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If you are a student, PhD student or young scientist and would like to present your research results, discuss your theses or establish scientific contacts, take part in the 2nd Congress of Young Science, which will be held at the University of Gdańsk on July 7-10, 2022. 'Law in pursuit of reality', 'Agribusiness', 'Modern ways of popularising science', 'Diet of active people…
Within the last few decades, the Kashubian community has experienced profound changes that affected all aspects of life: social, political, cultural and economic. The Kashubian Institute and the European Solidarity Centre have prepared space for a scientific discussion on the subject - it will be possible during the national scientific…
academic life
The Independent Students' Association of the University of Gdańsk once again invites you to participate in the Wampiriada project, i.e. an action of honorary student blood donation. On the UG Campus there will be bloodbuses where all willing donors can give blood. Help if you can. Blood is the most precious gift of life. Regional Blood Donation and Haemotherapy Centres still…
academic life
Mgr Kamil Kręt, last year's graduate of the foreign trade specialisation at the MSG Faculty of Economics, University of Gdańsk, won 1st place in the competition organised by the Polish-Chinese Business Council for the best thesis on contemporary economic cooperation between the Republic of Poland and the People's Republic of China. The thesis was supervised by prof. dr hab.…
The Gdańsk Shakespeare Theatre invites UG employees to the performances: 'The Tempest' and 'Alice on the Other Side of the Mirror' as well as for activities with children 'Family Fun with Shakespeare in English'. Ticket prices and details can be found in the employee announcements.
academic life
International Workers' Solidarity Day, known as Labour Day, has been celebrated in Poland for 131 years as a symbolic commemoration of the workers' protests in Chicago. What is the nature of this holiday today? How is it understood? What has changed over the years in labour law? This is what we are talking about with dr hab. Monika Tomaszewska, prof. UG from the Department of…
academic life
Graphic by Alan Stocki/UG Although the statistics in the Children's Rights Ombudsman's report show that social consent for corporal punishment in Poland is decreasing year by year, the approval for hitting children is still disturbingly high in our country. The research shows that 58% of respondents agree that there are situations when a child should be…
academic life
The 'Cycling to the University' campaign is aimed at employees of the University of Gdańsk who care about the environment and are willing to change their transport habits. By participating in our campaign, which is organised jointly with the Gdańsk University of Technology, as part of the Fahrenheit University cooperation, you can get not only in better shape and improve your well-being, but also win attractive gifts…
academic life
Dr hab. Mariusz Czepczyński, prof. UG, talked about public space as seen by many famous thinkers and researchers. The lecture was the first in a series of lectures - debates entitled 'A few words on public space' organised by the Fahrenheit Universities. Jakub Pietruszewski photo by Alan Stocki The event was opened…
academic life
It is with great pleasure that we present to you the results of the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings published on April 27, 2022, where the University of Gdańsk has moved up 200 positions globally compared to last year and has been ranked the highest among all evaluated Polish universities. The ranking comprehensively assesses the policy and activities of universities in the implementation of the 17th UN…
academic life
The University of Gdańsk was ranked 6th in the Forbes Poland's Best Employers 2022 ranking, in the 'education and research' category, and 103rd on the general list of the top 300 Polish employers. The companies which best 'passed the exam' in adapting to the post-modern changes which occurred in the market and therefore can use the title of Poland's Best Employers 2022, were…
The Rector of the University of Gdańsk, prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski, and the Rector of the Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University, prof. Vyacheslav Truba signed an agreement on scientific cooperation in areas related to student education. The University of Gdańsk will also support the admission of a partner university from Ukraine to the SEA-EU alliance of coastal European universities. The signing of the agreement…
academic life
As part of the series 'Friday at the History Faculty' assoc. prof. dr. Yulia Kiselyova from Kharkiv's Vasyl Karazin University, a scholarship holder of the "Polish-Ukrainian scientific program of the UG" will be a guest. On Friday, April 29, 2022, at 11:30-13:00 in the hall 1.48 WH, a lecture entitled 'Results of the Study of Self-representation Practices in Cities of…
Oleksander Plodysty, Consul General of Ukraine in Gdańsk What does the work of a representative of the diplomatic corps in another country look like in practice? What does the consul think about the current situation in 🇺🇦 Ukraine, which has been struggling with Russian aggression for over two months now? What does he think is most necessary and how does…
people of UG
from the left: prof. dr hab. Krystyna Bieńkowska-Szewczyk, dr Karolina Pierzynowska, dr hab. Natasza Kosakowska-Berezecka, prof. UG. Photo by Karol Makurat/ Zawsze Pomorze For effective popularisation of knowledge about SARS-CoV-2 among Polish citizens, the Pomeranian Woman of the Year award was presented to prof. dr hab. Krystyna Bieńkowska-Szewczyk, Head…
academic life
Raising the standard of services provided to foreigners at the University of Gdańsk by increasing the linguistic competence of the administrative staff, creating a Welcome Centre and Welcome Point - places of comprehensive services for the foreign part of the academic community, and introducing foreigners to Polish culture - these are the main objectives of the project entitled 'Hello, nice to SEA-EU! Welcome to the…
The Golden Crosses of the 80th Anniversary of the Home Army creation were presented to the Rector prof. Piotr Stepnowski and the Vice-Rector dr hab. Arnold Kłonczyński, prof. UG by the representatives of the World Association of Home Army Soldiers prof. Jerzy Grzywacz and mgr inż. Tomasz Kuplicki. It is a distinction awarded to institutions and individuals of particular merit for preserving the memory of wartime and…
academic life
The April issue of the 'University Gazette' is now available. In it you can find, among others, an interview with prof. Iryna Ivanova, a scientist from Kharkiv, reports from the UG Open Days, and the reminiscences of the late dr. hab. Tadeusz Dmochowski, prof. UG. The first article after the traditional review of current events is a report on the Open Days of the University…
On the day of William Shakespeare's birthday, the library of prof. Jerzy Limon in the Gdańsk Shakespeare Theatre was ceremoniously opened. The book collection comprises about 3200 volumes of an interdisciplinary nature. - 'It is a humanist library in the fullest sense of the word since it represents its owner's "Renaissance tendency" to combine many aspects of reality, a dialogue between various fields of science and a…
The rectors of Pomeranian universities, who signed an agreement of intent to start scientific cooperation for the development of offshore wind energy in November last year, discussed further activities at the Koszalin University of Technology. The University of Gdańsk was represented by Rector prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski. Photo by Marcin Golik / Koszalin…
Two PhD students from the Faculty of Chemistry UG have been awarded in the 'Popularisation doesn't hurt' competition. Mgr Mateusz Adam Baluk was awarded the title of 'Doctoral Experimenter of the Year' and third prize in the team competition for his project 'Studies with sign language'. First place in this competition, on the other hand, went to mgr Patrycja Laszuk and her team for the bilingual science-integration game…
academic life
People used to talk about autism, today they talk about autism spectrum disorders - what is the difference? How do we support people on the spectrum in their everyday functioning? What does it mean and what does life with this diagnosis look like? Among other things, the staff of the UG Academic Psychological Support Centre will try to answer these questions during an online…
academic life
Every year thousands of new students come to the University of Gdańsk. What are they guided by when making their decisions? Why do they decide on this particular course? Is the offer of the University of Gdańsk wide enough? We asked secondary school students who are considering applying to the University of Gdańsk this year…
academic life
Are animals used for laboratory research subject to pain, insensitivity and ruthlessness? What is it like to work with them? How is this regulated by legislation? These are just some of the issues that, on the occasion of World Laboratory Animal Day, we discuss with dr Dorota Myślińska from the Department of Animal and Human Physiology, Faculty of…
Prof. dr hab. Stanisław Rosiek has been awarded the Poznań Literature Prize - Adam Mickiewicz Prize 2022. As part of his academic work, prof. Stanisław Rosiek dealt with the posthumous cult of Adam Mickiewicz in the 1990s. In 1997, he published a book entitled Zwłoki Mickiewicza. Próba nekrografii poety', a continuation of this research became the book 'Mickiewicz (after death)', published in 2013. In his Mickiewicz…
April 23rd is World Book and Copyright Day. The University of Gdańsk Publishing House publishes around two hundred scientific and popular science titles every year. In May, a new university bookshop-café will be officially opened, where the academic community will be able to get acquainted with new titles over a cup of hot coffee or tea. We are talking with mgr Joanna Kamień, Director and Editor-in-Chief of the…
academic life
The University of Gdańsk's Open Days are over. On April 22nd and 21st this year's secondary school graduates could visit the University Campus, where each of the eleven faculties of the University had a stand. The UG Museum, the Andrzej Wajda Film Centre, the Academic Sports Association and the Mega Open University Radio (MORS) also had their stands.  For the year 2022/2023, the University has prepared over 9,000…
academic life
Safety culture at work is a very broad topic. We address this issue by talking about first aid methods, physical health, personal hygiene and medical examinations, among others. To take better care of yourself and your colleagues, we invite you to the 2nd Occupational Safety and Health Day, which will take place on April 28. The Occupational Safety and Health Office event will begin at 11:00 with an introduction by prof…
academic life
The global economy consumes far more resources than the Earth can regenerate or supply. Humanity already consumes 1.6 times more resources than the planet's regenerative capacity. Would you like to find out more? We invite you to a lecture entitled 'What does it mean to live on ecological credit and how can we change this?' by dr Barbara Pawłowska from the Faculty of…
academic life
At the request of the UG Students' Parliament, the Rector, prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski, declares Monday May 2, 2022 the Rector's Day, free from classes.  At the same time, we would like to remind you that on May 2, 2022 the employees of the central administration have a day off from work or a day of holiday (details in the announcements for employees). The Rector's Office is closed on that day.