Rankings are photographs taken at a particular time and from an angle chosen by the "photographer" - the ranking organisation that decides on the choice of criteria and their importance. We don't always like how we look in it, but that's no reason to take offence at the photographer. There is a better way. You need to prepare well for posing for that photo. And this has…
Jan Hevelius' birthday: presentation of Scientific Prizes, celebrations in Hevelianum, film about the astronomer. On Thursday, on On January 28, we celebrate the 410th anniversary of the birth of Gdansk's most famous astronomer. On this occasion Hevelianum will inaugurate the anniversary celebrations, the annual Jan Hevelius Science Awards of the City of Gdańsk will be presented, an outdoor performance and a…
academic life
Candidates are being recruited for the MIRAI (Mutual understanding, Intellectual Relations and Academic Exchange Initiative) programme, which offers students the opportunity to go to Japan for a stay of around one week, where they will take part in discussions with peers from other countries. During their stay, they will also learn about Japanese culture, economy and politics…
academic life
Dr hab. Maciej Duszczyk, prof. UW From now on I feel I am a fully-fledged member of the broadly understood community of the University of Gdańsk - said dr hab. Maciej Duszczyk, prof. UW, elected today by the University Senate as the Chairman of the University Council. - Remaining an employee of the University of Warsaw, I promise to share my experience in…
academic life
The Committee for Spatial Planning of the Country of the Polish Academy of Sciences (KPZK PAN), with the participation of scientists from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Gdańsk, has prepared a document with reflections and suggestions on how to improve the vaccination system from the procedural point of view, especially in terms of spatial accessibility. Unequal…
In the photo from left: prof. Barbara Lipińska, prof. Ewa Łojkowska. Source: The NCN Council nominated prof. Ewa Łojkowska from the Interuniversity Faculty of Biotechnology UG and GUMed and prof. Barbara Lipińska from the Faculty of Biology UG to AcademiaNet - European Database of Outstanding Women Academic. The portal is operated by the…
academic life
In the latest, seventh issue of the PROGRESS journal. JOURNAL OF YOUNG RESEARCHERS we will read scientific articles of young researchers and go on a journey in time to the beginnings of the University of Gdańsk. The journal PROGRESS. JOURNAL OF YOUNG RESEARCHERS is a journal of the University of Gdańsk, in which topics from a wide range of scientific disciplines are discussed…
Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Zajadła's book from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Gdańsk was among five books selected by the jury of the Tadeusz Kotarbiński Award competition for the best humanities book of 2020, organised by the University of Łódź. The winner will be announced during the online gala broadcast of the competition on February 7. The prize…
Dominik Landa, commercial director of Deepwater Container Terminal Gdańsk (DCT), will be the guest of Radio MORS Economic Index programme. The graduate of the Faculty of Transport and Logistics at the University of Gdańsk encourages current students to take an interest in job opportunities in the maritime transport industry. The programme will air on Wednesday, January 27 at…
On January 10, 2021, the second edition of training courses conducted within the international SEAPLANSPACE project on "Maritime spatial planning instruments for sustainable management of the sea", organised for people interested in maritime spatial planning issues, ended. The SEAPLANSPACE project is co-financed by the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020. The two…
UG scientists about COVID
Photo. Arek Smykowski / UG Dr Wojciech Glac, a neurobiologist and popularizer of science from the Faculty of Biology of the University of Gdańsk, talks about functioning in a prolonged and constantly extended lockdown and how our brain copes in such a situation. 1. The unusual everyday life in which we find ourselves, completely different from the previous…
academic life
- At the beginning of lockdown the feeling of novelty connected with turning our lives upside down accompanied us for some time and could be troublesome, but now we have adapted to the situation to such an extent that the novelty is no longer such a great challenge. The problem, however, is the lack of pleasure associated with contact with people and entertainment…
In the picture dr hab. Miłosława Borzyszkowska-Szewczyk Dr hab. Miłosława Borzyszkowska-Szewczyk of the Philology Department of the University of Gdańsk will give a lecture on Gdańsk and Pomerania in autobiographies of authors of Jewish origin after 1945. The meeting will be held online as part of the 17th edition of the 'Culture of Old Gdańsk' lecture…
The SEA-EU community brings together 120,000 students and 1,700 staff. The SEA-EU-Around application aims to facilitate the connection between the members of this community, both online and in real life. The main functionalities are: Discover - cultural and linguistic exchange with students from the 6 universities of the alliance; Collaborate - putting students or teachers…
The Rector of the University of Gdańsk met on Monday with the Consul General of the People's Republic of China, Fan Xiaodong. This is the first visit of the Consul to the University after he took up his post in December last year. The meeting focused on the cooperation between the University of Gdańsk and the Consulate of the People's Republic of China. The common goal of the University and the Consulate is, among…
academic life
    A visit to the Marine Station of the University of Gdańsk in Hel and participation in seal feeding, a cruise on the scientific research vessel 'Oceanograf', gadgets autographed by Piotr Sierzputowski and a sculpture 'Świątek' by the Rector - this is how the University of Gdańsk will support the 29th Grand Finale of Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy.…
Starting tomorrow, the International Climate Adaptation Summit (CAS 2021) will run for two days ( January 25-26, 2021) in the Netherlands. Representatives from governments, civil society organisations, science and business will participate. Accompanying events will include climate-related film screenings and an online discussion, also with the participation of UG researchers. Our country's representatives at the CAS…
Eleven academics from the University of Gdańsk have supported the idea of creating a metropolitan association in Pomorskie Voivodeship. They put their signatures to an open letter addressed to MPs in the Polish Parliament, appealing for the support of the metropolitan law. The appeal was initiated by prof. dr hab. Iwona Sagan from the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography at…
academic life
To Whom It May Concern, Based on information received from the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Health, among others, I would like to inform you that: Academic teachers employed at the university have been classified as group 1C. The expected start time of vaccination for this group is March/April 2021. No firm decisions have yet been made on how the university will be able to transfer lists of…
Prof. dr hab. Robert Alicki, a member of the International Centre for Quantum Theory at the University of Gdańsk, will be a guest of Radio MORS. Together with prof. Alejandro Jenkins from the Universidad de Costa Rica, thanks to new methods of quantum thermodynamics, they solved one of the oldest riddles of physics - the mechanism of electrification of bodies, the so-called…
academic life
- Certainly, it is a didactic loss for our students that laboratory classes are not held," emphasise the pedagogues of the Paweł Adamowicz University Secondary School. Learning after the national quarantine, secondary school students continue online. It is worth recalling that the ULO, opened in 2019, and currently, two years of study continue at the school - together in…
We will talk to our guests about the background of their many years of activity on Tricity stages. We will touch upon such topics as common professional experiences or differences between the work of a dramatic actor and a musical theatre artist. We will ask about their greatest acting challenges, as well as their opinions on changes in theatre and the art of acting over the…
The programme of small grants - UGrants has been launched. This is another activity implemented at the University of Gdańsk within the framework of the Initiative for Research University Excellence (IDUB). The programme makes it possible to receive funding for preliminary research and preparatory activities aimed at planning a research project and acquiring funds for its…
academic life
A whole 100 pages for 50 years, that's how many pages make up the special anniversary issue of Gazeta Uniwersytecka. In it, the most important facts from the life of the University of Gdańsk over the last half-century can be traced in a nutshell through the prism of the local press. The jubilee edition of Gazeta Uniwersytecka entitled 50 years have passed... The University of…
Fot./ We encourage you to listen to an open online lecture during which dr Wojciech Glac from the Neurobiology Laboratory of the Faculty of Biology at the University of Gdańsk will talk about the brain and psychopathic personality. The following answers to questions by dr Wojciech Glaca, neurobiologist, popularizer of science and…
Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO), our SEA-EU partner is one of eight institutions involved in BIENVENÜE, a fellowship programme that offers 75, two-year-long postdoctoral positions to international, highly-skilled researchers. Co-funded by the EU Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, Région Bretagne and partner institutions. The programme aims to reinforce Brittany's…
academic life
"Biologists' Night 2021 - a different formula and unfaltering interest" report Dr Elżbieta Sontag, coordinator of "Biologists' Night at the Faculty of Biology UG and Dr Alicja Chmielewska coordinator of the Biologists' Night at the Faculty of Biotechnology UG and GUMed "For the 10th time, we invited to the Faculty of Biology all those who wanted to see how biologists at the University of Gdańsk work and what they do…
Mayor Aleksandra Dulkiewicz New headquarters for the Paweł Adamowicz University's Secondary School and joint activities to attract talented scientists from abroad were two of many topics discussed during a meeting between Mayor Aleksandra Dulkiewicz and Rector Prof. Piotr Stepnowski at the University of Gdansk. - The University of Gdańsk is linked to the…
academic life
Two years have passed since the day of the fatal attack on Paweł Adamowicz, the Mayor of Gdańsk, stabbed on stage at Targ Węglowy during Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy final. An alumnus of the 1st Secondary School in Gdańsk, he was already politically active during his school years. As a law student at the University of Gdańsk, he was involved in the May 1988 occupational strike at the University of Gdańsk…
science portal
Prof. Maria Mendel. Photo by Sylwester Ciszek Interview with prof. dr hab. Maria Mendel, Department of Social Pedagogy, Institute of Pedagogy, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Gdańsk.   A prominent figure in Polish pedagogy, social pedagogue, researcher and author of the concept of the pedagogy of place, researcher of space and place,…