On September 4, 2023, Indian Ambassador to Poland Nagma Mohamed Mallick visited the International Centre for Cancer Vaccine Studies (ICCVS) at the University of Gdańsk. The Ambassador was welcomed by the Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Development UG, dr hab. Sylwia Mrozowska, prof. UG, ICCVS director, prof. dr hab. Natalia Marek-Trzonkowska, and dr…
Gold medals for Oliwia Laskowska in the 470 class and Wiktoria Gołębiowska in the ILCA 6 class, as well as the vice-championship of Poland for the duo Tytus Butowski and Łukasz Machowski in the popular 49 class – these are the successes achieved by students of the University of Gdańsk during the Polish Sailing Championships in Olympic classes, which ended in Puck. Below is a complete list of successes achieved during…
The development of research into quantum technologies and substantive and practical support for the entire Polish quantum industry – these are the main goals of the Quantum Technologies Cluster. The general meeting of the representatives of this organisation was held recently at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of the University of Gdańsk. Last Friday, the University of Gdańsk hosted a meeting of…
academic life
It will be all over before you know it. You may not realise that NOW, but it’s important. These moments – they are not to be missed, Of which you are the author and the hero. In the new image campaign of the University of Gdańsk, we present the story of five students: Szymon, Karolina, Oliwia, Krystian and Martyna. They, as well as others…
people of UG
Izabela Dłużyk from the Centre for Foreign Languages at the University of Gdańsk has been recording the sounds of nature since she was 12 years old. She records birds and the environment in which they live, capturing moments that many of us would not notice. The latest audio story featuring her can be heard on the British broadcaster BBC. Izabela Dłużyk has been blind since birth, but this does not stop her from…
The 26th Polish Peptide Symposium, organised by the staff of the Department of Molecular Biochemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Gdańsk, was held from September 3–7, 2023, in Stare Jabłonki. The Polish Peptide Symposium is a cyclical event organised every other year for over 50 years. Due to the epidemiological situation, the last meeting…
academic life
As it does every year in September, the University of Gdańsk Students' Parliament organised an adaptation camp near Starogard Gdański for first-year students who will start their studies at our University on October 1. The camp started with a training session on, among other things, students' rights and duties, what to look out for at university, and the opportunities the university provides. The presenter pointed out…
The University of Gdańsk's Rector, prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski chaired a panel on European Universities and European Centres of Vocational Excellence, and together with, among others, director Krzysztof Zanussi, participated in a discussion summarising the Congress organised as part of Euroskills 2023 Gdańsk. During the conference accompanying the…
The AquaLoop project, with a total budget of EUR 1,673,347.79 (including EUR 395,950.00 for the University of Gdańsk), will enable the University of Gdańsk to further its cooperation with leading bodies working on the green and blue economy in the South Baltic region. The development of the University of Gdańsk's cooperation with foreign partners: research institutions, businesses, and local authorities is also expected…
academic life
They make it possible to change careers efficiently, gain new qualifications and broaden professional competencies. The University of Gdańsk is still recruiting for postgraduate studies in more than 50 fields of study. Postgraduate studies at the University of Gdansk meet the market's needs and consider contemporary civilisational challenges. This year…
From the left: The Voivodeship Police Commander, Superintendent Andrzej Łapiński and  Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality dr hab. Arnold Kłonczyński, prof. UG Training in security and dissemination of knowledge on tolerance – these are just some of the aspects of collaboration resulting from the agreement signed…
The University of Gdańsk is continuing its fruitful cooperation with Santander Bank Polska S.A.. In the soon-to-begin 2023/2024 academic year, the financial institution will again donate PLN 50,000 for prizes for students and doctoral students. The call for applications has just started! Thanks to the donation received, 32 students and doctoral students at our university will receive prizes for their achievements by the…
academic life
Students and teachers of the Pawel Adamowicz University High School in Gdańsk (ULO) celebrated their return to school! The official start of the 2023/2024 school year on September 4, 2023, was also attended by representatives of Fahrenheit University, including the Rector of the University of Gdańsk, prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski and the Rector of the…
academic life
A colourful parade and inspiring speeches – let's start the new academic year together!  On September 30, on the initiative of Fahrenheit Union of Universities, Pomeranian universities and local authorities will officially open the 2023/2024 academic year. A colourful march of the academic community will take place in Gdańsk for the second time – a dozen Pomeranian universities will meet on the last Saturday of…
academic life
On the last Saturday of September (September 30, 2023), a colourful march and a lavish parade will take place at Długi Targ in Gdańsk. For the second time, universities and local authorities will officially open the new academic year! The city of Gdańsk is not only one of Poland's most important academic centres but also a place where science,…
social responsibility of science
Offshore wind energy, as a newly emerging sector of the maritime economy in Poland, is an opportunity for the socio-economic development of Poland and Pomerania in particular and for the professional development of people interested in employment in this area. Therefore, the University of Gdańsk is launching the recruitment for the third edition of the…
The signing of a letter of intent on cooperation between our University and the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau took place on September 4 at the University of Gdańsk. The partnership will concern, among other things, joint information and education initiatives, in particular the organisation of training courses. The event was attended by the Head of the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau, Colonel Andrzej Stróżny, Director of…
Students from the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology UG and MUG are working on cleaning the sea of toxic phthalates, chemicals used to soften plastic. The team is taking part in the international iGEM competition, where young researchers from around the world work to solve problems using synthetic biology. Similar to hormones, but harmful…
academic life
Postgraduate studies in Real Estate Brokering and Investing and Management of Real Estate and Development Projects are two offers from the Faculty of Management at the University of Gdańsk addressed to those interested in the economic, legal, and technical knowledge necessary to perform the profession of real estate broker or directly invest in the…
The Peasants (2023), Imago (2023) or Next to Nothing (2023) - these films will soon be competing for awards at the 48th Polish Film Festival in Gdynia. This year, the decision as to who will get Don Quixote (the statuette of the Polish Federation of Film Discussion Clubs) will be made by, among others, Tomasz Pupacz, deputy manager of ACK UG Alternator…
Prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Węgrzyn and dr hab. Marc-André Selosse have been ranked among the most prominent scientists in Poland in their respective fields according to the portal. This year's Best Scientists in the World list included five researchers from UG, among them (in addition to those mentioned above) Rector UG prof. dr hab. Piotr…
More places in kindergartens and a discount voucher from the Rector for preschool care for children of employees and students of the University of Gdańsk – this is how the school year began for parents connected with our university. The inauguration of the year took place in the newly established Positive Public Kindergarten No. 11 in Gdańsk-Oliwa. ‘Pro-family activities result from educational cooperation between the…
Dr Marcin Pawłowski, prof. UG and honorary doctor prof. Anton Zeilinger - these are just some speakers at this year's 48th Congress of the Polish Physical Society. Between September 1 and 7, the Gdańsk University of Technology and the University of Gdańsk will host interactive exhibitions, physics demonstrations, and lectures on quantum cryptography or teaching methods…
More than 600 competitors from 32 countries will participate in 43 competitions during EuroSkills – an international industry skills competition organised by WorldSkills Europe and held for the first time in Poland. The event will bring together hundreds of young professionals from countries across Europe to compete for the chance to become the best in their chosen skills. For the first time, Poland, specifically Gdańsk…
Fot. archiwum FNP The head of the Laboratory of Experimental and Translational Immunology at the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology UG and MUG, dr hab. n. med. Danuta Gutowska-Owsiak, prof. UG has been recognised with a nomination from the Foundation for Polish Science to AcademiaNet. The portal is run by the Swiss National…
Materials of Between.Pomiędzy Dispersed Festival The Between.Pomiędzy Research Workshop, under the direction of dr hab. Tomasz Wiśniewski, prof. UG from the Department of Performing Arts Research, Faculty of Philology, University of Gdańsk, invites you to the Polish premiere of the dance film Home, directed by American choreographer…
A book Minor Cinema. In the Circle of Films of the Czech and Slovak New Wave (UG Publishing House, Gdańsk 2022) by dr Grażyna Świętochowska (Department of Film and Media at the Institute for Cultural Research of the Faculty of Philology, UG) was awarded the prestigious annual prize of the Polish Society for Film and Media Studies for the best debut of…
The Summer School for the Promotion of Democratic Values was attended by students from Odessa's Ilya Mynichkov National University and SEA-EU universities. This was made possible thanks to the National Agency for Academic Exchange funding. The Summer School for the Promotion of Democratic Values took place at the University of Gdańsk from August 13-24. Its organiser, the Centre for Student and Doctoral Activities, aimed…
The Kosciuszko Foundation is opening a call for grant applications to conduct research projects at American universities in the academic year 2024/2025 under the Exchange Program to the US. Grants are awarded in all scientific disciplines in three categories: The Kosciuszko Foundation Fellowship is aimed at research and teaching fellows at any stage…
From the left: prof. Arnold Kłonczyński, President Michał Pietrzykowski and dr Piotr Zieliński. Another cooperation expands the training offer of the University of Gdańsk! On August 23, 2023, the UG signed an agreement with the Gdańsk District Pharmaceutical Chamber. Under its terms, the parties will cooperate in organising courses…