Newsletter biura SEA-EU

Uwaga! Komunikat archiwalny. Jego treść może być już nieaktualna.

Szanowni Państwo,


zapraszamy do zapoznania się z kolejnym numerem newslettera prezentującym zbliżające się aktywności organizowane przez SEA-EU. Newsletter jest interaktywnym PDF-em (zdjęcia i pola "jak dołączyć" prowadzą do szczegółowych opisów wydarzeń).

Pozostajemy do Państwa dyspozycji w razie jakichkolwiek pytań i konieczności udzielenia dodatkowych informacji.

Biuro SEA-EU

+48 58 523 31 89

ul. Bażyńskiego 8, pokój 219

80-309 Gdańsk

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Dear Sir or Madam,


new SEA-EU activities are now available.

· Joint PhD courses – for doctoral candidates

The SEA-EU Joint PhD Courses is an activity based on the principle of reciprocity: Each SEA-EU partner university offers PhD courses to doctoral candidates from other partner universities. List of upcoming courses from March to September 2022: Research Impact: Make Yourself Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) Ready, Business Modelling with the Business Model Canvas (G2), English for writing research papers. · Webinar SEA-EU: Foodborne pathogens: history and transmission – for everyone

This webinar is a brief introduction of the most infamous pathogens responsible for foodborne diseases. Every year millions of people suffer from diarrhea and hundred of thousands are dying from it. Dr Amandine Hauer will briefly present a selection of bacteria (Campylobacter, E.coli, Salmonella, etc.), viruses (HAV, Norovirus), and parasites (Giardia, Entamoeba, etc.) through their important historical facts, their description, the diseases they are responsible for, and the sources of contamination. · Scientific-professional conference on Environmental protection – for students

Meeting of scientists, professionals and students on environmental protection in the Republic Croatia (3rd ZORH meeting) is a project organized by students of Chemical – Faculty of Technology in Split together with the student section of the Croatian Society chemical engineers. The right to participate have: undergraduate and graduate students of chemistry, chemistry technology and related studies, scientists and experts actively engaged in scientific work in the field of ecology and environmental protection.



Best regards,

SEA-EU Project Office

Bażyńskiego 8, room no. 219

80-309 Gdańsk

Załącznik Rozmiar
Newsletter SEA-EU 9.03.2022 3.78 MB
Data publikacji
Pokaż rejestr zmian

Data publikacji: piątek, 11 Marzec, 2022 - 07:59; osoba wprowadzająca: Weronika Wolska Ostatnia zmiana: środa, 17 Kwiecień, 2024 - 07:45; osoba wprowadzająca: Sebastian Zaborowski