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social responsibility of science
- 'The University of Gdańsk treats the offshore wind energy sector strategically,' - says the Rector of the University of Gdańsk prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski in an article for BalticWind.EU. The service issued a quarterly report with information about the UG's offer for offshore personnel. The 2022/2023 recruitment process is underway. This year, the University of Gdańsk offers 89 full-time and part-time courses as…
A team consisting of scientists from the University of Gdańsk and the Wrocław University of Technology has won the ninth edition of the 'Eureka! DGP - we discover Polish inventions". Thanks to the solution developed by the scientists from the UG and PW it is possible to effectively, inexpensively and ecologically destroy antibiotics that get into rivers and lakes. This year,…
After three years, the first stage of the SEA-EU European Coastal Universities Alliance came to an end. On the 22nd of June, representatives of all the member universities including - Rector of the University of Gdańsk prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski, project coordinator prof. Fidel Echieverra, Rector of the University of Split prof. Dragan…
academic life
On 22 June 2022, the results of the Perspektywy Ranking of Higher Education Institutions and Ranking of Courses of Studies were officially announced. The University of Gdańsk, similarly to the general ranking, also here recorded an improvement in the position of individual majors.  Majors conducted at the University of Gdańsk - evaluation of RKS 2022 The improvement of the position of the majors conducted at the…
academic life
On June 22, 2022, the results of the Perspektywy Ranking of Higher Education Institutions and Ranking of Majors were officially announced. The University of Gdańsk has risen spectacularly by 7 positions and is now the 16th higher education institution in Poland and 6th among universities. Such a good result of the University of Gdańsk in the Perspektywy 2022 Academic Schools Ranking is commented on with satisfaction by…
Three research projects, five day trips, strengthening of international cooperation and culmination of the first phase of the SEA-EU alliance are just some of the benefits of the SEA-EU research cruise to Cadiz. Scientists and technical staff from the University of Gdańsk, the University of Kiel, the University of Brest, the Ifremer Institute and the University of Cadiz worked together for 27 days to collect samples of…
The stage from Kiel to Brest was full of new experiences for the r/v Oceanograf. The UG ship entered the North Sea, the English Channel and, above all, the Atlantic Ocean for the first time. During this six-day transit, the team of scientists collected various types of samples from the estuaries of the largest rivers in western Europe - the Elbe, the Rhine and the Seine. On June 12, the ship departed for the final part…
The SEA-EU cruise has educational and scientific value, but its most important value is to strengthen the ties between Europe's coastal universities. During the second leg (from Kiel to Brest), scientists from four different research centres are on board the r/v Oceanograf. Kseniia Andrieieva, Jerome Goslin, Ruben Rios and Dr Adam Sokołowski, Prof. UG, tell us how they are working together…
The morning of the tenth of June saw the end of the second leg of the SEA-EU cruise. R/v Oceanograf arrived in the port of Brest, where it will stay until the twelfth of June. A press briefing was held on board the ship, attended by dr Aleksandra Brodecka Goluch, scientific director of the cruise, Matthieu Waeles from the University of Brest and Jerome Goslin, a member of the r/v Oceanograf research crew. After a…
We invite you to join the POLCA Summer School "POLlutions in Coastal Areas", taking place in September on the dates 5-12, 2022, organized by the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography of the University of Gdańsk (Poland) in Professor Krzysztof Skóra Hel Marine Station (Poland). The POLCA Summer School is open to international students of the last three semesters of Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Earth and Environmental…
The European University of the Seas (SEA-EU), within the framework of the reSEArch-EU project, is at the forefront of the SEA-EU Talent Initiative, with which we intend to promote the talent of researchers belonging to universities of the SEA-EU Alliance in different academic fields. Now we are writing to invite you, next Monday, June 13 at 11:00 a.m., to the first webinar of…
academic life
The University of Gdańsk in this year's edition of the QS World University Rankings maintained its last year's position in the range of 801-1000 among the best-ranked universities from around the world. 2462 universities from all over the world applied for a place in this year's ranking, of which 1422 were included in the ranking. In the ranking published on 8th June 2022, 22…
The cruise from Gdynia to Cadiz on a vessel equipped with the latest measuring and research equipment opens up a multitude of possibilities for biologists, chemists and physicists interested in the sea and ocean. The coordinator of the expedition, dr hab. Adam Sokołowski, prof. UG, explains why the scientific committee of the expedition decided to focus on projects concerning aerosols, greenhouse gas emissions from the…
Photo by Krzysztof Krzempek/PG   The first-ever joint ceremony of the academic year opening by UG, PG and GUMed may take place already on October 1, 2022. A letter of intent in this matter was handed over to the President of Gdańsk by Rectors representing the Assembly of the Fahrenheit Universities (FarU). The meeting took place on June 8 this year at the…
academic life
Analysis of socio-economic conditions of studying and comparing them with conditions prevailing in nearly 30 European countries - this is the main objective of the next edition of the international research project EUROSTUDENT VIII. Participants of the following degree courses: first degree, second degree, master's and post-graduate studies are invited to fill in the…
Photo by Krzysztof Witecki Prof. dr hab. Adriana Zaleska-Medynska, head of the Department of Environmental Technology and the Photocatalysis Team at the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Gdańsk, director of the Fahrenheit Universities, received the 'Primum Cooperatio' statuette during this year's gala of the 'Pomeranian Employer of the Year' competition…
Meetings of the consortium implementing the international grant INDEPTH: Frontiers of life: Diversity, adaptation strategies and biotechnological potential of Arctic deep-sea microorganisms are ahead of us. The project concerns research on the biosphere of the deep ocean and is implemented under the GRIEG competition financed from the Norwegian funds. On June 9-11, the…
academic life
Dr hab. inż. Anna Białk-Bielińska, prof. UG. The Zero Waste fashion show, which we could see at the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Gdańsk, was organised as part of the Sustainable Development Day celebrations. In the gallery, we present thirteen creative and unconventional outfits prepared by the staff and students of our university. The…
Dr Marta Pobłocka. Dr Marta Anna Pobłocka from the International Centre for Research on Cancer Vaccines and dr Thomas George Zlosnik from the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science have won research grants within the POLONEZ BIS 1 competition organised by the National Science Centre. They obtained a total of over PLN 2 million. Dr Marta…
academic life
The Herder Centre of the University of Gdańsk - a centre for German-language culture and books invites you to take part in a three-week summer German language course stationary and online 'Ich habe voll Bock auf Deutsch'.   The courses will take place between July 4-21, 2022 with a total of 36 class hours, at different levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. When: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday afternoon courses, 5.10 pm…
academic life
Prof. Leszek Balcerowicz, honorary doctor of the University of Gdańsk, the creator of Polish economic reforms at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s, will visit the University of Gdańsk with a guest lecture entitled 'Tantalising and how to counteract it'. The event is open to all interested parties. On June 7, within the framework of the Academic Forum of the European Financial…
UG alumni
Przemysław Kondratowicz is 41 years old. Since birth he has suffered from cerebral palsy and muscle tension, which is hard to control. He moves around in a wheelchair and, despite his illness, he drives tourists around Malbork castle in an electric melex. He recently published his first story. He is probably the only person in the world who has written a book with his nose. Because of his illness, Przemysław…
This Friday, the 10th of June, we would like to invite everyone to the premiere of a performance inspired by William Shakespeare's drama 'Othello', directed by Jan Orszulak, the founder and director of Standby Studio at the Academic Cultural Centre of the University of Gdańsk. Elwira Romaniuk: - What is it like to 'create'? Jan Orszulak, director at Standby Studio - It gives you an incredible sense of freedom and self…
social responsibility of science
What should sustainable cities of the future be like? What is a smart city? Answers to these and many other questions were given by prof. dr hab. Iwona Sagan in an interview from the series 'University conversations about sustainable development'. We invite you to watch another film in the series 'University conversations about sustainable development' prepared by the Centre for Sustainable Development of the University…
On the third of June, the r/v Oceanograf became a 'drifting university' where academic communities from the two SEA-EU universities could work together and exchange knowledge. Students and scientists from Christian Albrecht University Kiel (CAU) boarded the catamaran. The guests took part in research in Eckernförde Bay, where the cruise research team carried out hydroacoustic measurements and took samples of sediment…
If you are looking for an idea for a city holiday for your child, the Centre for Physical Education and Sport of the University of Gdańsk and the AZS University of Gdańsk have an interesting proposal for holiday sports and recreation courses for children aged 9 to 12. The offer includes three periods of classes with two profiles: football (for beginners and intermediate…
In the evening, on June 4th scientific vessel Oceanograf left Kiel port. During the next part of the cruise the crew will mostly conduct research connected to work package three - comparative studies of microplastics in European coastal waters. In the next few days the ship will enter the North SEA and then the English Channel, but first it needs to pass Kiel Channel.    New chapter of the cruise also means a change of…
On the second of June, the Oceanograf received many distinguished guests. First, a press conference was held on board, where representatives of Kiel University and Professor Fidel Echevarria, the coordinator of the alliance, talked about the cruise and SEA-EU itself. The members of the SEA-EU Governing Board were then given a tour of the vessel by dr Aleksandra Brodecka-Goluch, the cruise's scientific director, and…
academic life
On Thursday, June 2, during a ceremonial session of the Gdańsk City Council held in Artus Court, St Adalbert's Medals and Prince Mściwój's Medals were awarded. Two scientists from the University of Gdańsk were among this year's laureates: prof. dr hab. Krystyna Bieńkowska-Szewczyk and dr Anna Strzałkowska. In total, six people and one organisation acting for the benefit of our city received decorations. The medals of S…
academic life
Children's Day at the UG was very popular. The fun was not even hindered by the short-lived, although heavy, rain. Inflatables, colourful tattoos and face painting attracted most children, who could also try their hand at martial arts with an instructor from 'Ultimate Aiki', a combination of Aikido and MMA. The youngest children watched with interest a flamenco dancer, who amazed them with her skills and invited them to…