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Hundreds of people visited the Erasmus+ Family Picnic on the fourth of September. The stalls at the Coal Market were tempting in terms of smell - a stall full of delicacies by Bartosz Wicherek, bronze medallist in the cooking category of EuroSkills Graz 2021; sound - a concert stage where, among others, the UG Vocal Studio performed; and image - the tent of the Daniel Fahrenheit University, where picnic participants…
people of UG
By virtue of the decision of the President of the Third Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda, dr hab. Sławomir Leśniak, prof. UG from the Department of German Literature and Culture at the UG, was awarded the title of professor of humanities.  - 'The professorial nomination is for me one of the nicest moments on my scientific path. I am pleased that my individual and often unpopular activities in the field of humanities…
We would like to invite you to the Garncarska Festival! On September 4, we will explore the nooks and crannies of one of the oldest streets in Gdańsk and talk about the future of urban space. The event programme includes workshops, refreshments from Garncarska restaurateurs, meetings and walks. Participants will spend time together in this characteristic part of the city to take a fresh look at Gdańsk's public space…
Pictured is the team from the International Centre for Cancer Vaccine Science at the University of Gdańsk. The International Centre for Cancer Vaccine Science at the University of Gdańsk has received more than one million PLN in additional funding from the Foundation for Polish Science for a project carried out under the International Research Agendas…
36 hours of full-time Polish language classes, educational law and the Polish core curriculum will be given to Ukrainian teachers between August 29 and September 2 as part of a training course at the Faculty of Philology. This is part of a four-month course aimed at preparing refugees to work in Polish schools. In June this year, the project received a grant of nearly PLN 800,000 from the Centre for Teacher Education…
academic life
We talk about the direction of further development of the University of Gdańsk, cooperation with the socio-economic environment and the goals set for the near future with dr hab. Sylwia Mrozowska, prof. UG - the new UG Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Development. Photo by Alan Stocki/UG. Elżbieta Michalak-Witkowska…
The journal Nature Nanotechnology has published an article entitled Representing and describing nanomaterials in predictive nanoinformatics, co-authored by dr Alicja Mikołajczyk and dr inż. Karolina Jagiełło and prof. dr hab. Tomasz Puzyn from the Laboratory of Environmental Chemoinformatics, Department of Chemistry, University of Gdańsk. The paper was written on the initiative of the UG scientists as part of scientific…
The Mobile Education Centre, demonstrations of experiments presented by the Association of Fahrenheit Universities, tasting of dishes prepared by the medallist of the EuroSkills 2021 European Championships in cooking, animations and workshops for children - are just some of the attractions planned for the Family Picnic | Erasmus+ Innovation Day, which will take place on September 4 at the Coal Market in Gdańsk.…
Student, professor or doctoral student - anyone can take part in the 18th edition of the Popularisers of Science competition. All you have to do is share your knowledge with a larger group of people daily. You can submit your popular science activity under five categories: 'Animator', 'Institution', 'Media', 'Scientist' and 'Team'. Entries…
From the first of September 2022, the Paweł Adamowicz University Secondary School in Gdańsk will operate in a new location. Its headquarters will move to Wrzeszcz. The ULO focuses not only on the quality of education, but also on inter-university and international cooperation, especially within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme. The official opening ceremony of the new ULO headquarters, which is located at ul.…
academic life
We invite you to read the latest special issue of 'University Gazette', inspired by the May events organised under the common title 'JERZY LIMON: Inspiration - Dialogue - Polemics' by the University of Gdańsk in cooperation with the Shakespeare Theatre in Gdańsk and the Theatrum Gedanense Foundation. The issue includes an article by the Rector of the University of Gdańsk, prof. Piotr Stepnowski, from the catalogue of…
Tons of dead fish, mass extinction of all living organisms in the Oder, in other words, a great ecological disaster. Theories to explain this phenomenon have arisen and continue to arise. We know for sure that one of the factors wreaking havoc in the Oder is algae - the so-called golden algae. How and why did they get there? Can we do anything to avoid further blooms and an ecological crisis in the future? We ask prof…
Photo by dr Kamila Stańczak What tasks should clinical psychologists perform in psychiatric care? Will they gain new competencies and support psychiatric wards? These questions are to be answered by specialists - members of a new team appointed by the Minister of Health. Among them is dr hab. Małgorzata Lipowska, prof. UG from the Faculty of Social…
Every student has probably thought about going to a foreign university for a semester or two during their academic journey. The University of Gdańsk can help such people in many ways - from the initiatives of the SEA-EU European Alliance of Coastal Universities to information meetings about the programmes in question. Find out what opportunities studying abroad at the UG opens up. SEA-EU - the five seas and an ocean…
academic life
Recruitment at the University of Gdańsk will mostly continue until mid-September. So if you are still confronted with the choice of studies, we encourage you to familiarise yourself with our offer. A detailed recruitment schedule is available on the UG website. - 'During the enrolment process for Bachelor's and Master's degrees for the 2022/2023 academic year at UG, the most…
academic life
Those wishing to professionally assist and support a selected community in crises can still take up studies on the Social Work major, implemented by the Institute of Pedagogy, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Gdańsk. - This is a course for those interested not only in the knowledge of contemporary social problems but also in actively solving them - says prof. dr hab. Maria Mendel, Head of the Social Pedagogy…
The Herbert-Stolzenberg Prize was awarded to dr Magdalena Jaś-Nowopolska for her scientific research on the legal conditions of freedom of doing business in Poland and Germany and the impact of the European integration process on economic relations in these countries. This was carried out jointly with the Faculty of Law and Administration of the UG as part of a scientific…
Photo by Alan Stocki/UG The agreement signed between the University of Gdańsk's Faculty of Philology and Brzeski County is aimed at mutual cooperation in the popularisation of education and support for initiatives to this end. It will also enable students to participate in selected classes conducted at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Gdańsk.…
Fot. Błażej Zabłotny/UG Drought, high temperatures, low water levels in rivers and forest fires. Climate change is visible to the naked eye. The transformation of the climate system must go hand in hand with systemic change. Public sector entities, local governments, companies, NGOs and universities are all taking action on this issue. Climate change is…
science portal
Although Antarctica might appear to be an unspoilt, pristine area, it has been the target of research expeditions for years. I talk to dr Dominika Saniewska from the Department of Oceanography and Geography at the University of Gdańsk, who is conducting a project entitled Benthic Organisms as an Indicator of Mercury Sources in the Antarctic Coastal Zone, based on the example of Admiralty Bay, about what this region of…
As part of the Erasmus+ KA107 project and a training trip to Georgia, University of Gdańsk staff visited the Caucasus University in Tbilisi. The topic of the five-day training was the internationalisation of the university and modern forms of promotion and project management. The University of Gdańsk was represented by Dominika Brulińska, Head of the International Cooperation…
science portal
Dr Sylwia Dobkowska: 'I am fascinated by the fact that theatre is different in different places around the world. That's why, during my PhD at the Royal Holloway University of London, I focused on presenting the phenomenon of absence in theatre. This is extremely difficult because absence is about what doesn't exist. For that, it is everywhere and it is very…
academic life
Bumblebee (Bombus). Source/Blog Ms entomologist.   'Ms Entomologist' is a blog about the identification, life, biology, husbandry and usefulness of invertebrates. It is run by dr Paulina Kozina from the Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Parasitology, Faculty of Biology, University of Gdańsk. If you want to learn more about this group of animals, we…
academic life
We would like to invite you to take part in the fourth one-day Saturday tour in the series 'Historical holidays with CASiD', organised by the Centre for Student and Doctoral Activities in cooperation with the UG Student Parliament, the UG Faculty of History Student Government Council and the editorial board of the 'University Gazette'. Below are the details of this trip. Tour IV - Owidz (Festival of Slavic Mythology…
Thanks to the cooperation between the Department of Strategy of the City Hall in Gdynia and the Department of Regional Development of the Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management at the University of Gdańsk, headed by prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Palmowski, a publication on service and commercial points in Gdynia was created. First-year geography students, as part of a field exercise, stocktaking the local…
A PhD student from the Cancer Immunology group at the University of Gdańsk's International Centre for Cancer Vaccine Science (MCBSP), Ines Papak, has received funding from the ExCELLent Grant Programme created by the Polish Stem Cell Bank. Ines was awarded 4th place in a competitive programme aimed at young scientists. She was thus awarded a financial prize to be used to…
The exhibition will be on display from August 5 to September 30 in front of St Catherine's Church in Gdańsk. Until September 30, a new exhibition can be seen in front of St Catherine's Church in Gdańsk: 'Pioneers, researchers, leaders. Women of Gdańsk science'. On the day of the opening - August 5 - a panel discussion was held at Hevelius Square with three…
The Andrzej Wajda UG Film Centre and the Faculty of Philology will host the 28th edition of the 'Visible Evidence' conference from August 10-14. This is one of the most prestigious conferences devoted to film and media globally. Invented almost 30 years ago, it travels the world, organised in a different location every year. Its hosts have included university centres in cities such as Los Angeles, Buenos Aires, Istanbul…
Fot. Pixabay Elephants found ways to avoid Cancer – Article to come out in Molecular Biology and Evolution (IF: 16.2):   Every day our cells replicate. For this the genes in each cell are copied by the process of DNA replication. Ideally, all new cells are exact copies of the…
The proposal of SEA-EU FOR ALL, whose main novelty is the incorporation of 3 partners and of which the University of Cadiz continues to be the coordinator, has been positively evaluated obtaining the support and funding of the European Commission.   Today the results of the call for the renewal of Partnerships belonging to the European…