JOB OFFER Post-doc (No. 2024_15) |
Position /Stanowisko: |
Post-doctoral researcher /Naukowiec ze stopniem doktora |
Scientific discipline /Dyscyplina naukowa: |
Biotechnology / biotechnologia |
Contract type /Rodzaj umowy: |
Employment contract /umowa o pracę |
Number of job offers /Liczba ofert pracy: |
1 |
Monthly salary /Miesięczne wynagrodzenie: |
gross monthly salary approx. 8 700 PLN (before tax and social insurance dedutions) / ok. 8 700 PLN brutto |
Position starts on /Rozpoczęcie pracy od: |
As soon as possible /w najszybszym możliwym terminie |
Maximum period of contract /Maksymalny okres obowiązywania umowy: |
6 months with possibility to extend up to 34 months in total /6 miesięcy z możliwością przedłużenia do 34 miesięcy w sumie |
Institution /Instytucja: |
International Centre for Cancer Vaccine Science, University of Gdansk, Poland /Międzynarodowe Centrum Badań nad Szczepionkami Przeciwnowotworowymi), Uniwersytet Gdański, Polska Address /Adres: ul. Kładki 24, 80-809 Gdańsk, Polska |
Project leader /Kierownik projektu: |
Dr hab. Wojciech Siwek |
Project title /Tytuł projektu:
"Mechanisms for Establishment of Transcriptional Memory”, grant agreement no. UMO-2022/47/D/NZ1/01883 /"Mechanizmy Inicjacji Pamięci Transkrypcyjnej” nr UMO-2022/47/D/NZ1/01883. |
Offer description / Opis oferty: |
We are looking for a post-doc to work in the International Centre for Cancer Vaccine Science (ICCVS) hosted by the University of Gdańsk. The position is offered in the Immune Memory & Cell Reprogramming research group led by dr hab. Wojciech Siwek. The position is offered in the frame of the project "Mechanisms for Establishment of Transcriptional Memory”. The project is funded by the National Science Centre within the programme SONATA under grant agreement no. UMO-2022/47/D/NZ1/01883.
Poszukujemy naukowca ze stopniem doktora, który dołączy do zespołu badawczy Międzynarodowego Centrum Badań nad Szczepionkami Przeciwnowotworowymi Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego. Stanowisko oferowane jest w grupie badawczej Pamięć Immunologiczna & Reprogramowanie Komórek kierowanej przez dra hab. Wojciecha Siwka. Oferta pracy dotyczy stanowiska w ramach projektu "Mechanizmy Inicjacji Pamięci Transkrypcyjnej”. Projekt realizowany jest w ramach programu SONATA finansowanego przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki w ramach umowy nr UMO-2022/47/D/NZ1/01883.
About the projectThis project aims to discover novel epigenetic mechanisms by understanding cellular, molecular and structural aspects of initiation of interferon-gamma (IFNγ) transcriptional memory. Epigenetics is a process that describes a heritable phenotype resulting from changes in the cell without alterations in the DNA sequence. It is fundamental for multicellular life as it maintains gene expression during growth and in adulthood. Transcription factor feedback loops can sustain active gene expression but are not always required. This suggests that other processes are involved in preserving active transcription. Strikingly, such mechanisms are largely unknown. This knowledge gap comes from the fact that uncoupling transcription from maintenance of active states is difficult to achieve experimentally. Due to this reason the field of epigenetics is almost exclusively focused on studying the mechanisms responsible for sustained gene silencing. To uncouple transcription form maintenance, and gain access to novel epigenetic mechanisms, I am exploring a phenomenon present in innate immunity: transcriptional memory. During this process, cells primed with a certain cue will show increased rates of gene expression after restimulation many days later. In our previous work, we set up a robust transcriptional memory protocol using interferon gamma (IFNγ) stimulation. We discovered novel genes that show the effect and gained initial insights into the molecular mechanisms controlling initiation of the phenomenon. We discovered locally acting repressors and identified specific transcription factors involved in the establishment of transcriptional memory. Moreover, we showed that initiation of memory is not just a simple consequence of transcription as artificial activation of a memory gene does not lead to memory initiation. We are now in a unique position to understand this epigenetic problem in unprecedented detail. We have the necessary tools, expertise and preliminary data to uncover novel mechanisms of transcriptional memory. In this project, we want to understand how IFNγ transcriptional memory is initiated on a cellular, molecular and structural levels; generalize the discoveries to maintenance of active transcription and translate the knowledge to macrophage biology. We have four major aims: (1) determine what factors are required for establishment of transcriptional memory; (2) reconstitute the memory initiation complex in vitro; (3) generalize the discoveries to maintenance of active transcription in other cell types; and (4) translate the knowledge to maintenance of macrophage identity, in cell lines and primary cells. In summary, this project addresses a major knowledge gap and will lead to fundamental discoveries in epigenetics. It will bring about multidisciplinary training of future scientists. Insights from this research will uncover new avenues for manipulation of the innate immune system for the benefit of public health, with particular focus on macrophage based anti-cancer immunotherapies. This will pave the way for industrial collaboration and new jobs in the biotechnology sector.
About the Research Group Immune Memory & Cell ReprogrammingThe Group aims to discover novel molecular mechanisms of gene regulation and epigenetics. The focus is on understanding how interferon-gamma mediated transcriptional memory is initiated, maintained and recalled; with the long-term goal to translate this research into the clinic. Research focus:Proper regulation of gene expression is fundamental for multicellular life. In my research, I am interested in how cells maintain gene expression states. I am exploring a phenomenon present in the innate immune system – transcriptional memory as a model system. Transcriptional memory is a process during which cells exposed to a certain cue (induction) will remember the experience and respond to the second stimulation with the same signal (reinduction) more strongly. I am studying how this process works in human cells.
Grupa Badawcza Pamięć Immunologiczna & Reprogramowanie KomórekGrupa badawcza Pamięć Immunologiczna & Reprogramowanie Komórek zajmuje się odkrywaniem nowych mechanizmów molekularnych regulacji genów oraz dziedziczenia epigenetycznego. Głównym celem badań jest zrozumienie, w jaki sposób inicjowana, utrzymywana i przywoływana jest pamięć transkrypcyjna indukowana interferonem-gamma. Długofalowym celem jest zakotwiczenie tych badan w komórkach pierwotnych i translacja do kliniki. Prowadzone badania:Odpowiednia regulacja ekspresji genów jest fundamentalna dla życia wielokomórkowego. W moich badaniach interesuje mnie, w jaki sposób komórki utrzymują stany ekspresji genów. Analizuję zjawisko występujące we wrodzonym układzie odpornościowym – pamięć transkrypcyjną. Pamięć transkrypcyjna to proces, w którym komórki wystawione na działanie określonego sygnału (indukcja) „zapamiętują” to doświadczenie i reagują na drugą stymulację tym samym sygnałem (reindukcja) silniej. Badam, jak ten proces jest regulowany w komórkach ludzkich.
About ICCVSThe International Centre for Cancer Vaccine Science (ICCVS) has been established in 2017 as a joint unit of the University of Gdańsk (UG) and the University of Edinburgh (UoE) within a project carried out within the International Research Agendas Programme of the Foundation for Polish Science funded from the European Regional Development Fund. The aim of ICCVS has been comprehensive research into development of novel diagnostic and prognostic markers and personalized anti-cancer therapies and vaccines, followed by their commercialization and implementation into clinical practice. ICCVS works on a range of national and international research projects concentrating on cancer biology and novel approaches to immunotherapies. The focus of the ICCVS is the development of personalized vaccine against non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The approach is based on use of cancer specific T cells that are selected by the special algorithm elaborated at ICCVS. The first in vitro and in vivo studies are very encouraging, and the team plans to start clinical trials in a few years perspective. More information at: International Centre for Cancer Vaccine Science (ICCVS) powstało w 2017 roku jako wspólna jednostka Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego (UG) i Uniwersytetu w Edynburgu (UoE) w ramach projektu realizowanego w programie Międzynarodowe Agendy Badawcze Fundacji na rzecz Nauki Polskiej finansowanego ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego. Celem ICCVS są kompleksowe badania nad rozwojem nowych markerów diagnostycznych i prognostycznych oraz spersonalizowanych terapii i szczepionek przeciwnowotworowych, a następnie ich komercjalizacja i wdrożenie do praktyki klinicznej. ICCVS pracuje nad szeregiem krajowych i międzynarodowych projektów badawczych koncentrujących się na biologii nowotworów i nowych strategiach wykorzystania immunoterapii w onkologii. Głównym celem prac w ICCVS jest opracowanie spersonalizowanej szczepionki przeciwko niedrobnokomórkowemu rakowi płuca. Podejście to opiera się na wykorzystaniu specyficznych dla nowotworu limfocytów T, za pomocą specjalnych algorytmów opracowanych w ICCVS. Pierwsze badania in vitro i in vivo są bardzo obiecujące, a zespół planuje rozpocząć badania kliniczne w perspektywie kilku lat. Więcej informacji na stronie:
Key responsibilities include / Kluczowe obowiązki obejmują: |
Profile of candidates and requirements /Profil kandydatów i wymagania: |
We offer /Oferujemy: |
General rules of the recruitment process /Ogólne zasady procesu rekrutacji: |
Required documents /Wymagane dokumenty: |
Documents referring to items 1-5 should be prepared in English and sent merged as ONE pdf file.
Dokumenty dot. pkt 1-5 powinny być sporządzone w języku angielskim i przesłane jako jeden scalony plik Pdf. |
Submit the documents to /Prześlij dokumeny do: | please add the reference PhD_2024_15 in the email subject |
Application deadline /Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: |
13 January 2025, 23:59:59 |
For more details visit /Więcej informacji znajdziesz pod adresem: |
Information clause for the candidate for the postdoc position under the project "Mechanisms for Establishment of Transcriptional Memory” UMO-2022/47/D/NZ1/01883
According to the General Data Protection Regulation of 27 April 2016 hereafter referred to as GDPR, the University of Gdańsk would like to inform you that:
The administrator of your personal data is the University of Gdansk with its seat
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The Administrator has appointed a Data Protection Officer, who can be contacted at telephone number (58) 523 31 30 or e-mail address:
The Data Protection Officer may be contacted in all matters regarding the processing of personal data and exercising rights connected with the processing. -
Your personal data will be processed in order to carry out the recruitment process for the postdoc position at the International Centre for Cancer Vaccine Science at the University of Gdańsk within the project "Mechanisms for Establishment of Transcriptional Memory” grant agreement: UMO-2022/47/D/NZ1/01883 financed from the funds of National Science Centre and in the case of positive conclusion of the recruitment process - also for post-doc employment purposes within this project.
The legal basis for the processing of your personal data for the purposes of recruitment is Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR - consent of the data subject, and in the case of employment also Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR - processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party, or to take action at the request of the data subject before entering into a contract.
Your personal data will be processed on behalf of the controller by authorised personnel solely for the purposes referred to in point 3.
Your personal data will not be shared with external entities, except in cases provided by law. Moreover, recipients of your personal data can be Managing, Accounting, Intermediate Bodies, Monitoring, Controlling, Implementing or Project Partners. Additionally, in case of electronic submission of application documents, the recipient of your data can be an entity acting on behalf of the controller, i.e. an entity which is a postal service provider.
Your personal data shall be stored for the period necessary to meet the objectives indicated in point 3, including the period of the Project's implementation and settlement of its sustainability and archiving, while this period may be extended by the financing institution. In the case of a negative outcome of the competition procedure, your data shall be deleted immediately after its completion, unless the archiving requirement is provided for by law in a specific scope - then for the period specified in these provisions.
Providing personal data is voluntary, but it is a condition for employment in the post-doc position in the framework of the "Mechanisms for Establishment of Transcriptional Memory” grant agreement: UMO-2022/47/D/NZ1/01883project funded by the National Science Centre.
Under the terms of the GDPR regulations, you are entitled to:
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I have read the clause:
(date and applicant's signature)