to the information from MEiN. The lists of registered persons have been forwarded to…
academic life
The enrolment of UG employees for online language courses organised within the Welcome to Poland - University of Gdańsk - Internationally Friendly project for the summer term 2020/2021 is now open. The International Cooperation Office and the Foreign Languages Centre of the University of Gdańsk would like to invite you to take part in online English language courses for…
academic life
- 'Celebration of Science at the University in a sense takes place every day. Science is the essence of our existence as an institution and as scientists who every day unravel the sense and essence of the phenomena, behaviour, processes of the world around us,' - says prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski, Rector of the University of Gdańsk. On February 19th we celebrate for the…
Photo: The Psychological Counselling Centre for Genetic Rare Diseases, operating since 2019 within the structures of the Institute of Psychology of the University of Gdańsk, conducts scientific research into, among other things, the psychological functioning of people with rare diseases on a genetic basis. In 2020 alone, 150 children…
The National Centre of Science announced the results of MAESTRO and SONATA BIS competitions. Among 40 projects, which will receive funding within SONATA BIS - ST panel, there is a project entitled 'Technology of additive manufacturing of spatial structures of polylactide composites reinforced with diamond,' realised in partnership between the University of Gdańsk and the…
history of UG
From left: Vice-Rector Zbigniew Jaśkiewicz, Rector prof. dr Stanisław Matysik, Dean of the Maritime Department prof. Józef Kulikowski, October 6, 1960. The Higher School of Economics was the first university in Tricity to receive the insignia of rector authority. In this respect, it overtook (by a few days) the Medical Academy in Gdańsk. One of the…
The Faculty of History of the University of Gdańsk is hosting prof. dr hab. Wiktor Horobec from the Institute of History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Kyiv. The scholar is a laureate of the Ivan Vyhovsky Prize for 2020. Prof. dr. hab. Wiktor Horobec is an internationally renowned and experienced researcher-historian and educator. He is a…
academic life
- 'I managed to do two things during the bidding for WOŚP,' says Bartosz Blum, who auctioned off a cruise aboard a research vessel of the University of Gdańsk during this year's WOŚP finale. - 'I'm glad that the money will go to the Orchestra, which I always support, and that I'll be able to fulfil my dreams and sail on an Oceanograf.' Bartosz Blum is the owner of a company…
The main objective of the project 'Opracowanie innowacyjnej, zgrywalizowanej i interaktywnej metody zaawansowanego zdobywania umiejętności poprzez e-nauczanie i e-uczenie' is to develop a strategy for digitalisation in education to improve teaching effectiveness and teaching skills in pandemic conditions. The project aims to enhance teachers' skills based on the mix of theory…
Dr Michał Skóra from the Professor Krzysztof Skóra Marine Station of the Institute of Oceanography at the University of Gdańsk has been awarded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Individual Fellowship (IF) to pursue a 24-month postdoctoral fellowship under the supervision of dr. J Iwan Jones at the Queen Mary University of London. The funding of €225,000 will enable the…
The Polish Patent Office has decided to grant researchers from the Faculty of Biology of the University of Gdańsk a patent for the invention entitled 'Genisteina do zastosowania do leczenia choroby Alzheimera'. (TN: Genistein for application in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease). Researchers from UG have shown in their studies that genistein, a flavonoid found in soya,…
We are extending the deadline for registration for the event UG Talks. An online science slam. The event is inspired by the formula of poetry slams, i.e. public competition of poet-performers and the format of TEDx scientific meetings. Among other things, UG Talks aims to popularise science among audiences outside the walls of the university. UG Talks is a proposal addressed…
Polish Integration Table Tennis Championships organised by AZS UG Passion, sports competition, overcoming one's weaknesses and having fun - the University of Gdańsk Academic Sports Association invites students and employees with disabilities to join the newly established Sports Section for People with Disabilities. The AZS UG Sports Section for People with…